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The view from............ Val d'Isere and the Espace Killy

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
@sheffskibod, It is the punter who is losing out. Perhaps inconsiderate is the wrong terminology, but I do think for some people it seems that the cost of the time is irrelevant.
latest report
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
welshflyer - I suspect he was speed-riding down the Banane and went off course somewhat but yea he shouldn't have been over an open piste thats for sure!
sheffskibod - yes as Frosty the Snowman says cost is minimal consideration sometimes. I have had clients that have NOT wanted to do 9-12 or 1-4 but instead say 10-1400 so booked a full day private... other times ive had people decide that its 'too sunny' for a lesson and just not turned up etc! All sorts! But its not really any skin off my nose APART from hanging around for a long period of time waiting and waiting unless im told they are running late etc!
snow conditions
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Pesky clouds

The veil of clouds that came our way yesterday persisted with the warmth today but not bad enough that we could not see which was nice! The temperatures have gone up once again! To be honest whilst the snow is still excellent with all over coverage the snow did get a little soft and almost slushy at the bottom by the end of the afternoon!

Anyway having Clares mum on hand once again meant getting the kids on the school bus was simple this morning... Once they were off it was a nice gentle ease into the day and the family were raring to go. With lunch at the Grand Ourse we decided a change of scenery was in order so went Solaise way! I really do not know where the heck anyone was for the first hour this morning as it was totally dead... dead enough that ESF groups etc were queuing waiting for adults to come through the turnstiles!

We had a wonderful ski about and did Madeleine and Glacier and a number of runs around there... the kids did so well and the little one one even did a couple of turns where his inside ski slide parallel once or twice which is amazing progress - well done!

Hot choc break at Datcha was a success as the stuff in there is super yummy especially when the kids spy the chorous (sp?) for snacks! By the end of the morning I sensed that the kids were getting tired so we gladly downloaded and made our way over to the lunch!

Yummy lunch in the sun followed although the service was very slow... the adults did not mind as they decided to get on it... the kids meanwhile played on the little ice rink there and enjoyed their time in the sun! The actual lunch was amazing - really enjoyed my Carbonara. It was jolly nice but after a couple of hours it was apparent that no one wanted to ski anymore this afternoon so I helped get the kids (with the nanny) sorted for some sledging and made my escape!

I needed to get into town anyway - my new bank card had FINALLY been printed up - only took about 3 months !!!! Also wanted to collect some a little present for the kids Ive been teaching this week too... nice kids!

Meanwhile Clare, her mum and the kids (after school) went up to see their cousins / Clares brother who is staying in town this week and they had a nice cuppa and cake and play... so that was good... I had the house to myself for a couple of hours... watched some of the Womens Downhill that I recorded earlier and did a few bits!

The kids got home an hour ago and are now in bed as they were beyond tired!

The roads tomorrow are going to be horrendous with 76k cars up and down - good luck folks!


latest report
 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
Had a fantastic week in Tignes and woke up nice and early for the drive home. Plenty of cars already leaving from 4:30am, will be on my way by 5:45am once have woken the kids. Fingers crossed it’s early enough to beat the jams!
snow report
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Traffic mental way before the tunnel at moutiers already, on the way up
latest report
 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
@stefoy4me, Just discussing that on WhatsApp with a mate, never seen it that busy that early though it the locals cities have started their school hols
ski holidays
 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Not helped by accident just after first set of lights. Truck just cleared it. After that plain sailing
snow conditions
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
The lights were only letting about 8 cars thru, it must be back past Albertville now Eh oh! Eh oh!
ski holidays
 You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
Not helped by accident just after first set of lights. Truck just cleared it. After that plain sailing
ski holidays
 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
Passing traffic the other way, At 8:00 the traffic was back about 3km from Moutiers (heading up to the mountain), also a 3 car pile up half way between Chambéry and Albertville which caused a big tailback, and from Chambéry to the toll booth was mainly stopped. Definitely worse than our journey up a week ago.

On the way down we were behind buses all the way from Tignes through Bourg so leisurely progress, just had about 15 mins queue at Aime / Siaix tunnel (hit back of queue 7:00am exactly, seemed to be building quite fast so got a bit lucky) but traffic heavy but flowing at normal speeds through to Chambéry.

Back home 09:45 after 2 toddler sick stops, all is well now.

Edit 13:30 - Savoie-route shows the jam going all the way back from Aigueblanche to the motorway toll at St.Helene d’Isere, and Albertville completely jammed also from the Annecy lake road route. Reminds me of our Christmas 2017 run (11.5 hours Geneva to Menuires). Ouch!!!!!
snow conditions
 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
raino - glad you had a good week and hope the journey was OK today. Yes the traffic is bad right from the go in these parts at this time of the year! Wish more accommodation providers could get together to sort out more Sunday - Sunday options really or even Friday to Friday!
stefoy4me - gets earlier ever year it seems - hope wasnt too bad! Hope the accident doesnt back it up for too long!
snow conditions
 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
Ah the joys of a Saturday

Having known what I said above but knowing in reality that it is horrendously busy on the roads out there it was such a lovely and quiet day on the slopes as a result!

The (my) kids were going out skiing with their cousins and aunt and uncle and also with Clares mum today whilst both Clare and I finished up our weeks with our respective families! With the sun shining and the temps warm spring like we were off.

It was noticeably quieter on the bus, at the meeting area, on the lifts and on the runs immediately and we enjoyed an 'all request last day' which basically is the kids choosing the games and places we skied! We did the two chairs up and hit the fun run as well as lots of fun games. It was a hot choc break at Empreiente followed by more skiing.

Lunch was quite early at the Grand Ourse for a second time in as many days and we did a little prize ceremony at lunch which the kids loved - the usual certificates and badges etc. At lunch we enjoyed a final day blowout and I must say the Supreme chicken with truffle mash was amazing - not usually into fancy food but being the end of a long week we all treated ourselves!

With everyone needing to get off or packed or injured or wanting to sledge we called it a day after skiing and got the kids sorted and off back to their chalet for a swim... I then headed to try and catch up with my own lot as they were having lunch at the Folie but I was sure (I was right) I would be too late to see them there and it proved that way!

So instead I have been at home and chilling whilst the kids and aunty / uncles / granny etc are enjoying a swim at the Club Med - good luck and have fun! It does mean I can watch the highlights of the cricket as well as the womens and mens downhill I have recorded.

Tomorrow I am out of boots for the day I think whilst Clare is teaching I think... so not sure how it will pan out and what will happen - cant remember what the plan is for tomorrow with the kids and cousins etc. We shall see.

Some photos to finish todays report.... however one thing to note about this coming week is that it is going to be EVEN busier on the slopes with ever so slightly more people in town... also the local schools being off and the Parisians etc - its gonna be mad busy up there even though not as many proportionally Brit kids about.


How many people are on the 3J piste?!

The busiest piste in the resort (Diebold) on the right and 3J on the left of this photo!

Genepy piste!

Kids play at the Grand Ourse mini ice rink

And La Face... urrmmmm not many people about!
ski holidays
 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
Thanks @Steve Angus, your advice from last year saved us a long wait in jams.
snow conditions
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
@Steve Angus, Thanks for letting us be part of your story for a week. I’m now in a hotel near Dijon after driving down this afternoon. Saw the jam up. It was something horrific to see as we drive mile after mile with no end in sight to the stationary traffic on the left. Except the bits where the movement wave has reached and people who had got out were running to catch the car. I felt sorry for them thinking the end had arrived but they still had at least 10km to go

Back to skiing. Fri was dead as Steve says. We did Le Fornet to Les Brevierres whilst son 2 was off at a lesson (moguls). Queued for a lift in Solaise but otherwise was pretty much straight on.
Sat and we checked out and on slopes by 10.30 which is good for us. We did the snowpark and on to Grand Mott. Amazing views and only the compulsory few mins wait for funi and car. All the while I’m thinking I could be sitting in traffic!
A snowball fight at 11,400 feet ensued which was rather exhausting. But at least it wasn’t slushy…
snow conditions
 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
raino - no worries! Happy to help.
AndrewBailey - glad to hear you had a good journey out but mainly that you had a good week. Yes the traffic is something else isnt it! Overall it sounds like you certainly got around the resort thats for sure!
ski holidays
 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Yummy lunch before it starts again!

It was so nice NOT to have to set the alarm this morning. But of course Ben decided that he wanted a cuddle nice and early. Clare needed to be up as she was working all day but for Clares mum, Olivia, Ben and I we enjoyed a special breakfast followed by a chill morning!

It was really nice to be totally chilled with an extra pair of hands around!

The sun was shining and it was warm once again but I was glad I was not out there after a busy week and another one coming up!

For lunch we headed into town to Le Garage for a sort of end of week with 'granny' special lunch! As usual it was an amazing lunch - the burgers and pizzas in there are amazing! All washed down with a nice beer!

Eyes bigger than the stomach syndrome though as the kids went for pudding which almost beat them but for certain grannies pudding beat her. Haha.

So this evening (and afternoon) it has been a mix of playing games, chilling and other bits with the kids! To be honest a very lazy day. We have seen the helicopters coming and going with the private transfers and also a SAF medical chopper too unfortunately!

Ben has gone off on a sleep over to a friends (school hols have just started here so the kids have the next two weeks off) and we'll have a chilled one. Tomorrow I am teaching meeting mid way to Tignes but then have a very busy afternoon as have someone coming to look at AV kit that needs moving ahead of our renovation works starting this Summer!

Also whilst looking out the window earlier it was the usual case of people sledging on their first arrival day but what I dont get is people doing it on an open slope with skiers all around.... call me an old g i t or whatever but these are the same people who will be preaching about health and safety on the slopes in the morning. Its a bit like watching Ski Sunday just now and preaching about safety in one breadth with the valid and awesome Skier X code and the next showing people (Ed) ducking signage - what sort of a poor message does that give out. People notice things like that and copy it yet most people dont call out dual standards.

Sorry a bit of a moan there.

Anyway TTFN and see you'all tomorrow.

I know it DOESNT look busy out there when this photo was taken but it was! Doh
snow report
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Cloud or sunshine?

With Ben away at his sleepover and Olivia not needing to do anything other than some homework this morning it was set to be a chilled first hour or two! Clares mum sorting the morning out with Olivia and her homework meant it was just me to get ready as Clare sorted herself out.

It was not too inviting out there with a thick layer of cloud but with warmish temps. Anyway I was meeting at the top of the Tommeuse so hardly needed to go anywhere until 0855 when I wandered over to the La Daille gondola and headed up. All went well apart from the pesky cloud cover - you could tell the sun was wanting to break through but where and at what altitude was the million dollar question!

It was like a ski instructors social at the bottom of the Tommeuse with about 10 of us heading Tignes way to meet clients and with Tommeuse running about 10 mins late opening we had a good chin wag! We finally got going when the lift opened and it was socked in big time but by the time we got about 2/3 the way to the top of Toviere suddenly we broke through the cloud - yay!

The clients were a little late too so all in all it didnt matter too much that I was a few mins late.

Anyway we finally got going and made our way down what is ultimately a very busy part of the mountain and towards Marmottes (Creux onto Edelweiss piste - doh!).... Of course as soon as we were about half way to the Marmottes lift we were back into thick cloud which always make skiing more tricky!

I was even more dismayed when we got to the top of Marmottes to find that we still had NOT broken through the cloud on that side - nightmare! It meant the descent to the start of Verte was a nightmare with all the people around!

Anyway the green triangle was a great way to work on technique yet get some mileage and generally the sun was now shining thankfully! What a great morning it turned out to be and the lift queues were not mega bad thankfully!

We went our separate ways at the Folie and I made my way home as needed to get ready for a pm meeting. It was about 90 minutes with a guy who will initially move the common area AV / Satellite cabling stuff from one wall to another (need to make sure the building manager is fine for us to have the TV disconnected for the whole building for a few hours!). Once this is moved we can then incorporate that wall into the building plans for the Summer. Once that is all done he will be charged with installing things like an AV / SmartHome / Wi-Fi network etc all around the flat.

A successful meeting!

Wasnt long before the mother in law was off getting Ben back from his sleepover and Olivia from her ski club this afternoon!

Ben was somewhat over the top with tiredness so getting him sorted and into bed this evening has been a little challenging thats for sure! Meanwhile Olivia really enjoyed her skiing this afternoon so that was good!

The weather meanwhile tomorrow is set to be one more nice day and then should start to change by mid week and we should get a lot of snow coming our way later in the week.


P.S. Whilst I remember they have announced that they are 'closing' the Fornet sector on the 21/4 - well just below the Col poma lift as you will be able to access the glacier up there via taking the up and over and then the Col. This is so they can get the area ready for the Vallon gondola replacement works in the Summer! However separately to this the last week of the season they are offering lift passes for 50% off at €39.

The people traversing into the Borsat bowl dont look too sure!

Breaking through the clouds on the Tommeuse this morning!

But lower down first thing was looking very grey!

NOTHING at all about skiing but I thought this was pretty cool to see the size of the USA versus Europe!
latest report
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
@Steve Angus, at 6.5 minutes the new Vallon must be twice as fast (at least?) as the old one. No more getting overtaken by the drag lift!
snow report
 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
@Steve Angus,
Think that's just the Med & Black Seas vs NA. Try & look for the lower 48 over the Sahara.

Last edited by You need to Login to know who's really who. on Tue 20-02-24 13:30; edited 1 time in total
snow report
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
@Steve Angus,


The weather meanwhile tomorrow is set to be one more nice day and then should start to change by mid week and we should get a lot of snow coming our way later in the week.

The return of winter is also forecast here in the UK at the end of the week with low pressure and northerly winds.
snow report
 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
michebiche - I believe the 'standard' time for the current one is 12 minutes so nearly twice as fast yes!
Kenzie - I like that - I have a 'to scale' world atlas somewhere and love seeing how countries measure up. Being a qualified Geography teacher I love this sort of stuff.
welshflyer - love to see it turn into a big dump here - time will tell!
latest report
 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
A bit more than a dusting

Ben was obviously a very tired boy as he was still asleep when I left for work at 0815. Meanwhile Olivia was up buzzing! There was a thick layer of cloud once again!

I headed into town and tried to change the PIN number of my new bank card but for some reason it would not give me the option. Anyway I collected an off piste pack that I thought I would need for the pm lesson (didnt in the end) and got one of the first Olympic lifts up and then skied Diebold to Tommeuse waiting for it to open to meet the Tignes lot I was teaching (who ended up being 15 minutes late!).

We had had about 5cm of fresh snow overnight which meant it was lovely and soft and wintery... perfect. Although we could do with a lot more of course it was nice to get a soften up.

The clouds soon parted and the slopes were extra busy today as everyone was trying to get the best of the snow!

We headed off to continue working on where we left off yesterday and did a lap to La Daille amongst other things. Apart from a few moans and groans re boots / gloves and a few bits and pieces we had a good lesson although the youngest got so hungry at one point that she sat out a lap with her mum so she could have a bit of her lunch!

Anyway by lunchtime I had a quick decent to town on the Olympic, ate my lunch in the Sun and then met my pm lesson.

The plan for the lady in the afternoon had initially been for some piste work followed by off piste later in the session but it was soon apparent that all she wanted to do was work on the piste which was cool by me. We initially worked on blue pistes up Solaise before moving onto reds and finally came down the Plan M at the end of the afternoon. The Arcelle which we did in the mid afternoon was in perfect condition and just softening up nicely - perfect!

However as usual over the course of the day it is amazing to see how few people can actually ski... I do say this quite often but the percentage of 'good' skiers on the mountain is generally down in terms of single percentage points id say on average - quite incredible! AS I ALWAYS SAY TURN SHAPE tells you everything you need to know about the ability of someone! That turn shape wherever on the mountain it may be is king!

Anyway it was a great session and she has booked a free slot I have tomorrow again! Ill be off piste with her and her daughter on Friday and it will be nice to meet her daughter again - she is the concierge at VIP.

I have had the normal evening and this is the last night of having Clares mum here.... oh and I have just done a massive batch carbonara cook up!

Tomorrow the weather will be similar to today before we get the big storms starting to pass through. Yay


A nice dusting

Perfection today
latest report
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!

It was the last 'easy' morning for quite a while as Clares mum was packing up to leave at lunchtime today. Ben was heading off to kids club at the Village which he just loves and Olivia was to spend the morning with Clares mum before heading off for a flèche race this afternoon. I must say having her here makes things just the little bit easier as an extra pair of hands and all that just helps a little more with two of us working full time and the kids needing sorting out left, right and centre etc!

I headed over the road to jump on the La Daille gondola in order to head to my meet up and it all go. With the weather looking OK it all worked well and we were off. The whole team were on much better form than they were yesterday thankfully and I decided on a change of scenery as we had not really seen Tignes yet on this trip. So a great little decent down into Val Claret avoiding the crazy people that use Piste H (gosh another day when you see person after person after person not understanding what skiing is all about i.e. their skis taking them for a ride rather than them taking their skis for a ride!). Anyway the queue (predictably) for Tichot was the longest I have ever seen - im not joking the kids line was perhaps 200 kids long - we went in the normal line it was always going to be quicker!

Anyway we had a great morning and one of the highlights for the kids was me teaching them to ski backwards which they loved. I hope and think we made the most of today as tomorrow the weather is supposed to be awful (wet and or snow!) so might not get a great day in - we shall see.

I had lunch on the go as finished in La Daille and got ready in double quick time for the pm session. It was the same lady as yesterday pm and we decided to work on dealing with moguls so I did one of my 'classic' moguls sessions lapping around on the Tommeuse... it was a good session but you have to manage energy and fatigue levels carefully. Anyway improvements were made and we ended up downloading on the Olympic as legs were too tired for her to consider Le Face to finish (good choice!).

This evening it was back to reality getting the kids sorted on our own - oh well it is what it is. Meanwhile Olivia was happy as she got Argent level in the flèche race - she was happy with that result as she was on a par with her classmate who was in a full catsuit so since she was not wearing hers (yet) I think that was a good result.

Anyway tomorrow the weather could be juicy and as it stands at the moment I am only working in the morning so might attempt to get some bits done in the afternoon - we shall see.


Milky milky skies

Sometimes I just like to get a different angle for a photo!
ski holidays
 You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
A calculation!

Looking out the window I was pleasantly surprised that it was snowing this morning and no wind... it was grey and quite warm though but we had about 5cm of new snow in town! Game on.

Both kids were going to kids club in the morning and then after lunch Olivia was off skiing with her team! I headed over the road to jump on the La Daille gondola and it opened on time. Onwards and upwards into the gloom. It was time to test the snow on the tiny little ski from top of the gondola to the Tommeuse and to my amazement it was pretty cold and light powder - game on.

So with the visibility hovering somewhere between 'acceptable' and not great at all but not a total white out it was not a case of 'where' would the best vis be but more so where would everyone 'think' it would be better skiing. To be honest most people in this situation all think the same and go low... this will mean two main things... the snow becoming churned up massively and moguls forming left, right and centre.... and secondly big lift queues forming! So skiing to La Daille and lapping the gondola or funi was never an option... instead staying high and getting better snow, no people and better snow was the best bet even if the light would not be as good. However there was enough light to make it a go'er - yay!

The green triangle and Grand Pre on the books and we had a great morning and I even introduced the kids to a few powder turns! Despite a few moans from the kids re being either cold or wet or not being able to see much it was a good morning! Although as the morning went on the snow falling did get a little wetter.

After the session was over we went out separate ways and I found a spot above the Folie to record my weekly snow report. So watch out for that coming soon to Insta.

At home I had an immense job to sort out the wet clothes I was wearing, sort out a few hours husband jobs like do the laundry and various other bits that needed doing. Oh and I also had to drop Olivia's skis off at the Club for them to be services ahead of her race on Sunday and I collected Ben from kids club too..... more and more clothing to be dried - doh.

The weather meanwhile has continued to produce snow all day and will for much of the night before clearing up by the morning! The avalanche risk will be very high tomorrow as it wont have stuck to the underlying layers at all and the heavy nature of the snow and the sun coming out could make it pretty dangerous out there. I am off piste in the morning and will certainly be aware of the powder frenzy effect tomorrow being many peoples last day too!

The outlook is certainly for a lot more snow coming down the road which is welcome.

Anyway TTFN

You see the vis was not too bad and the slopes deserted!
snow conditions
 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
First time posting here, I normally just read for the info! (apologies for the long name, it was created the first time we brought the dog out skiing with us!)

@Steve Angus - you mention about using the two chairs instead of the Olympic - just wondering how difficult is the connection between the two? It's red on the map, I'm fine (have skied both the red and the black but that was at 19, halfway through my season and a long time ago and so I can't remember) but my other half has only skied a few times so don't want to do something he wouldn't manage!


By this stage of the week everyone is pretty clued up to understand that you can take the two chairs in order to get up the mountain instead of waiting in line for the Olympic.... so we did the double and instead of Grand Pre today we headed Verte direction and spent some time on the Borsat lift.

I can do a test run but thought I'd ask for the expert opinion as well Very Happy
ski holidays
 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.

Not steep but narrows towards the end. Only issue is you have to cross the Face piste. As the video ends, the 2nd chair is visible in the left of the frame
ski holidays
 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
@Mr_Bennetts_Ski_Trip, It’s my favourite way of getting up Bellvarde. As frosty says it’s a gentle slope across the piste but do look up the hill for skis, poles and boards heading your way at high speed which may, or may not, be connected to a human.
It also saves taking your skis off and getting frustrated at the way people don’t fully load the Gondolas on the Olympic
latest report
 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
Thanks @Frosty the Snowman it doesn't look that bad then so will give it a try (only 2 weeks to go, I'm not ticking the days off or anything!)
ski holidays
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
chocksaway wrote:
@Mr_Bennetts_Ski_Trip, It’s my favourite way of getting up Bellvarde. As frosty says it’s a gentle slope across the piste but do look up the hill for skis, poles and boards heading your way at high speed which may, or may not, be connected to a human.
It also saves taking your skis off and getting frustrated at the way people don’t fully load the Gondolas on the Olympic
I do love the humour in your posts. Are you a fellow Tyke by any chance Cool
latest report
 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
@Frosty the Snowman, Indeed Sir, currently living within the sound of the bells of The Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of St Peter’s.

Though I’d rather be listening to the rather tinny sounds of L’Eglise Saint Jacques at this time of year.
ski holidays
 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
@Mr_Bennetts_Ski_Trip - as the above.... its an easy enough ski.... you can snowplough it and barely turn the whole way if you really needed too.... the issues with it are:
1) mentally there is the 'drop off' onto the lower part of the Face to your left which mentally can be challenging for some. If you have a weak left footed turn (to the right) then this could be a problem!
2) sometimes people dont like everyone else rushing past them from one chairlift to the next
3) skiers crossing from above etc can be unnerving for some and dangerous for others!

But the actual ski is not hard. The added bonus (but negative for others) is when you get to the top of the second chair (Loyes) you dont have the full height of the initial slope from top of the Olympic to deal with (which is not nice for lesser able skiers) BUT you have to traverse on the left leg and its a tough traverse across to get above the Bellevarde restaurant.
snow report
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Wow (but keep your head levelled!)

Whilst there have been a number of colleagues and instructors injured of recent it was the danger from avalanches that was the biggie today. (I CANT TELL YOU HOW MANY PEOPLE I saw heading off into dangerous off piste without any gear today!).

Anyway we woke to clearing skies and more snow. Late last night after I posted and just before I went to bed the wind really got up!

The kids and I watched the pisteurs blasting from the CATEX station above the Folie and the second and third charge delivered quite a slide - almost down to the Orange. Interestingly the fourth on much more easterly facing slopes produced nothing!

Anyway getting to the meeting point was full of excitement on the bus as you can imagine (I needed to swing by the kids club to drop Olivias lunch off as she forgot it - doh - too!).

So the team arrived and it was the lady from earlier in the week and her daughter who is working for VIP as the head concierge and the plan was for some off piste action! We got the gear sorted and distributed then looked at the two queues and decided that Solaise would be a better option as the Bellevarde chair was not working yet. I knew it would be a bun fight up there as the up and over would not be opening on time, probably not the Manchet Express either so it meant a lot of people packed into a small area BUT the flip side would be that my hidden stashes would remain relatively untouched as other instructors and guides that DID know about them would be on Bellevarde!

So we started with some piste skiing to give the daughter some feedback and avoided the growing lift queues nicely I must say! Later on we got into the off piste. Finding snow that was achievable (as it was something like 30cm deep and not the lightest (dont get me wrong it was NOT heavy) for them, not too flat or steep and no tracks on it is no mean feat... by the time you have gotten people to traverse out into something too and used up precious energy etc! Anyway a little near Madeleine was good and then off the other side of Madeleine produced excellent results - lots of smiles around! See my instagram (@SteveAngusSnow) for videos etc.

After some technique practice on the piste we decided to have a change of scenery as it was getting really busy up there and idiots were trashing the snow and also putting others in peril! We hit the bus stop route and we had some laughs in there including a couple of good falls which I didnt get on video but it was good... although I could sense the mum was getting somewhat tired! She had a couple of falls which didnt help!

Skiing the piste (Mattis) down was interesting as there were a LOT of people way out of their depth going down there and the slope was a mix of bumps and ice - not ideal!

Anyway we got down and called it a morning and I took the gear back to the office, grabbed a treat Friday lunch from Chevallot (cant beat a Tarte beaufort!) and headed home. Clare also finished at lunch so we have had a chilled pm getting some housework done.

Meanwhile Olivia has been doing a ski race this pm - Slalom, but I dont think she had a good day looking at the results.

Im off into town to get Ben from kids club and then that Friday evening feeling comes around the corner. Im working tomorrow morning and then starting a week 1-1 teaching all day every day with a couple of retirees so that will be a change of pace next week thats for sure.


Believe this was in Les Arcs this morning but got it sent on my WhatsApp Off Piste Instructors group im part of - scary!

Ready - go!

High enough to get fresh lines!
snow conditions
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Thanks Steve, yeh that was part of the appeal when I saw your comment, the other half isn’t a fan of the bit at the top of the Bellevarde so a way to remove part of it is appreciated! He’ll be fine I think to do the two chairs this time round!
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 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
Mr_Bennetts_Ski_Trip wrote:
Thanks Steve, yeh that was part of the appeal when I saw your comment, the other half isn’t a fan of the bit at the top of the Bellevarde so a way to remove part of it is appreciated! He’ll be fine I think to do the two chairs this time round!

Brilliant. You CAN get to the same place (and thus avoid the ski down right from the very top by top of Olympic) by coming out the Olympic lift, turning immediate left and walking down the steps. See my explainer on Instagram as have a vid on there about it.
snow report
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Beaufort. Probably the finest cheese I have ever come across - in a tarte as well Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
Morning all, with only 5wks until we come to Tignes again, I am in full webcam watch and piste map study. I’ve only been to Tignes twice so still don’t know the area all that well. Being only a piste skier, I have a couple of questions for you if you don’t mind:
1. Do those dotted black run class as on piste as far as insurance goes? I don’t ski off piste (don’t know how; don’t want to pay for lessons to learn; don’t want to pay for equipment to do it, etc.) but I’m not bothered about whatever conditions I am faced with generally.
2. When are those ski races this year? We went to Tignes last year when there were races down the Orange under Marmottes. I only ask because I was skiing the afternoon with the kids and heading down to La Daille on the blue. My kids were scared to death by these Eh oh! ends buzzing far too close to them on their way down. My kids have only skied 3wks in total and it totally knocked their confidence. If I know in advance, I’ll feel better.
3. How come there isn’t a piste down from Manchest Express to Val d’Isere? Purely out of interest especially when piste map shows a restaurant. I’m not planning on checking it out or anything: just wondering.
4. My brother went to tinges years ago and he tells me that they used to get on the bottom of the Bollin and get all the way to the top of the Fraise. As I say, I’ve only been twice but both times, we have always had to get off and get back on again. Any explanation or reason?
5. I noticed that I have not skied the Genapy. Can you get all the way down to Val d’Isere from the top of Borsat? Every time I’ve skied Santons, it’s been rubbish. Not that it’s too hard or anything. Just narrow, busy, and generally rubbish. Didn’t know there was a black above it. What’s that like?
6. Finally, Valley Perdue - not for me. Having watched Graham Bell on YouTube going down it, what’s it really like? What’s it like now? Will,it hold up until 1st week in April.

Thank you as always
ski holidays
 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Dougie wrote:
Morning all, with only 5wks until we come to Tignes again, I am in full webcam watch and piste map study. I’ve only been to Tignes twice so still don’t know the area all that well. Being only a piste skier, I have a couple of questions for you if you don’t mind:
1. Do those dotted black run class as on piste as far as insurance goes? I don’t ski off piste (don’t know how; don’t want to pay for lessons to learn; don’t want to pay for equipment to do it, etc.) but I’m not bothered about whatever conditions I am faced with generally.
2. When are those ski races this year? We went to Tignes last year when there were races down the Orange under Marmottes. I only ask because I was skiing the afternoon with the kids and heading down to La Daille on the blue. My kids were scared to death by racers buzzing far too close to them on their way down. My kids have only skied 3wks in total and it totally knocked their confidence. If I know in advance, I’ll feel better.
3. How come there isn’t a piste down from Manchest Express to Val d’Isere? Purely out of interest especially when piste map shows a restaurant. I’m not planning on checking it out or anything: just wondering.
4. My brother went to tinges years ago and he tells me that they used to get on the bottom of the Bollin and get all the way to the top of the Fraise. As I say, I’ve only been twice but both times, we have always had to get off and get back on again. Any explanation or reason?
5. I noticed that I have not skied the Genapy. Can you get all the way down to Val d’Isere from the top of Borsat? Every time I’ve skied Santons, it’s been rubbish. Not that it’s too hard or anything. Just narrow, busy, and generally rubbish. Didn’t know there was a black above it. What’s that like?
6. Finally, Valley Perdue - not for me. Having watched Graham Bell on YouTube going down it, what’s it really like? What’s it like now? Will,it hold up until 1st week in April.

Thank you as always

Edited: changing wording slightly.
latest report
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
Dougie wrote:
Dougie wrote:
Morning all, with only 5wks until we come to Tignes again, I am in full webcam watch and piste map study. I’ve only been to Tignes twice so still don’t know the area all that well. Being only a piste skier, I have a couple of questions for you if you don’t mind:
1. Do those dotted black run class as on piste as far as insurance goes? I don’t ski off piste (don’t know how; don’t want to pay for lessons to learn; don’t want to pay for equipment to do it, etc.) but I’m not bothered about whatever conditions I am faced with generally.
2. When are those ski races this year? We went to Tignes last year when there were races down the Orange under Marmottes. I only ask because I was skiing the afternoon with the kids and heading down to La Daille on the blue. My kids were scared to death by racers buzzing far too close to them on their way down. My kids have only skied 3wks in total and it totally knocked their confidence. If I know in advance, I’ll feel better.
3. How come there isn’t a piste down from Manchest Express to Val d’Isere? Purely out of interest especially when piste map shows a restaurant. I’m not planning on checking it out or anything: just wondering.
4. My brother went to tinges years ago and he tells me that they used to get on the bottom of the Bollin and get all the way to the top of the Fraise. As I say, I’ve only been twice but both times, we have always had to get off and get back on again. Any explanation or reason?
5. I noticed that I have not skied the Genapy. Can you get all the way down to Val d’Isere from the top of Borsat? Every time I’ve skied Santons, it’s been rubbish. Not that it’s too hard or anything. Just narrow, busy, and generally rubbish. Didn’t know there was a black above it. What’s that like?
6. Finally, Valley Perdue - not for me. Having watched Graham Bell on YouTube going down it, what’s it really like? What’s it like now? Will,it hold up until 1st week in April.

Thank you as always

Edited: changing wording slightly.

Here goes with some replies for you:

1) Yes they are classified as pistes for insurance as marked trails just not pisted! BTW you dont need special kit to learn to ski off piste if you dont want to!
2) You're talking about the Scara races - week of the 2nd-5th April I believe it is this year. Yes (and its not just racers but members of the public too) it is the bain of my life people buzzing others and affecting their confidence - its AMAZING how often this happens - grrrr
3) There's no piste mainly as its very flat - to flat to ski. The restaurant is mainly there for the Summer months trade but obviously owners want it mentioned for the Winter months too so when its safe enough to get there in the Winter its quite popular location!
4) The Bollin Fresse lift had technical issues pretty much from the day it was built back in the late 1990's and for years they tried to keep the mechanics working so you could if you wanted go bottom to top in one go but they have given up with that all now so you have to get off and back on again!
5) Genepy piste turns into Santons! The black Epaulet du Charvet is not and easy option no!
6) Yes will be fine into April. Its a pain in the ****run if you ask me. I always say its James Bond meets, Indiana Jones, meets snowplough / sideslipping survival. Its nice for a bit of fun but otherwise I wouldnt bother personally.

Hope that all helps
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 You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
Classic errors

As is always the case I am sitting here and had fully planned out a really good update as to what wanted to say but totally forgot most of it - doh!

Anyway Clare was off this morning so it was me to get Olivia and Ben to their meeting point for Club. It was noticeably colder but decent weather this morning. The meeting point was pretty quiet and being a Saturday of course everyone was on the roads! After the piste bashers have done their magic for a second night the pistes hold up MUCH better and today was no exception... the grooming was stunning and the snow so soft. It was perfect snow.

Anyway I had a lovely lady who had been here all week but had been too scared to ski... she has skied much of her life and much of that time in Val d'Isere. In fact she has been coming for more than 30 years. However she decided at the start of the week before putting skis on that she did not have her mojo anymore so it was my job to get it back! Unfortunately I only had a session as she was heading home tomorrow.

It was lovely and quiet and we headed up Olympic, walked down the steps and skied across to the Verte... all good. I noticed as usual there was several people deciding to carry ski kit right down the middle of that first pitch... I know the steps are not that obvious but really where are peoples common sense. You can tell by the way they were walking down the slope it was a complete newbie to the sport coming down with their 'expert' friend about to teach them to ski... I know lets put skis on for the first time at the top of Verte - well you know how it is going to go from there - doh!

Anyway Verte followed by Borsat and then Genepy and a coffee at Empreiente was the go'er. It was good to warm up as it was probably the coldest morning of the last few weeks and certainly the coldest morning of February by far.... I almost should have putted my heated socks on - now that tells you something as I dont often say that!

After coffee we did a few laps of Grand Pre and she really did regain some of her confidence - well done. We finished with the Club Des Sports blue piste from the top of Grand Pre and then headed back to town to finish up. I collected the kids from club and headed home for lunch with them ( Clare has just taken them back for the afternoon). Tomorrow Olivia has a Tarantaise valley race and Ben will either ski with a friend or spend the day at a friends house as Clare is helping at the ski race and im starting a full week booking).

So it was a chilly but sunny day - just perfect. Tomorrow will be quite busy as another week of well over 100,000 skier nights (84.1% occupancy rate) are expected. Local schools remain off so it will be a busy week. The roads today are once again very very busy! Hope its going OK for those of you on the roads!

Finally I have been thinking about my 'top ten' tips and recommendations for skiers:

1) Never use the phrase (or variations of it). 'When I learnt to ski' - if you think you learnt then it makes you think you completed something. In fact you are always learning - and I mean always learning and improve.
2) Dont undo the good work you learn in lessons. I see it all the time. As soon as people leave lessons they stop practicing what they learnt in the lessons and this stop getting better. Spend 5 mins here and there working on what you learn in lessons as its a muscle memory acquisition sport - you need to teach the body to do things that are NOT natural!
3) Dont stop taking lessons (yes I know some people will think as an instructor im saying this as it creates work for us / me but it is true!). Many people get to a 'level' where they can get around the mountain with some element of skill and then drop lessons. I can ASSURE you that as you get older and brute strength and agility is no longer your friend that you will wish you had learnt more and for longer as it will be too late by then! Every single season I teach lots of people who fall into this camp but by the time they realise its too late!
4) Dont think 'speed' and colour of run you go on / at is anything other than a reflection of self confidence.... it is NOT a expression of skill. 99% of mountain users always seem to not know this!
5) Turn shape is King! A skier or boarder will always continue to improve and learn if try and round their turn off in all situations... in other words finish the turn off... this includes on green slopes etc. Yes you will go a lot slower but going slow on a green run (as an example) will stop you 'fudging' technique
6) Try and finish and start a turn at approximately the same speed - by doing so you are confirming to the brain that you have control of speed and line and therefore you are a much better skier than you think!
7) Colour of run doesnt mean much... it is basically only a reflection of how steep the steepest part is (or should be!) and there is no global standardisation of slope colouring - its a marketing thing and only that. Instead accept that how narrow / busy / icy / bumpy a slope is is likely to indicate how challenging it should be. e.g. The Face here in Val d'Isere is an EASY black run at 0900 in the morning usually (wide, no ice / moguls etc) but at the day end its still just as steep but can be a brute of a black!
8 ) Dont waste money on pointless rubbish / dont be 'sold' to. Ski manufacturers etc want you to buy several sets of skis, the poshest helmet etc. Instead use the money to actually get better at skiing / boarding rather than thinking a pair of off piste skis (for example) will 'allow' you to ski off piste... you dont need specialist stuff for all eventualities! Cant tell you how many people spend money needlessly in a vain attempt to shortcut their way to success on the slopes!
9) Dont keep up with 'expert'. I challenge anyone NOT to know an expert skier who knows more than everyone else around the chalet dining table. Talks the talk and knows everything... everyone must bow to their expertise! I BET you that person is actually nowhere near as good as the aurora floating around them. Trying to physically keep up with them on the slopes often makes you a worse skier and not a better one! FWIW I think an expert skier needs to have done over a hundred weeks of skiing absolute minimum before they could even contemplate having that title and as I have often said... 'a expert skier knows they are actually a beginner'. I personally having done this job for 25 years full time (something like 500 weeks+ of skiing - a rough guess) would call myself a beginner compared to the skills World Cup ski racers have or FreeRide World Tour riders etc!
10) Remember skiing / boarding etc is WHATEVER YOU want it to be.... cruising the greens, mogul bashing, racing or freestyle, on or off the piste. Make it whatever you want it to be but remember no-one is right and no-one is wrong! The last to the bottom shouldn't have to buy the beers! Testosterone and Bravado is not for everyone!


The milky ski could lead to some weather tomorrow! MORE SNOW COMING!
ski holidays
 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
@Steve Angus, I always read but don't comment - but just to say thanks for your top ten tips! I try and abide by them but it can be difficult - especially trying to keep up with other people! So right and valuable!
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