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Boot Fitter Advice

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
I'm new to skiing, and went for the first time a few weeks ago and Park City. I picked it up fast, and caught the bug. I was able to comfortably ski greens and some blues by the end of the second day, and I'm learning fast but I know I have a ridiculous amount left to learn. We took some lessons and will take more.

I caught the bug.. and I'm going all in on skiing. I went to a boot fitter, and told them about my experience, and trusted them to guide me through the process. I'm 5' 11", 185lbs and reasonably athletic, and I let them know I'd prefer something I wouldn't outgrow really quickly. In retrospect, that may have been a flex rating of 100-110 (I didn't know enough when I went in.. I've been doing nothing but learning since)

They didn't have a huge selection (just 3 boots in my size of 26) but they highly recommended that I go with Salomon Alpha Pro 130 boots. These weren't on my radar, and I asked him a lot about the flex and he wasn't concerned. He just kept referring to my mass going downhill and how they'll flex for me, and how I can turn some screw in the back to make them more flexible while I'm learning in them. My wife was in the same boat, and he pushed her toward boots that are 105.{gclid}_k_&utm_id=go_cmp-17367917887_adg-136473254879_ad-601028629602_pla-52230534043_dev-c_ext-_prd-SALZA5E-RACBLUWHI-S275

I had some alarm bells going off, but I ended up proceeding with his recommendation. He heat molded the boot / liners to my feet and I purchased them. Now that I've had more time to read, research, and learn - I think I made a massive mistake. These are marketed to experts / racers and I understand the stiffness may actually impair my ability to develop the right technique.

Other red flags: I asked if there are times where I'd prefer less stiffness and he said the nicer boots are stiffer and kept going back to 'my mass'. He didn't ask us to wear multiple boots and flex in them. He only measured our foot length and calf size. He didn't have us put our foot in the shell without a liner.

That said, I drove 2 hours to see him because he's highly recommended online and listed on (perhaps not as positive sign as I was hoping)

After I bought them.. he was also clear he guarantees fit, and doesn't accept refunds.. so I don't have many options there. They were also heat molded to my feet, so I don't really blame him either.

Should I try to learn in these? Bite the bullet and get new boots? Try to have someone make them more flexible (with what I understand are permanent changes)?
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
In the end of the day boot fitters are salesmen and will only sell you what's in their shop, like any salesman/woman, treat with suspicion, especially if they've not got much in your size.
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
@nevis1003, not all of them, you old cynic ... and on xmas eve as well Shocked

@EpicTiger, you might get on fine with them. Dial back the flex. Give them a go. Can't imagine you can secure a refund I'm afraid. But it does sound as though you've been mis-sold.
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
@nevis1003, Not all boot fitters are like that so it’s unfair to label them all. I know from experience that Graham at Rivington Alpine won’t sell someone a boot if it isn’t suitable and I’m sure Colin at Solutions4feet wouldn’t either. My advice to the OP would be to go to a recommended boot fitter and ask their advice. @EpicTiger, where are you based?
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Yeah, I'd be surprised if a refund is an option. I've read it can be possible to have a fitter modify the flex, but I'm not sure how viable that really is, or how much you can really dial the stiffness back. Any insight there? I suppose worst case, I'll get a cheaper pair of beginner boots and hope to grow into these.

@geepee I'm located in Charlotte NC, so not too many options I'm afraid. I probably should have waited until I went back out west. I was surprising my wife with boots for a short ski trip (going to pale in comparison to Park City) to WV so I rushed where I probably shouldn't have. She ended up w/ FISCHER The Curv GT 105 VAC GW
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
@EpicTiger, to be honest I wouldn't worry too much about it. I also regretted my first boot purchase which I also made in Park City! Similar story to yours, guy came very highly recommended by a ski instructor whom I liked but in fact he was just selling whatever he had in the shop. I ended up with boots that were way too big and way too expensive, but they still worked for years while my skiing improved.

The boot you've got, if it's the one I've just read about, sounds like a good one. I wouldn't worry about details like the flex index, there is no absolute standard in flex so these numbers are hard to compare. If it feels good on your feet and you're comfortable, that's the most important box ticked. If it keeps your foot in a stable position (with a footbed) then that's the next most important box ticked. If you've got those bases covered, just enjoy the boots and ski the hell out of them until you need something with higher performance.
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 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
@geepee, sorry I realized I didn't tag you correctly. I live in Charlotte, NC so there aren't a ton of options around.
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 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
@EpicTiger, I had boots fitted this year which were too stiff for me but were modified to suit me, so it is possible with some boots to reduce the flex.
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
@nevis1003, maybe that's what you find as a billy punter Laughing

For sure, I've seen especially in the UK, when I've been with people buying boots the additional sale of footbeds and the like is such a rip-off, almost akin the being sold the 5-year guarantee for an electrical appliance etc

However, what do all those professionals that work throughout the Winter, from instructors & guides through to pisteurs and lifties that have boot issues and other related problems?

They don't go to your ski-shop boot fitter, not least they're all closed in the Inter-Season.

The boot-fitter I use is fully qualified as an Orthopedist, Podiatrist and Orthotist, and what is fascinating is that 70% of his clients have one leg shorter than the other, pronators (flat feet) 50% and supinators (high arches) 30%.

The biggest issue is that of poor posture 80%, which is not helped by one leg shorter than the other!

And that's all part of the analysis etc

And then just as serious are bone problems, with bunions accounting for 70% and nigh on an equal split between heel spurs and toes.

So with him, you take your beloved pair of boots to him and he will modify them until they work, maybe over the course of two to three mods; and that's not something most visitors have the time or inclination to do.

More here on what he does.
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 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
@EpicTiger, send me a message with the details of who the fitter is i know most of the guys in PC who are any good, and will be able to get an idea of if you have been sold a turkey in terms of flex

with your height and weight you certainly need something with some level of support, possibly 110/120 but until you see someone bend a boot in the store it is difficult to get the full picture, if you are powerful and want something that you "wont grow out of" then 130 is an option, remember the number is just a guide, it is the marketing departments way of saying this is our best boot and the salomon 130 is way softer than a fischer 130 in a similar model so there is a lot of latitude that way

of course the other thing you could do is call up the fitter and discuss it with them, trial by internet forum isn't always the best way to get a positive response

he guarantees the fit, that means he will make adjustments to the boot to get them working for you, if that means softening the flex then he can do that

not sure why anyone would accept a boot back that has been molded to an individual and they are happy with when they leave the store, (although over here it seems to be expected) if there was a major screw up in size or whatever then it might be discussed, but i have have never had the power to make people leave a store with something they didn't want to buy or aren't happy with, i would rather not sell the product at all
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 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
@EpicTiger, you have some good advice already.

One thing that wasn't clear to me and maybe I missed it - but have you actually skied in the boots you purchased yet?

If not, I would suggest you do. If they are too stiff you would find it difficult to get really bend in your turns and get the angulation but it could be that you are fine (as others the number doesn't necessarily tell you).
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 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
Weathercam @nevis1003, maybe that's what you find as a billy punter

So, weather cam, you are on 9456 posts now, I don't think it's me that is a punter, you seem to spend all day posting nonsense or viewing the internet. Must be hours of your life.
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 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
nevis1003 wrote:
Weathercam @nevis1003, maybe that's what you find as a billy punter

So, weather cam, you are on 9456 posts now, I don't think it's me that is a punter, you seem to spend all day posting nonsense or viewing the internet. Must be hours of your life.

Meowww , saucer & milk to you.... touchy!! Shocked
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 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
Weathercam wrote:

And that's all part of the analysis etc

Are these the opening scenes from your new porn film?
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 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
@weathercam are you saying aftermarket foot beds are a rip off?
ski holidays
 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
The same thing happened to me. Ended up in 130s for my first boot. Serious buyer’s remorse and I didn’t even like the colour. By the following season I’d completely grown into them skill-wise and realised the boot-fitter had done me a massive favour.
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
nevis1003 wrote:
Weathercam @nevis1003, maybe that's what you find as a billy punter

So, weather cam, you are on 9456 posts now, I don't think it's me that is a punter, you seem to spend all day posting nonsense or viewing the internet. Must be hours of your life.

I like nevis, says it how it is
snow report
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Whitegoldsbrother wrote:
nevis1003 wrote:
Weathercam @nevis1003, maybe that's what you find as a billy punter

So, weather cam, you are on 9456 posts now, I don't think it's me that is a punter, you seem to spend all day posting nonsense or viewing the internet. Must be hours of your life.

I like nevis, says it how it is

Thank you Whitegoldsbrother, it's something I am cursed with Cool
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