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The view from............ Val d'Isere and the Espace Killy

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Kenzie wrote:
Steve Angus wrote:
Kenzie wrote:
@Steve Angus,
Haven't seen your latest snow report on Facebook - have TDC not posted it?

Funny you should say this... I recorded it on Thursday (normally Friday) and sent it to Kate in the UK who manages our TDC social media stuff ... normally she posts on Saturday but I think she has forgotten this weekend. Ive spent the day trying to chase it up at the Val end and just messaged her direct to ask... so im hoping it was an oversight and one off. Glad there are people out there with an eye on the action for me. Watch that space I think!

Yep, up now.

Thanks Kenzie.
ski holidays
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person

I had another broken nights sleep and I really need to get a decent sleep so will be quite short tonight.

Anyway it was another manic Monday morning but we got the kids out the door, Clare headed off to work and I was at the meeting point. My team were 5 minutes early which for a family on the first day of a ski holiday is unheard of! Anyway a family with two teens makes for a varied array of teaching. Different fitness levels, attitudes, aims, requests, fears, speeds, tolerances for piste colour etc. So we headed Bellevarde way and did a variety of greens and then blue runs up there and it was a fun morning.

Lunch was under the Sun Bar and when I came out my skis had gone. I knew it was not theft as they had taken the skis and my poles (rental ones I have had for years!). The skis are my teaching skis, beaten up old things with damaged bindings etc... not the most desirable skis thats for sure! So with the client there I had to make a quick decision and luckily as my colleague was working the same booking he was able to take both the ladies up and start them off whilst I headed home to get other skis.

So finally started the lesson about 40 minutes late so I spent the rest of the lesson trying to play catch up to make it the best I could possibly do. I made up most of the lesson time by the end and finished late. When I got back down there was still a pair of Killy Sport skis sitting on the ground pretty much exactly in the same position that mine had been and had been there at the start of the lesson. So I took the skis and headed home.

I had a mad couple of hours at home sorting bits before heading back into town (with the skis) and when I went into Killy, and by pure fluke the english lady who had taken my skis was in the shop reporting the loss of her rental skis so we were able to swap skis... silly mare... she was very apologetic though. The thing is the skis look very different to each other, secondly she is lucky she did not hurt herself as my skis are much longer and stiffer and the dins are MUCH higher than hers... but hey ho she seems to have gotten away with it! So that was alls well that ends well.

I made my way to Vie Val d'Is and despite the room being in use and therefore us starting a little late it was a good first avalanche talk given to VVD. Another 3 to go this season! By the time I had finished and gotten home it was 2230 so it has been a very very long day. Tomorrow after skiing I have the SAF heli training to do so another busy one coming up!


Pisteurs working the ridge line above Cugnai - hopefully they will get it open tomorrow for the first time!
snow report
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Thanks for keeping the reports coming @Steve Angus

We’re driving down on Friday, spending the night in Albertville before Christmas week in Tignes Les Brevieres Very Happy

Haven’t been to Tignes for a few years so starting to get seriously excited!!!!
ski holidays
 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
@Steve Angus, thanks for the updates and bad luck having skis mistakenly taken.

Maybe a large snowHead sticker near each ski tip would make it less likely to happen again?
ski holidays
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Roger C wrote:
Thanks for keeping the reports coming @Steve Angus

We’re driving down on Friday, spending the night in Albertville before Christmas week in Tignes Les Brevieres Very Happy

Haven’t been to Tignes for a few years so starting to get seriously excited!!!!

You'll have a great week. Enjoy
latest report
 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
PeakyB wrote:
@Steve Angus, thanks for the updates and bad luck having skis mistakenly taken.

Maybe a large snowHead sticker near each ski tip would make it less likely to happen again?

That is an idea!
snow report
 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
A little colder

The sun was shining again this morning and it wasnt quite as hectic a morning as the other day thankfully.

I had the same am and pm lesson line up as yesterday so we met and headed Solaise and ultimately Fornet way taking what we had worked on yesterday forward with some carving thrown in as well as a tiny bit of off piste. It was a really fun session covering a lot of ground!

Lunch was the usual but I kept my skis just in case there was a repeat of yesterday. Haha.

The afternoon was planned out in my head but unfortunately things had to change as the Fontaine Froid had technical problems so that meant getting anywhere near Grand Prix as well as the Fontaine Froid area was out of the question! However we worked other options out and later in the lesson they did manage to get things sorted so could introduce her to that part of the resort. What a fast improver she turned out to be so it was quite easy teaching her. However it turned out to be quite chilly this afternoon so a change in the weather is definately coming!

Talking of weather maybe today will have been the last good weather day for a while as it is supposed to change a fair bit going forward.

After work I managed to get a little filming in as I continue to try and get footage for ski tips and various other social media things im trying to do. I then had to dash as got a lift with a colleague down to Les Boisses for our annual SAF heli ski training we need to undertake - so im 'current' once again! Hurrah.

Meanwhile Olivia got home from school and is a little run down so she had an early night and Ben was at Judo so he was brought home late but happy as he loves his Judo! Yay!

Anyway im working in the morning tomorrow and then after that in the following days I have a long run of all day bookings coming in - eeek!

Bit lost for words tonight so will finish early.


snow conditions
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
Get yourself an indelible marker pen in a strong contrast colour to the colour of your skis, and write your name or something suitable at the tips - the bit the rogue skier sees as they grab your skis from the rack. And in front of the toe binding. Or colour the tips in. Something really obvious. A small job that could avoid a big problem. Worth doing for everyone in the family.
latest report
 You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
@Steve Angus,

I'm looking forward to flying in one of those lovely SAF helicopters later in the season, I'm hoping that the weather conditions are favourable.

A small combi/cable lock may not deter a determined thief but it stops anyone taking the wrong skis by accident.
latest report
 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
PeakyB wrote:
@Steve Angus, thanks for the updates and bad luck having skis mistakenly taken.

Maybe a large snowHead sticker near each ski tip would make it less likely to happen again?

That's what I do already!!

latest report
 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
Hate to say it but.... lock 'em up. Or at least lock 'em together. Takes 10 seconds, saves hours of hassle.
snow report
 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
Split the skis and poles and put them 30m apart. Saves having to buy/carry locks.
ski holidays
 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much

Splitting skis doesn't work when you're skiing on your own.

I split them when I'm skiing with other people. I lock them when on my own.
ski holidays
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
I have a bit of duct tape or similar stuck on the front of my skis with my name on one ski and initials on the other, and my name on the top of each pole. Helps me remember who I am! We do tend to split skis when outside cafes etc, just to stop inadvertent removal.
snow report
 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
marking skis is fine but wont stop the clueless beginner or the drunk or simply stupid who will pick up a ski that they think is where their skis "should" be!
a lock will confuse them (DAMHIK) and they will try to remove the cable lock from what they are sure are their skis! (DAMHIK!)
So, a cable lock will slow them down (a thief will simply snip the cable if they really want your skis), possibly get them to wonder if they have got the right skis or at least get them to grab another pair that look like they will "do"
snow report
 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
welshflyer wrote:

Congratulations on getting engaged. Did you propose by the big "Val d'isere" sign at the top of the grand pre chairlift?

Santons is often closed because it is a nasty narrow gully which is prone to avalanches from the steep sides. People have been caught thinking it was safe skiing down the side of that piste when it was closed.

Yesterday's avalanche in the Signal Bowl in Le Fornet was not set off by the pisteurs it was a natural one.

Stay safe out there with the rising temperatures.

I proposed to the side of it. It didn't start off great as I think the emotion got to her and she started sidestepping towards the cliff but luckily she managed to come to her senses and say yes before she sidestepped off the cliff Madeye-Smiley
latest report
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
CathyAuLait (nice username btw!) - yea that could work! Nice idea
welshflyer - yup got that in the planner.... need to start looking at numbers in the new year but no sweat yet a while
the_dazzler - nice. Would not have been a good way to start the new life together that!

As far as the others are concerned and skis security etc.... yea could take measures but:

1) first time in 25 seasons or so anything like this has happened - think of all the lunch breaks, hot choc stops etc... never happened before and I never do anything with the skis knowingly!
2) the skis I generally use are pretty beat up things to deter thiefs.

Maybe ill get my back bottom in gear and try and 'leave them better' when not on them!
snow conditions
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Getting flat

There was a cloud base hovering around the top of the mountains at first light but for the most part it was a reasonable start to the day weather wise. With Clare and the kids all either not working or off school it was just me that needed to get going! Quite a nice treat really.

So the morning was with a nice 12 year old girl who could ski pretty well. The plan was to get her transitions whilst carving a bit more on queue. We did a lap and some variations of the green triangle in conditions that were deserted working through a variety of drills - it was nice to be able to focus so specifically on a part of her skiing to improve her! We had some good chats and it was a nice few hours!

The weather teased us all morning with periods when we thought the sun was winning and the sun was trying to break through and then at other times quite the opposite. In fact by the end of the morning there were some horrendous fog / cloud bands drifting through making visibility nigh on impossible!

I got some filming in for my ski tips on Instagram and other bits needing doing - will be a labour of love but slowly and steady will get there hopefully!

Meanwhile Clare went for a ski with the kids this morning and Olivia did the Flèche race - got the silver time.

This afternoon did a few things, some batch cooking, played a board game with the kids and other bits. Ben had a dental appointment and Clare also popped into town to meet the clients we are both teaching together for the next week or so. Generally caught my breath before the next instalment of the season too!

Weather wise it is really moving in this evening and the next few days will be interesting I think!


Thats quite a cloud band!

Didnt stop people enjoying the slopes today of course!
ski holidays
 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
Just about OK!

I woke up feeling more tired than when I went to bed for some reason and looking out the window at an uninspiring set of weather it was not enticing! The kids did well enough getting sorted and out the door and then it was time to get to the meeting point. Luckily it was actually a 0930 start so plenty of time to catch my breath!

So its not often both Clare and I work the same bookings these days - when she also worked for TDC it was more common than it is now! However this was Clares booking - her Dads cousins friends comprising some family from the UK and some from the US. Anyway they want a series of days of guiding / showing around the resort, some ski tips thrown in as well as general hand holding. So with all day (x4) with them and lunch restaurant reservations in place today was all about showing them around the Bellevarde / La Daille area. To be honest much of it needed to be taken as it came with the weather as it was. High winds were forecast and pretty grotty visibility too!

Anyway in the end the weather was just about OK to have a decent day of skiing... we didnt need plan b of staying low in the La Daille trees thankfully. So with strong skiers (one slightly affected by the flat light) including one teen in a US ski racing academy we did the green triangle and variations of routes towards the Marmots area as well as testing little trip up Tommeuse too! Hot chocs at Marmots and then lunch at the new Bellevarde Maison Louly restaurant. Clare when she made the bookings last week she just wanted to try out this new place so thats what we did!

So my thoughts, price OK for what it is a table service restaurant on the mountain Val; service was average, food quality - decent, portion size awful for the money (maybe thats why the price was as it was). Overall thought it was decent. Kids in the party loved the puddings, my ribs were excellent.

After lunch with the weather worse again we just headed to La Daille and did a couple of laps before calling it a day!

Meanwhile the kids were enjoying their penultimate day of the term at school with special events / lunch etc so it was nice hearing their news when they got home for school and sorted for bed etc.

The weather continues to challenge us and the winds are getting up this evening as lots of snow is falling. It will be interesting to see what the lie of the land is tomorrow morning for day 2 on this booking.


One of the clients have these skis from Ski Republic - pretty cool I thought

Which lift is this then?

Looking down towards the 3J piste from the Bellevarde Maison Louly Restaurant
ski holidays
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
I guess Tommeuses???
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
Taking into account the shadows, the angle of the piste you can see in the left of the picture, some disturbed snow near the pylons (off-piste), oh and the 4 bars for foot rests (8 seats) then I agree with Jehu that it's Tommeuses.
snow conditions
 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Top of Borsat?
latest report
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
I haven't been for a few years but surely it's got to be Tommeuses. Isn't that the only 8 seater?
snow conditions
 You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
Yes folks most of you got it right (too many visual clues!) - it is the Tommeuse lift
latest report
 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads

It was very much a case of 'come on kids one last push of the term!' vibe this morning! But with a great deal of heave got them out the front door. As soon as that was sorted I headed out into what was a pretty intense looking weather morning! The winds were over 100km/h at altitude overnight and the snow was coming (well sideways in the main part!) sideways!

I got to the meeting point nice and early and knew the whole area would be busy as nothing would be opening on time so hung a bit up the slopes to give me space to record my weekly TDC snow report. This actually takes a while as need to practice it - think about what I want to say, get the correct moment, avoid people shouting things skiing past etc etc etc! Anyway having done the multiple takes I got one that 'passed'. I then went on to do my live broadcast too.

Anyway by the time it was action time it was obvious that nothing would be opening from the centre of town on time as there was a lot of avalanche clearance that needed doing. We decided that taking the bus to La Daille was sensible and headed up the Funi. The wind at the top was just about as bad as it gets but after dropping down in altitude it was better. Only below the Folie was it really OK! Anyway the snow was decent and the slopes pretty quiet! We also did a lap of the now open Face which was in excellent condition it really was!

Elsewhere on the mountain there was a lot of avalanche activity... including someone taken (injured knee) on the spatule (why the hell did they head out there!) but very close to the piste...also there was a slide off the side of the Rhone Alpes piste this afternoon when they finally managed to get that side open!

Anyway lunch was Marmottes before an early finish as the options were really limited and hitting the wind from the top of the mountain to Folie level was just not worth it!

I popped into town to get a couple of jobs done and then the kids got home from term.

The weather should improve tomorrow thankfully as need a good day on the mountain!


This slide was 50m and 200m long!
ski holidays
 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
Better weather

It was a different start to the day today as no school to get the kids ready for - instead they both had club. So getting them up and out the door was the usual hectic start on club days. But we got there and Clare took them!

Looking out the window is was still quite blowy and a bit of snow flying around but the forecast promised that it was to break!

Anyway everything more or less opened on time and it was time to go with plan a and a tour around up the Solaise side. No sooner had we gotten up the Solaise but the clouds were starting to part and the sun was trying to stick its head through! It was apparent up there that the winds had done some MAJOR damage to the mountain... the snow looked either stiff or stripped or in a few very occasional places it was blown in and looked skiable!

Anyway there was a fair few either delayed openings or 'no plans to open at all' to deal with. We enjoyed our time skiing around Solaise before heading to Mattis in order to get Fornet way. Fornet way was limited too and the winds much stronger up there swell! After a lap or so on Pyramids we headed down and bussed it back into town to have lunch with one of the non skiers in the group... getting everyone in was always going to be tricky without a reservation but we eventually got a table for 16 in Paulos Cafe at the rond pont and a very nice lunch it was!

After lunch we headed back up and did some more variations on the Solaise and with more open it was easier including a drop down the Arcelle (first time for me this season!) and finished with a ski down the front of solaise.

As Clare took the kids to club this morning I had the duty to collect them and bring them home... not easy carrying all the gear of your own and dragging them both along too - doh!

Anyway got there in the end and when back at home it was time for dinner and get them into bed. Personally im shattered so need to have an early night of my own! There weather should improve even more tomorrow and we are planning on a trip down to Brevieries via going 'around the world!'


Photo from Snowtrax - thanks!
latest report
 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
I saw a world famous social media and blogging legend at the top of Toviere today, about 3.15. in fact I was stood right next to him, but he was giving out final instructions to his group, so I snook away, knowing that I had been adjacent to greatness.

I never even considered interrupting as they were all hanging on every word.

Wish I had now, just to see the look on their faces as some random fat, old git interrupted their esteemed ski god in full flow, with a "orite Stevie mate, Frosty the Showman, pleased ter meet ya" before skiing off very badly.
snow report
 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
Frosty the Snowman wrote:
I saw a world famous social media and blogging legend at the top of Toviere today, about 3.15. in fact I was stood right next to him, but he was giving out final instructions to his group, so I snook away, knowing that I had been adjacent to greatness.

I never even considered interrupting as they were all hanging on every word.

Wish I had now, just to see the look on their faces as some random fat, old git interrupted their esteemed ski god in full flow, with a "orite Stevie mate, Frosty the Showman, pleased ter meet ya" before skiing off very badly.

Haha Frosty the Snowman - how funny. You have made me blush! Yes that was me there then... we had just come back from Breviere after a day out showing the group around Tignes! TBH I get the occasional person throw a 'hi Steve' my way in situations like this... always find it slightly funny when people know who I am but I dont know who they are! Not sure 'world famous' quite fits but ill take it.
ski holidays
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
A nice day out

The sun was shining brightly from the off set and the it was a little easier getting the kids out the door this morning and to Club thankfully! It looked as if the strong winds at altitude had abated a little but it was still windy up there.

Meanwhile Val d'Isere was in full swing to make the resort feel as festive as possible. Firstly Papa Noel was in town to hit the slopes with his elves to give out chocolates to one and all and then this evening he arrived on his sled and was giving presents to all the kids in the centre of town!

Anyway I headed up into town ready for the final day with our group Clare and I have been working with. The plan was always to head to Tignes Brev and do a 'round the world' as we call it so thats what we did! Looking around the resort it is clear the immense damage the wind has done the resort over which is a shame but luckily being on piste it should not affect us too much! Alas we headed to Val Claret via Piste H and did a Double M descent which went down really well. Tichot, Grattalu and via Grand Hunt was next and we even managed a descent to Le Lac and up again on Palafour.

It was a weird morning as sometimes I thought the slopes felt quieter than they probably should be for the first proper day of school hols and sometimes much busier. For example when we got to Aiguille Percee lift the queue was the longest I think I have ever seen it. All very strange! The ski down to Brev was the usual wonderful trip and the snow overall today was amazing. Its a pity there are a few runs (and lifts) still not open yet and things like the Vanoise Express still not got chairs on it either! I think it could be a few days until the Motte cable car is in action too!

Lunch at l'Armailly was the usual hit - pity they dont have a Calzone pizza on the menu there anymore... used to love my Calzone there. A few problems getting those on taxi there but we got there in the end and despite being a little late it ultimately worked well. I certainly skied my guys hard and fast so lunch was welcome. After we got back Val side via Toviere (see above!) we did a couple of other itineraries and lifts before skiing all the way to La Daille on the Orange which was in the best condition I ever seem to remember it.

A VERY quick turnaround before heading to town for the arrival of Papa Noel (which ultimately the kids lost interest in pretty quickly when they saw how many other kids were about!) and also collecting (with Clares help) the kids from ski club. Lucky Olivia had been doing Super G training all morning on the Borsat piste... she likes her speed so that was fun! Ben meanwhile had been having the usual blast with his group and his bestie bombing all over the place! I actually bumped into him top of Fontaine Froide in the afternoon and then bottom of the bus at La Daille heading back into town at same time as me!

So we grabbed the kids, did the Papa Noel thing for a short while whilst seeing a few faces we knew and then headed home. Kids watched a movie, had some dinner etc and now we have finally managed to get them into bed and are about to finally wrap the Xmas presents up. Eeek better late than never.

Tomorrow I think we might venture out for a walk but it will be a combination of eating, drinking and also doing some admin etc will need doing as it will be back to work on Tuesday as the school hols continue and before we start edging towards New Year week etc.

Merry Xmas everyone.


My team today ready to rock and roll at the eye of the needle

snow report
 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Such glorious weather at the moment!
snow report
 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
That slide under the Borsat chair looked like the whole slab slid as one. The debris looked like concrete rather than snow, only all cracked into pieces. A good jigsawist could have but it all back together perfectly
ski holidays
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
@Frosty the Snowman, I think that happened before opening week..looks the same line as it did then
snow report
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Looks wonderful 9 days to first trip of season very envious of son skiing on day off
snow conditions
 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
eps - wall to glorious-ness indeed!
Frosty the Snowman - it did go as one yes. Indeed thats the thing people often dont anticipate is that the snow from a slide when it stops sets a bit like concrete. Some people query why you cant 'just did yourself out'.
holidayloverxx - there are often slides in the bowl under top of Borsat and indeed there was one pisteur triggered one a few weeks back but this one was 100% pisteur triggered a few days back for sure!
dan100 - bet you are jealous but wont be long now!
snow report
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Early... but at least its over for another year

To be 100% frank Christmas in this lifestyle is almost (dare I say) a bit of a pain in the ****. Firstly it happens at a very busy time of the year. Secondly it drains even more energy out of the body as (as happened this morning) the kids were awake far too early after a late night wrapping presents and finally you have to balance taking time off with missing out on work bookings which when you are self employed is a tricky one to balance... would love tomorrow off to recover from today!

Also this year was always going to be especially hard after what has happened the last 14 months or so in my life. I wouldnt say I was dreading today but Im glad its over.

So Ben woke us up first at 0530 but was told to do one... he came back in about 45 mins later and I could hear him persuading Clare that the clock 'little hand' was pointing at the right time (it wasnt) but the heated debate woke me fully up and when she finally agreed to start the day he then rushed into Olivias bedroom and turned all the lights on announcing it was Xmas day... oh well!

It was a chilled few hours with stockings to open / special xmas breakfast to eat of eggs on toast and I slipped in my first cold beer of the day. Luckily the sun was shining so after we opened a couple of presents and Ben got his pride and joy of a snow scrapper shovel (yes I know and bless him!) so we headed downstairs and got some outside time!

Some Xmas tv programs and then A + K popped around for a cuppa and some cake. By now I had already eaten quite a lot of xmas snack food! Eeeeek. Anyway we watched the King on tv and then settled in for a huge family xmas dinner with all the trimmings - yummy. Im now officially stuffed!

The kids were well happy with what Santa brought them both so we finished the day off playing with some of the kids toys!

I (well we all) am totally shattered and like a bowling bowl this evening so will sign off for now. Back to the grindstone tomorrow although only in the morning by the looks of things at the moment.


Thanks to Radio Val for this pic!
snow conditions
 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
@Steve Angus, thanks for clarifying....looks just the same
ski holidays
 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
holidayloverxx wrote:
@Steve Angus, thanks for clarifying....looks just the same

Your right it does but just coincidence!
ski holidays
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!

Back to the grindstone!

After a really good nights sleep I feel more refreshed today however on the other hand feel a little bit of a cold coming on - doh! Nothing that wont stop me getting out there though of course!

I was really shocked (well happy too in equal measures I suppose too) that both kids had managed to sneak into the sitting room though without making as much as a noise (which is quite tricky to do in our house) and waking either Clare or I up! Anyway they had all their new presents and toys etc out all over the place. It was nice to nice them wanting to play with their gifts etc but tricky in equal measures explaining that it was business as usual and they were both off skiing with club today and that breakfast etc and all the normal things needed to happen today and certainly before they played with their toys!

Anyway we got there in the end and Clare was not working until later on in the morning so it was not as hectic as it could have been!

I headed up to the meeting point, dropped the kids at their sessions and met my lesson. Olivia had a flèche ski race on in La Daille this morning (she got Vermeil which is awesome.... wont be long until she is edging towards the Gold time and I believe she was the second fastest girl - could be wrong! But generally she did really well). Meanwhile Bens 'fun' group of bombing around the mountain with his mates continues! It is always nice bumping into the kids on the hill and on Xmas eve I saw Ben a couple of times and today it was Olivia... the last time I saw her she was in the park hitting a kicker today!

Anyway the good news is that the temperatures have dropped a little but there has been the odd thin cloud at altitude popping about today so it feels different from the almost Spring conditions we were being treated too for a couple of days before Xmas! So my team this morning compromised of a brother and sister of 19 and 17. He had done a season last year in Verbier and done his BASI 1 and also an of piste qualification too. She was doing her A Levels and a pretty handy skier too!

We worked on some short radius turns, took on some steep slopes, did some challenging drills, did a little freestyle in the form of grabs and a run through the park.... it was quite a varied teaching session which is quite rare in this game. But I think everyone enjoyed themselves and they might have another session tomorrow afternoon - we shall see.

So I finished at lunchtime and headed home after doing about an hour of video recording for my socials etc - some footage to edit for my (hopefully will be) weekly upload of more skiing tips and other clips. Must get editing later this evening - eeek!

This evening there is a torchlit descent by the ESF down the Face and also the geese are in town. If you have no idea what I am talking about (if you have ever been here in the Summer for the fayres season then you will know what I am talking about) then imagine some tame and trained geese that effectively 'march' behind a one man band in time to the music! It sounds quite bizarre but quite cool really! Anyway they are in town so if you are around here at the moment then take the chance to watch that and see them!

Anyway not much else to report. The weather forecast for the next week (well next few days at the least) is generally sunshine but not too warm and possibly some snow coming down the line but its not 100% sure yet a while - we shall see.

snow conditions
 You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.

Getting a little colder

The sky was clear again last night and it meant that it was fresh (about -Cool at dawn. Without fresh snow falling and the cold nights the pistes are starting to get quite firm BUT overall they are still in excellent condition! Clare took the kids to the meeting point for their day with club - Olivia was so happy yesterday getting the Vermeil time she really was - hopefully she will be getting the gold time before too long too!

I was to meet down in La Daille which worked out quite well as the clients are staying down in La Daille so it was quite lucky... normally we always meet in town as it gives the most options for where you go for the lessons and terrain etc but I pre-cleared with the clients what level they were at and this planned where they were capable of skiing. Anyway after meeting the team at 0855 we were amongst the first up the La Gondola. Since I had the mum first and a mid lesson swap to the teen daughter I had to be quite tight on my timings. Also the plan was for mid morning coffee at The Corner in Val Claret so I really had to be careful with my timings!

Anyway for someone who has only skied a couple of times (weeks) she was really proficient she really was. Most impressed. Despite having to navigate the busy slopes to get to Val Claret and many idiot skiers and boarders out there we got there doing some good drills and development! After a swap of personnel is was the teen daughter and being a teen she was more confident but technically not as good so I picked one of 2 big things she needs to work on for now - more development on posture tomorrow me thinks! We mainly worked on the Val side and did some laps on Fontaine Froide later in the day.

I must say that Bellevarde was rammed today it really was - never seen anything like it in this particular week of the season - yes often during New Year week or whatever but not Xmas week - a bumper week in terms of visitor numbers for the resort! It didnt help though that Borsat had a technical problem with it this morning which bugs things up AND Santons / Epaulet was closed this morning adding massive pressure onto Fontaine Froide!

In other news it was nice seeing my colleague Rich back teaching today on the same booking as me as he managed to perforate his ear drum the other day before Xmas so has been touch and go as to when he might be able to get back working. Phew!

In town there was the torchlit descent by the ESF last night and fireworks which seems to have gone down well! However the show was stolen by the Ganzan Fanfare of the marching geese I mentioned before. See photo above! It turns out that the geese are having their farewell tour as they are being retired as well as the couple that march them around... sad were pretty seeing those guys around the place!

And finally in other news I posted a video clip from the pisteurs the other day that featured amongst other things a double heli evac from the bottom of the Datcha lift... turns out it was a couple of person in their 20's who took a tumble down a couloir in the area by the sounds of things - whoops doesnt sound good! I know that one of them suffered a pelvic fracture but no idea about the other! Quite a scene having 2 choppers landing on that small patch of land behind the bottom of the Datcha lift - good flying folks!

Right the weather will continue as is - that is sunny and reasonably warm with only a cloud or two in the sky for another day or two but looks like it will finally start to fade and we might get a front and snow / wind coming in over the weekend - keeps being pushed back but we shall see.

ski holidays
 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
Clouds are teasing us

After Bed slept in my bed last night and me in his I ended up having a pretty bad nights sleep unfortunately. It also did not help that the kids were grouchy so getting them out the door was tricky! Clare took them to the meeting point and I headed over the road to meet the same team as yesterday!. Like yesterday the plan was to have the mum in the first half of the session and the teen daughter the second half. It meant we were on the same set of lifts and runs as yesterday in effect but that did not matter.

The clouds had certainly moved in compared to yesterday and they were teasing us all day as to whether they will bring us snow or not! Anyway we headed towards Tignes and boy were the slopes really stupidly busy this morning they really were. Anyway we got there in one piece before the swap! The second half of the session we headed back towards Val and did a lap down to La Daille before some work on the Fontaine Froid. It was a really successful morning in the end! Bravo!

I had a bit of an old soggy sandwich for lunch which was underwhelming and then took time to record the weekly snow report video for TDC which takes a while - you'd be surprised getting it all set up and practicing etc!

Meanwhile Olivia had a race today - another GS race down to La Daille and she again did very well... OK there was one of her cohort girls NOT there today but nevertheless she was once again the fastest girl in her age group and 4th fastest off all her club group. She was so close to the vermeil time today but just missed it. So of the 100 or so starters, 1 person got the gold time, about 10 got the vermeil time, similar numbers silver (Olivia) and Bronze time leaving about 50% not ranked etc! So she was 12th fastest overall so well done my dear! Ben on the other hand was blasting around the place with his friends and generally having a great time! He has his race tomorrow.

At lunchtime Olivias coach (much to our annoyance) decided to have a change of plan for the afternoon and decided that slalom skis were the order of the afternoon. A lot of faffing around and sorting by Clare to arrange for a friend to get Olivia her SL skis and collect her GS skis to bring back! What a faff! Anyway thanks Ginny!

My afternoon was with a young american businessman form New York who decided after a couple of skiing holidays that he really needed to 'learn properly'. He proclaimed he was a snowplougher to basic parallel skier on green runs so we headed towards the magic carpet up Solaise and needed to deconstruct his skiing initially... but slowly but surely we made the necessary changes and then started to put it back together. He was probably a little over self critical about what he was doing but there were some excellent changes - bravo! In fact tomorrow pm he has booked again so the aim is to get him up the Madeleine if I can - should be OK.

So I survived all the idiots all over the mountain today thankfully and collected the kids to get them home.

The clouds never did bring any snow today but hopefully that will change as the slopes are getting a little scrapped it must be said. I didnt ski it today but allegedly the Face is something else at the moment - best avoided!

Cant think of anything else from today so...


P.S. roads will be mighty busy this weekend so as always leave / arrive very early or late to avoid hold ups.... im talking pre 0600 and post 2000 or so

This was NOT in Val but a friend over in Chamonix posted this! WTF!

two choppers to evacuate two injured persons from bottom Datcha I mentioned.

Its seriously busy out there at the moment!
snow report

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