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The view from............ Val d'Isere and the Espace Killy

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
@Jackov, yes. The weather breaks tomorrow, mainly the drop in wind, so more lifts will open to give access to more pistes. There is also an alleged staffing issue with lifties. Hopefully more starting this weekend.
snow report
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Jackov wrote:
We arrive this weekend. Not many pistes open at the moment. Is it likely that more will be open by the weekend?

There’s LOADS open at the moment in general. Daily changes cause of weather and avalanche risk changes that but within a short time everything reopens usually. But more (e.g to Brev) will open this weekend so there will be plenty to enjoy
latest report
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Not quite so rainy

It was still raining at breakfast time and only a little bit more bright than yesterday... I was glad that I was not booked today!

We got the kids off to school, Clare headed off to work and then I had a couple of hours to catch up with some bits and pieces. There is going to be a lot more time off this season as I need to keep on top of admin a lot more this year, not least because there is a lot of ducks to line up before the builders actually start in May.

Late morning I hit the road and it was that time of the year / season where effectively I head to Bourg and buy pretty much the whole store... not only general food wise, but food to get the kids through the school holidays with picnics etc. On top of that the bits needed for Xmas food as well as some present for the kids. It was a very expensive and long shopping trip. The weather down the valley was not much better than up in Val and for this time of the year it is very warm indeed - eek!

I headed back up with the many tonnes of stuff and then had to unload it and start putting it all away. No sooner had I got the stuff that needing freezing in the freezer but I quickly popped into town to drop my skis off at Snowberry as I need Tim and Jez to remount a set of bindings for me.... managed to pull the heel piece partially out of the ski at the end of last season and my bodge job with super glue does not seem to have held in the first week of the season - whoops! Anyway skis dropped, post boxes checked, and car put away before heading home to continue the massive job of getting it all away before Olivia got home from school (Ben does judo on a Tuesday so does not get dropped back home until after 1900).

Anyway so finally now the kids are all home, all the shopping is put away, dinner has been eaten and 'one of those days' has come to an end.

On the positive side the rain has settled and temps are dropping again so things are looking better for tomorrow and onwards. Yay.

Not much has been going on in town really what with all this rain - people just buttoning down the hatches.

I mentioned the other day that Val d'Isere had been omitted from the 'new' plans for the Winter Olympics in 2030 but it seems as it enough lobbying has been done for at least the French authorities to look more closely at Val d'Isere request to hold the technical skiing events in 2030 so there is some optimism after all.

Tomorrow I dont think I am booked either so we may end up having a family ski altogether... we shall see.

Sorry not the most exciting of updates for you this evening. I didnt even get a photo today either so have used the Radio Val one below instead.

Lets hope tomorrows update is a little more exciting.


snow report
 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
@Steve Angus, That is an amazing number of views. Glad we helped the TDC instagram.
We’ve been out of town for a few days but don’t think we have missed much due to the weather, but looking out of the window tonight it’s good to see the snow falling and the road white again in town.
snow report
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Nice to have a family slide

Ben managed to persuade Clare and I that he should sleep in our bed last night so yours truly was cramped into his little bed - doh! Anyway I slept well enough and for the first hour this morning it was pretty chilled having breakfast etc deciding what to do with ourselves.

The weather was 'ok' out there - at least it wasnt raining or strong winds so we decided to go for a rare family ski!

We had planned on doing 'round the world' backwards i.e. via Johann Clarey piste... so thats where we headed but firstly we discovered there was more snow that fell overnight than had first thought; secondly it had dropped (temperatures) and this had dried the snow out nicely and finally we also found out they had pisted in some weird order last night as there was strips pisted and some not. What I do know is that the Johann Clarey piste was NOT pisted (no surprise there) and there was a lot more than expected. So basically we thrashed our way down and it was lovely but tiring on little legs. A couple of falls each from the kids but not to worry!

By the time we got to the bottom we decided to simply head back to Val as there was no way we would have time and energy to go all the way around. So we did lots of more skiing on the Bellevarde side and it was jolly fun actually. By late morning the sun was coming out and it was truly lovely out there. Still the pistes are pretty quiet which is cool too!

We tried our luck having a look at the new Bellevarde restaurant set up (it has been extended over the Summer, been made more into a a la carte restaurant and the self service bar area has (nooooooooooooooooo) been turned into table service much to our disgust. Now normally it was a great place to stop for hot choc with kids.... for €3 you used to be able to get a hot choc with cream and smarties on top for kids you might be teaching as an instructor special.... it was THE place to catch up with other instructors etc and was quite sociable! Anyway there seems to be a different story on whomever you ask in that place as to what the situation now is. So im still not sure whether such an instructor special deal exists for instructors anymore and if so it might just be (strangley) ESF only. Either way the service was so poor and slow we gave up waiting and just left.... unless they sort their life out and decide what they are doing with instructors as well as improving their table service then they wont have any business at all.

I tried out my new Insta 360 Flow Selfie Stick thing today - check me out on Instagram - @SteveAngusSnow and you will see some of my vids. It will take some time to really get the knack of things but I was pretty impressed with the results on the whole today!

This afternoon we played a few games, the kids did some homework, watched some TV and generally chilled! The weather has once again moved back in and by the morning we will have a nice cushion of snow perhaps. Hopefully the light will play ball too!

Finally for today @muppet managed to snap the following photo outside the main pharmacy in town the other day... your funny one liners on a postcard please.


Yes that was a whole transit van delivering nothing but crutches to the pharmacy! Toofy Grin

Look at that lovely untouched snow ready to ski!

The new entry to the Bellevarde Restaurant
latest report
 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
The new.360 camera thingy looks fantastic. Perfect for blogging on the move
latest report
 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...

your funny one liners on a postcard please.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
latest report
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
Those crutches are NOT "NHS compliant".

The NHS uses crutches that have a "complete ring" of plastic supporting your upper arms. The "complete ring" gives you much more support.
ski holidays
 You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
Steve Angus wrote:

Finally for today @muppet managed to snap the following photo outside the main pharmacy in town the other day... your funny one liners on a postcard please.

Yes that was a whole transit van delivering nothing but crutches to the pharmacy! Toofy Grin

Val d’Isere, a knee surgeons oasis!
latest report
 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
welshflyer wrote:
Those crutches are NOT "NHS compliant".

The NHS uses crutches that have a "complete ring" of plastic supporting your upper arms. The "complete ring" gives you much more support.

Just as well they are in France so don't need to be NHS compliant....same as all over europe. If you pitch up at eg. The fracture clinic with them they will offer you NHS ones
ski holidays
 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
Is there any indication or how do you find out if the Brevieres area will be open next week?
snow conditions
 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
Keep an eye on

The lifts often show as pending on there a day or two before they open. Nothing new is showing as pending yet I'm afraid (Palafour is the only open lift in the sector).
latest report
 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
@thelem, Thanks for that thelem - we were there for the same week last year (which was worse than this year for snow) and it was open - fingers x so for next week - thanks again
I was watching this link here - which is also on the app - I'm assuming they pull from the same resource
ski holidays
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
@Steve Angus,
Pharmacy prepped up for the Women's World Cup race meet?
latest report
 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Probably more likely for the amateur British men whose egos dwarf their skiing ability.
snow report
 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Frosty the Snowman - thanks yes getting to grips with it. Recorded my latest weekly TDC Snow report for Instagram today and using some more features on it - quite cool really!
sno trax - more like 'its broke, so please fix it!'
welshflyer - ill take them over nothing!
BobinCH - certainly the Doc's love a good 'crash' thats for sure!
elefantfresh / helem - dont see why they wont open - snow should be fine!
Kenzie - indeed but hope not.
NoMapNoCompass - haha very true!

Last edited by Poster: A snowHead on Thu 14-12-23 22:16; edited 1 time in total
ski holidays
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Powder ahoy

I had a really bad nights sleep last night - not entirely sure why but woke up feeling more tired than when I went to bed - doh!

Getting the kids out the door was easy enough but then I had a fair list of bits to get done before the days work started... bins duty, pop to the office and collect packs for off piste and finally record my weekly TDC Snow Report video. Interestingly by the time the camera is set up, taken a couple of takes, work out a plan of what the background will be etc it does take a wee while! Anyway finally by 0930 was all done and ready to go.

So it was actually my normal half term family (whose kids have now all left school and gone to University etc) that I took today... strange not skiing with them in half term but so nice that they are planning on being out in Val a lot more and looking to buy a place! Anyway the youngest had his girlfriend also with him and had never skied with her off before. So we got kitted up with transceivers etc and off we went. We headed up Solaise side and did a multitude of little options not far from the piste. For the first hour or so the sun was teasing us and we generally had enough to enjoy the powder so it was game on. There was quite a lot of dry powder thats for sure up there!

So we tried a few things chasing the light and it was magical up there! By the time we hit laisenant express the sun really was out and we got a couple of lovely routes in. Tired legs meant we took a hot choc break at Signal before hitting up variations off the Pyramid - the second time the clouds had really moved in so we took the option of going upstairs hoping we could break through but we didnt so decided to take lunch at the Cascades.

After lunch the clouds had decided they did not now want to budge so the only real option was to go low... so we did that and ended up skiing a Foret. It was somewhat heavier lower down and it totally finished the legs off so we went to Blue Note for a beer which also coincided with a TDC social there as well!

After a couple of hours there I dropped the packs back and collected Olivia from Gym club and headed home. Phew im knackered.


snow conditions
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
@Steve Angus,

I recognise that bunch at the bottom of the Solaise lift in your last photo.

I'll be joining them in about 3 weeks time and I hope to bump into you too. Madeye-Smiley
snow conditions
 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
Hey @Steve Angus - thanks for the daily updates - greatly appreciate the time + effort you put in here on SH - especially with everything that has gone on in your life over recent months. We will be out in March after the French hols. Anything new / changed much around town? Take it no progress with LeCoin development - is le Lodge still there / open? Nobody taken on the Pacific? Anything changed with the main bus / coach Gare Routiere as we'll have one person coming up on the bus from BSM...
latest report
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
welshflyer wrote:
@Steve Angus,

I recognise that bunch at the bottom of the Solaise lift in your last photo.

I'll be joining them in about 3 weeks time and I hope to bump into you too. Madeye-Smiley

Haha yes indeed. My camera in conjunction with my selfie stick gimbal thing seems to have swapped the photo around 180 degrees I note - whoops!
snow report
 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
JP Wolf wrote:
Hey @Steve Angus - thanks for the daily updates - greatly appreciate the time + effort you put in here on SH - especially with everything that has gone on in your life over recent months. We will be out in March after the French hols. Anything new / changed much around town? Take it no progress with LeCoin development - is le Lodge still there / open? Nobody taken on the Pacific? Anything changed with the main bus / coach Gare Routiere as we'll have one person coming up on the bus from BSM...



"Anything new / changed much around town?" - hmmmm not really that impacts people practically no not really.
Le Coin - no nothing moved forward on that - still bogged down in bureaucracy! The Lodge is still there as far as I know yes!
Unfortunately the Pacific does indeed sit empty still yes!
The bus situation - well they were supposed to be moving the bus arrival point to down in La Daille by the garage (mechanics one) but I have not seen much sign of that happening no. So for now still in town at normal place yes!
snow report
 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
A quieter day

I slept much better last night and despite the weather being a belter today I have been out of ski boots all day - have a fair amount to do off the hill at the moment so need to pace myself this Winter. I have the kids all weekend as Clare working so wont get much done with them around hence need to take a day off work to get stuff done.

Talking of which I often find myself reminding myself that this 'life' is a whole 'life'... when you live in resort people are on holiday and sometimes can't understand that real life goes on for people / persons such as myself... we still have supermarket shops to do, trips to dentists, normal life things. As much as I would love to either free ski in this sunshine and powder today I need to crack on with things. When you do this as a job and live here year in year out 'there will be other opportunities' and 'another day'. So Clare is earning the family crust today and I had exciting jobs this morning such as going to the bank to try and get my new bank card (failed as its been posted to me already), checking out the flat we plan to rent next Summer whilst the works on our flat take place, dropping off some clothing for recycling and lots of other exciting things.

So yes this morning I was up in town... collected a couple of Xmas presents including the following book that has come out - nice Xmas present for Olivia I think.

The weather has been stunning today out there and I bet conditions are superb on the slopes today.

I have also been watching the training run for the ladies downhill over the road before race day tomorrow morning - everything seems set now for that. Clare is working the course tomorrow and I plan to take the kids for a ski so hopefully we can stop by the side and watching some of the racing for inspiration for the kids. Being the WC weekends there is no race club for the kids at the moment hence needing to be on dad duty!

Talking of the World Cup its a shame Michaela Shiffrin doesnt appear to have made the trip to Val for the DH and SG this weekend - bit of a shame but hey ho. Olivia will be at the bib draw event this evening but she was hoping she would be able to meet Michaela - oh well!

Anyway ill leave you with this nice photo taken yesterday of a snowy Val from the air... thanks to Radio Val for this photo.

snow conditions
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
I've just seen a video clip posted on a Whatsapp group of an avalanche this afternoon in the Signal Bowl.

Apparently the Vallon Gondola was stationary and that area may have been closed. Therefore it is possible that it was triggered by the pisteurs.
latest report
 You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
Just finished up my first trip to Val D'Isere. Great week (apart from Tuesday). The pistes were challenging and brought on my skiing exponentially. Would have been a nervous red skier but now have no issues flying down any red. Piste M (or maybe it was more plan) at 4:30pm was a great one for practicing technique of getting down a red in not ideal conditions. Shame Santons was closed.

Favourite piste was Germain Mattis. Really enjoyed the glacier on Val side and the cruisy runs on Tignes.

On another note, I also got engaged this week. A lot of the places I planned were not open so ended up doing it at the top of grand pre today. Got very lucky with the weather and that we got to lifts just as they were open. So got to do it with only a lift attendant in the distance. Absolutely over the moon. Anyway, must commend val for it's skiing, people and scenery.

Will be back to try all the lovely runs that were closed this week as some seem amazing and maybe I'll have the competence to try a few of the blacks.
ski holidays
 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads

Congratulations on getting engaged. Did you propose by the big "Val d'isere" sign at the top of the grand pre chairlift?

Santons is often closed because it is a nasty narrow gully which is prone to avalanches from the steep sides. People have been caught thinking it was safe skiing down the side of that piste when it was closed.

Yesterday's avalanche in the Signal Bowl in Le Fornet was not set off by the pisteurs it was a natural one.

Stay safe out there with the rising temperatures.
latest report
 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
welshflyer wrote:
I've just seen a video clip posted on a Whatsapp group of an avalanche this afternoon in the Signal Bowl.

Apparently the Vallon Gondola was stationary and that area may have been closed. Therefore it is possible that it was triggered by the pisteurs.

It was a natural release at about 1530 under the gasex. They have NOT opened the drag yet BUT you can traverse (I did on Thursday) into the lower and flatter part of the bowl but not too far out. Anyone no one was involved in this slide thankfully but lots of signage in the area warning of the dangers.
snow conditions
 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
the_dazzler wrote:
Just finished up my first trip to Val D'Isere. Great week (apart from Tuesday). The pistes were challenging and brought on my skiing exponentially. Would have been a nervous red skier but now have no issues flying down any red. Piste M (or maybe it was more plan) at 4:30pm was a great one for practicing technique of getting down a red in not ideal conditions. Shame Santons was closed.

Favourite piste was Germain Mattis. Really enjoyed the glacier on Val side and the cruisy runs on Tignes.

On another note, I also got engaged this week. A lot of the places I planned were not open so ended up doing it at the top of grand pre today. Got very lucky with the weather and that we got to lifts just as they were open. So got to do it with only a lift attendant in the distance. Absolutely over the moon. Anyway, must commend val for it's skiing, people and scenery.

Will be back to try all the lovely runs that were closed this week as some seem amazing and maybe I'll have the competence to try a few of the blacks.

Congrats. Post a pic on social media and tag Val (and me @steveangussnow in it too as would love to see it if you have a pic!? Glad you enjoyed Val. See you back soon.
ski holidays
 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
@the_dazzler, Congratulations!
Chuffed you used my suggestion BTW!
ski holidays
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
the_dazzler wrote:
Just finished up my first trip to Val D'Isere. Great week (apart from Tuesday). The pistes were challenging and brought on my skiing exponentially. Would have been a nervous red skier but now have no issues flying down any red. Piste M (or maybe it was more plan) at 4:30pm was a great one for practicing technique of getting down a red in not ideal conditions. Shame Santons was closed.

Favourite piste was Germain Mattis. Really enjoyed the glacier on Val side and the cruisy runs on Tignes.

On another note, I also got engaged this week. A lot of the places I planned were not open so ended up doing it at the top of grand pre today. Got very lucky with the weather and that we got to lifts just as they were open. So got to do it with only a lift attendant in the distance. Absolutely over the moon. Anyway, must commend val for it's skiing, people and scenery.

Will be back to try all the lovely runs that were closed this week as some seem amazing and maybe I'll have the competence to try a few of the blacks.

Fantastic - Congratulations.

Espace Killy is my favourite area...and when there, I've found Santons has often been closed.

If I'd proposed to Lady F on a ski holiday (which would have been very early in her skiing journey) - I'd have had to pick the moment very carefully indeed, or I'd have got a good twatting with a ski pole. Skullie

Last edited by You know it makes sense. on Sat 16-12-23 12:36; edited 1 time in total
snow report
 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
I've never really seen the appeal of Santons. In the later season when it is full of snow and empty of people it is pleasant enough but during the peak, and particularly at the end of the day, it is full of struggling skiers, determined to get back to Val without downloading. If both Santons and Charvet are open I'd take Charvet any day, usually deserted and better views.
snow report
 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
I've still got one of those crutches somewhere Smile
snow report
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
What a smashing day

Clare was up at the crack of dawn to get to the centre of town as it was her World Cup duty day for her season pass. I dont really think I remember her get up but I do remember hearing and feeling Ben crawl into bed and didnt really get back asleep properly after that unfortunately! grrrr

Anyway the first couple of hours of the day was spent setting myself up for the day ahead, getting some breakfast down our throats etc etc etc. Finally a plan was hatched and whilst we got ready to go skiing with our neighbour and her son we watched the Womens DH live out the window. The kids were especially keen to try and see mummy doing lissage sliding work on the course.

We set off and with the sun beaming down, two adults and 3 kids between us, some ski racing to watch it was going to be fun. We headed up the gondola - watching some of the racing below us, then Mont Blanc chair so we could get closer to the racing action. We spotted Clare from above working on the course which was pure luck too!

After a while we went for a few laps of routes over in Tignes including the beautiful Genepy piste and Piste Henri too. Lots of fun, blasting around and smiles.... got some decent video too which I will edit and try and get on the socials sometime.

We had a well deserved lunch as per Olivias request (well she was basically being dragged along to ski with her little brother and his friend and friends mum!) at Aspen burger! Big appetites meant lots of naughty food consumed and washed down with milkshakes and choclately puddings galore. Amazing!

We skied back Val side and made our way home for a couple of hours to chill before heading into town for the bib draw for tomorrow womens SG. Olivia was over the moon as she got a high 5 from Michaela Shiffrin - she tells us wont be washing her hand - haha!

Finally with that all done we got home and the kids watered and fed and into bed! Eeeek im shattered. Tomorrow will be homework, chilled morning and then swimming in the afternoon!

The weather outlook for the next few days is going to be sun and more sun! It'll feel more like spring temperatures though.

Some photos of today to finish off with.


Nuff said!

Spot Mt Blanc!

Privileged view!
snow conditions
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Amazing weather again Steve. Appreciate your broadcasts and can’t wait to get my skis on again!
snow report
 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
@Steve Angus,
Haven't seen your latest snow report on Facebook - have TDC not posted it?
snow report
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
raino wrote:
Amazing weather again Steve. Appreciate your broadcasts and can’t wait to get my skis on again!

Thanks. Do my best
snow conditions
 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
Kenzie wrote:
@Steve Angus,
Haven't seen your latest snow report on Facebook - have TDC not posted it?

Funny you should say this... I recorded it on Thursday (normally Friday) and sent it to Kate in the UK who manages our TDC social media stuff ... normally she posts on Saturday but I think she has forgotten this weekend. Ive spent the day trying to chase it up at the Val end and just messaged her direct to ask... so im hoping it was an oversight and one off. Glad there are people out there with an eye on the action for me. Watch that space I think!
ski holidays
 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Off snow

I had a good sleep and it was not too early a start this morning but will certainly be the last time for a while that I wont need the alarm clock to wake me up! Leisurely breakfast followed by a mix of the kids doing their homework (not too much of a battle today thankfully) and watching the various ski races on TV was the order of the morning! I generally prefer watching ski racing on tv as you see so much more as well as having good replays and the commentary / timings analysis. However the benefit of the Womens SG like the DH yesterday was that you can see it live from our balcony followed by an instant (but in real time on the TV) watch on Eurosport.

The kids played, we enjoyed some lunch and had plenty of down time. Its important for us all as we need the energy for the upcoming manic school holidays when Clare and I will be working non stop and the kids will be schooling and skiing non stop too! Clare was working all day and has an especially busy first month of the season so she will catch her breath sometime soon when she gets the chance too Im sure!

By early afternoon we were ready for some exercise and outside time so headed to the swimming pool. You may or may not know but at the weekend (Sundays in particular) the swimming pool under the bottom of the Face has lots of extra things like floats etc put in it... very much a chance for daddy daycare to happen. They also put the temperature up (although today it was freezing and it would seem as if they are trying to save money as it is never as hot anymore as it used to be on weekends!) as well. Sunday morning is mainly for littler kids and the afternoons for bigger ones.

So we headed up there and as usually bumped into a few friends and the kids enjoyed themselves and I caught up with some people I really only ever see in the swimming pool on a Sunday in the Winter! haha.

Ultimately we all got cold and got out, headed upstairs for a drink then home.

So the usual Sunday evening dinner and bed has just been completed.

Tomorrow night I have my first Vie Val d'Is Avalanche presentation to give to the various seasonnaires that might (or might not) come along to it. I am doing 4 of them this season and hopefully it will be something I get to keep giving for the foreseeable future. Doing those for my community service hours (all instructors have to do) is way better than World Cup days (which are long, start far too early) and can be miserable... and yes you get close to the action but only really for a short period of time. It will also help Clare and I when it comes to co-ordinating child care / work days etc with the duties we need to do as the talks are always later in the evening not when she is likely to be doing other things too! Anyway the update tomorrow evening might be a little later than normal is my point. Watch this space (I might do it earlier instead though before the talk!).

The weather: well the sun continues to shine, the temps are too warm but due to drop and possibly more snow is coming at the end of the week - time will tell. One thing is certain the on piste conditions are excellent, the off piste is very good and it has been a great start to the season thats for sure!


ski holidays
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
Does Kate in the UK look after your website Steve? It needs some attention! Credit to Dan on the Tignes thread who spotted it.
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
Thanks - yes just seen that issue.... been ages since looked at that. TBH over the Summer tried to redo my website but with one thing and another it fell by the wayside. Either way link corrected again now! Phew
snow report
 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
Steve Angus wrote:
Kenzie wrote:
@Steve Angus,
Haven't seen your latest snow report on Facebook - have TDC not posted it?

Funny you should say this... I recorded it on Thursday (normally Friday) and sent it to Kate in the UK who manages our TDC social media stuff ... normally she posts on Saturday but I think she has forgotten this weekend. Ive spent the day trying to chase it up at the Val end and just messaged her direct to ask... so im hoping it was an oversight and one off. Glad there are people out there with an eye on the action for me. Watch that space I think!

Yep, up now.
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