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volkl deacon 72 vs master 72

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Heya all, I'm looking at these 2 ski's (and a pair of others).

I recently destroyed my dynastar speedzone 14's in 1m74 (the ones with the raceplate). Have skied about 90 days on them, and loved them as my easy to go to, mid/short turn ski for when I'm just balming around, want to do some more dedicated short carves or when the conditions are bad. My other pair is the more serious fischer the curv in 1m83 which is my more keep my attention long turn ski

So looking to replace the speedzones and looking at the deacon 72 and the master 72. I live locally in the Dolomites and can get the masters for the same price as the normal deacon 72s. However bit worried about the stiffness. The goal of the ski is mid to short turn for some dedicated carving, but also to be able to just ski mindlessly without effort when needed or when the conditions are chopped up.

Ski about 30-40 days per year, 1m91 and 110kg. I recently started using carv just to play around and I'm a 135-140 ski iq on blues and reds and a 120-125 on blacks. Thanks for your feedback!
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
As you live in the Dolomites, surely the best thing to do is try them for yourself and pick the one that works best for you?
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well I can find the deacon 72 to test (and will), but not the master.
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
All you can do is try the standard version and see if it's missing something - which I'd doubt. I'd expect the Master version to be pretty stiff - good for high speed carving and amateur racing, but somewhat lacking in forgiveness and versatility. Hopefully someone who has tried it can comment.
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
@beester1976, we tried the Deacons 7 years ago (or the then equiv) and back to back vs Mantras they were a bit noodley. See what you think.
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
@beester1976, as the owner of a pair of SpeedZone 14's I'm curious - how did you manage to destroy your pair. They seem pretty robust skis to me.
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Valkyrie wrote:
@beester1976, as the owner of a pair of SpeedZone 14's I'm curious - how did you manage to destroy your pair. They seem pretty robust skis to me.

Well came back from 10 days skiing in Badia, and on 24th in the morning I was servicing (waxing) the ski sets. While I was doing that (it's in a 2nd building/garage) my 5y old son was playing in the courtyard, fell hard, hit his knee, deep cut, needing stitches,hero (just saying they heal fast and don't remember pain).

Unfortunately, as you probably already guessed, he screamed like a mad man, and blood was gushing out, so my focus shifted for a tad too long from the iron set to a balmy 120 °C on the base of my speedzone 14 to my sons agony.

Bit sad to see them go, because they really are fun skies, but I think it's a write off after 90 days skiing them and more importantly a hot iron.
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 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
beester1976 wrote:

Bit sad to see them go, because they really are fun skies, but I think it's a write off after 90 days skiing them and more importantly a hot iron.

Why not go for more Dynastars?
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
I ski on the regular Deacon 72 fairly frequently as a more forgiving ski than my 3-4 year old Racetiger GS skis when teaching. I doubt the Deacon Master is as stiff as the Racetiger and would probably prefer it as a ski for hardpack rather than the standard Deacon for personal piste skiing.
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Old Fartbag wrote:
beester1976 wrote:

Bit sad to see them go, because they really are fun skies, but I think it's a write off after 90 days skiing them and more importantly a hot iron.

Why not go for more Dynastars?

Because not sure in where in the dynastar model range the speedzone 14 pro falls. Plus never bad to ski other brands? I've skied atomics (just testing, S, Q9, X9), rossignol (the hero elite MT), stockli (tested the SL, SC, and SX), fischer (various models) and dynastar (the one speedzone 14), but never been on volkls (I'll test now), blizzard, K2, ...
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snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
Chris_n wrote:
I ski on the regular Deacon 72 fairly frequently as a more forgiving ski than my 3-4 year old Racetiger GS skis when teaching. I doubt the Deacon Master is as stiff as the Racetiger and would probably prefer it as a ski for hardpack rather than the standard Deacon for personal piste skiing.

Thanks... I'm sure I'm not your level but I'm a quite heavy bloke and the speedzone 14's never felt "heavy" or "too stiff", in fact they are (or were) a lot easier to ski than the fischer the curv in the longest length.
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 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
@beester1976, Fair enough.

I'd be surprised if one or other of the Volkls don't suit....but you may have to judge what the Master version might be like, based on the standard version.
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So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
beester1976 wrote:
Old Fartbag wrote:
beester1976 wrote:

Bit sad to see them go, because they really are fun skies, but I think it's a write off after 90 days skiing them and more importantly a hot iron.

Why not go for more Dynastars?

Because not sure in where in the dynastar model range the speedzone 14 pro falls. Plus never bad to ski other brands? I've skied atomics (just testing, S, Q9, X9), rossignol (the hero elite MT), stockli (tested the SL, SC, and SX), fischer (various models) and dynastar (the one speedzone 14), but never been on volkls (I'll test now), blizzard, K2, ...

How did you find the X9? They are a pretty stiff ski and probably more in line with the Master than the regular Deacon. The X7 is a more relaxed ski than the X9 and from my point of view one that I would rather use to teach very much like the standard Deacon. I do like my Völkl skis as do many of my colleagues especially after the amount or delaminated Atomics we have seen among the instructors in the last couple of years.
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 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
Well I skied the green version (the first version with the metal plates?)... skied it in 1m75 and found it stiff and very very direct. The narrow waist didn't allow for much balancing errors. Also remember that I it skied more long than mid/short turn. Good ski for when the groomers are perfect in the morning, less so in chopped up afternoon snow. Much more direct and race feel than the speedzone 14s, a bit too direct. The margin for error was quite a bit lower, but fun in the right circumstances.
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