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The view from............ Val d'Isere and the Espace Killy

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead

Some lovely walks to be had out there

One of the many Summer activities on offer - star gazing!

The Summer really is a nice time to come with so many varied activities even for kids.... Val d'Isere especially by British standards is just a Winter resort but its so much more than that.

Anyone for fishing!

The ball of August 16th

The Tour A'venir for young and upcoming riders passed through town again this year. To be honest its a bit of a faff the whole thing as not many people follow it but the whole of the road to and from Bourg towards Bonneval via Val has to be closed for many hours - oh well good luck young riders!

Sorry picture was not too big but they did a great commemoration for those Brits / Italians and French that died in tragedy of the Galise in the 2nd World War relating to people trying to get to 'safety' in France (Val) but never quite making it!

Reentre last week and the kids are happy to be back at school (parents even more so!)

We enjoyed a couple of days away in Morzine seeing some friends which was really nice!

The team have been hard (quickly) at work on and off over the last few weeks... here the underlay for the flooring was going down.

Olivia chose her own colour in the bedroom - its not as dark as it might seem! I quite like it actually and sure she will - since May she has not wanted to see any photos or anything of the build - wants it all to be a surprise!

Ben on the other hand could not get enough and loves his bedroom colour!

Whilst Olivia was off left, right and centre doing ski / fitness related things much of the time Ben loved his trampolining time. Olivia too when she was about

Down at the Plan D'eau near Aime there was some good fun days out and activities!

Spot Olivia in there somewhere... the slope is about 600m long there and they were doing 2x2 hour training sessions a day for 5 days with fitness every afternoon - blimey kids!

Late August and myself and friend took our respective kids away for a night in the Prariond refuge which was really fun! We saw a lot of marmottes on the way in and Ben decided he would become a professional photographer - there were a LOT of pics taken on that camera!

The hike in and out is not for the feint hearted though it must be said!

Back to school and they are certainly growing up!

Poor that scree boys!

But make sure all the underfloor heating is covered up please!

Now does that ceiling look lovely or what!

Any finally Kimmeridge Bay in Dorset where we scattered my late sisters Ashes yesterday

Joint01 - welcome to the forum. Glad I could inspire and help!

Another busy month but at least the building site is back full steam ahead again!

Well I hope the photos above give you a nice flavour of what the last month and a bit has been about. Certainly it has been a mix and transition from warm, long sunny days with lots of outdoor activities, tourists and holiday mode to more recently with kids back at school, homework, full steam ahead on the building site and more varied weather.

We did get away for a lovely long weekend in Morzine to see some friends... Olivia got away to ski on a camp up in northern France for a week meanwhile Ben had a lot of sleepovers.

I cant believe Olivia is now in her last year of primary school - where has the time gone! Ben is loving being back at school with his friends too and all going well on that front although I dont really enjoy the stress of getting them on with their homework and evening routine but hey ho ce la vie.

The building site is cracking on well and I seem to be making decisions pretty much non stop. Clare and I were down the valley last week choosing carpets and worktops.

I have also been back here in the UK from the beginning of this week until middle of next week. The main motivation for being here for so long was to get Alis ashes scattered... its quite complicated as location was in her Will, plus we needed the other half brother down from Manchester and we needed good weather to do it.... no point going into detail but basically Tuesday and Wednesday this week were the first couple of options and then again same days next week... ultimately I needed to be back in the UK all that time (I have plenty of other things to be doing whilst im back here too!). Luckily we got the Ashes scattered yesterday and it was perfect weather and conditions for it actually. So after a nice pub lunch we parted ways and dare I say that that is the end of that matter and with it bar a couple of lose admin ends the end of the administration periods for both my parents and sisters deaths and estates. Blimey what a decade it has been since initially taking on 'admin' for my parents and dealing with, what was to be, Dads last Stroke all the way through to now. Im just happy to hopefully be able to enjoy some proper time with my family and kids and enjoy the new house. All I can say is that it has taken its toll over 10 years it really has - my life has totally changed and that is even without becoming a Dad of 2 in that time!

Im sure there have been a million and one other things but I really have had a memory blank this evening having started this monthly update. Whoops. Hopefully the photos will do their job and elaborate where words let me down.

Ill be back next month for another update but as we move into November I dont expect to be doing daily updates until much later in November and possibly not until into December. I certainly wont be skiing or working until mid December this year such are the needs of the building site.

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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Hey Steve,

Wouldn't it have been easier to buy on of those apartments in the new Chalet de Chevril? After all the 94m 2 bed was only E3.1m. Shocked Shocked Shocked
ski holidays
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
chocksaway wrote:
Hey Steve,

Wouldn't it have been easier to buy on of those apartments in the new Chalet de Chevril? After all the 94m 2 bed was only E3.1m. Shocked Shocked Shocked

Yea for sure - considered buying 2! Toofy Grin
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