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First ski servicing - what do I need doing to my skis?

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Hi all,

Just back from the French alps after 3 weeks and was using my own skis for the first time (Elan Wingman 82 TI).

Skis were good fun, but probably need a service after 14 days on the snow. Things were a bit rocky on the pistes so there are a few scuffs that might be larger than normally expected.

Based on the images in my link below, what am I looking to get done to my skis? Some sort of waxing + re-edging would be the minimum from what I understand. Are any of images of scuffs worrisome, the only one I really feel any concern for is the cracked tip as this also seems to have damaged the metal, not just the top sheet.

The top sheet scuff near the bindings happened 5 mins ago when the other half knocked the skis over in our flat.... Looks superficial at least.

I will need to head back to Ski Bartlett regarding boot adjustments, so could try and get things sorted there (bit of a trek with skis though). Or, gbskiservicing (our own Radar's operation) is local enough for me to visit.

Any thoughts on specifics of what I need doing welcome!

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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Just edge + wax.
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
They look worn out to me. Time for a new pair I reckon!
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@Ruswit, The tip – fill it with epoxy and forget about it. The bases look pretty dry and the edges will likely be pretty blunt after 2 weeks use, so an edge and wax is in order (I'd normally do a wax after one week if using the same skis continuously). Everything else is cosmetic.
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Yes, just a quick edge and wax is all they need. If the tip looks like it's going to delaminate then glue and clamp it, but if it's just cosmetic, like the scratch on the top, then it's not worth bothering.

I've just given my slalom skis their first service, after perhaps 20 days of use. Edges were still pretty sharp, only the tiniest of burrs at one place, no gouges to fill, so just a quick base file to even out a couple of slight deformations, then two of three minutes with the edging tool to sharpen 'em up nicely. And a quick hot wax, of course.

I do think people can overdo servicing, and although I agree that these ones most definitely need the edges doing, I don't think it's necessarily the case that "the edges will likely be pretty blunt after 2 weeks use". Mine most certainly were not, and I only really did them because a) my wife's skis really needed servicing and b) I'd finally found my ski vice and got the bench set up in the garage for the first time in the five years we've been here (long story, won't bore with it).
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
Thanks guys, guess that's a general consensus that a wax + sharpen is the way forward!

Is getting them storage waxed for the down season advisable or a bit... gimmicky?
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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Same as the other posts, light service really to have them ready for next escapade.

Leave them out of bag to air dry too, helps avoid corrosion.
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 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
Ruswit wrote:

Is getting them storage waxed for the down season advisable or a bit... gimmicky?

I'd never really heard of this before seeing it on here (a while back). I guess the one-week-year skier might just want to throw the skis in the shed for the rest of the time, so a bit of a protective coat wouldn't be such a bad thing, but is it a bit... gimmicky? Maybe. TBH as long as you dry them properly and keep them dry I wouldn't have thought it necessary.
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
Ruswit wrote:
I will need to head back to Ski Bartlett regarding boot adjustments, so could try and get things sorted there (bit of a trek with skis though). Or, gbskiservicing (our own Radar's operation) is local enough for me to visit.

If you are taking them to a reputable shop they will know what to do anyway so you don't need to worry.

I see gbskiservicing is hand tuning which is what you want. Bartlett talks about doing base grinds which puts me off - although no doubt they would do a good "shop" service.
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