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The view from............ Val d'Isere and the Espace Killy

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
muppet wrote:

More important a hot chocolate at Marmottes out the machine has increased to €2.50

Is that the place at the bottom of borsat?
snow conditions
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person

Yes the Marmottes Restaurant is at the bottom of the Borsat Express chairlift NOT the Marmottes chairlift. They moved the Marmottes chairlift a few years ago.
ski holidays
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?

I therefore assume that hot chocolate at Cascades has also increased to €2.50.
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 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
welshflyer wrote:

Yes the Marmottes Restaurant is at the bottom of the Borsat Express chairlift NOT the Marmottes chairlift. They moved the Marmottes chairlift a few years ago.

Thanks yea I know the place, I was more asking because I was wondering if it was open yet (so was checking the op was referring to the same place) as I'm heading to Tignes this week and it tends to be a good lunch spot.
snow report
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
@doynie, we are in it now
snow conditions
 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
holidayloverxx wrote:
@doynie, we are in it now
Cool snowHead
ski holidays
 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
holidayloverxx wrote:
@doynie, we are in it now

latest report
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
Hi all, where would say is the most scenic part of Val mountainside that would not be particularly crowded for a specific question to be proposed? Shocked
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 You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
@the_dazzler, Ooo you romantic!
There is a big Val D’Isere sign at the top of the Grand Pre lift which can be quiet. There is no infrastructure or people visiting it. On blue and green runs if that’s an issue.
If you are there on Valentine’s Day then they normally run the Olympique at night at half speed, guaranteed cabin for 2.
In Tignes, in front of the Eye of The Needle, but more skill required.
ski holidays
 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
chocksaway wrote:
@the_dazzler, Ooo you romantic!
There is a big Val D’Isere sign at the top of the Grand Pre lift which can be quiet. There is no infrastructure or people visiting it. On blue and green runs if that’s an issue.
If you are there on Valentine’s Day then they normally run the Olympique at night at half speed, guaranteed cabin for 2.
In Tignes, in front of the Eye of The Needle, but more skill required.

I had been eyeing up the eye of needle but we are staying in Val D'isere and was worried about difficulty of getting across to it. I would be very keen to do it there but I couldn't find it there was much slogging up to it or you could ski to it? If I were to do at the eye of the needle, potential to do it in an afternoon (we have ski lessons booked for us in the mornings). Flying on Sat Very Happy
snow report
 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
It’s a bit of a slog up to the eye and snow can be icy
Chocks suggestion is a good one with the tour du charvet off piste beyond the val signage! Easy access too
A while back someone made the question obvious by doing a huge written version in the snow under the borsat chair!!
snow conditions
 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
Now there's a question... literally!!

A start with a few options and I'm sure others will chip in with a few (assuming you can both ski to a good level). You also didn't say when you were going either.

Top of Cascade chair on the glacier. Once at the top, you can step to the right where the views are and is generally quieter as most will dismount chair and turn left.

Top of Valon Gondola. It is generally busy up there when you get off but to the right there is a pedestrian path and so a little along there will be quiet.

On the up and over lift (Lessieres lift) as it goes up and over but you'll have to be quick.

Top of Cugnai. It can be a tricky ski down from there if you are not confident skiers.

Lac de Ouillette on the Solaise. There is a walking loop round the (frozen) lake. About halfway round you can look back down to town. You could take a morning off skis and instead go for a walk around the lake and then go for a special lunch at the Refuge du Solaise. Try and book a window table that looks down the front of the Solaise to town and the Plan red Piste.

As I said there will be plenty of other places suggested too.
latest report
 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
For me id always opt for my happy place - top of the Cugnai chair... very quiet up there for sure! Ski down can be interesting but the off piste off the back is my fav!

On the other hand check out my wedding proposal back in 2012 for real inspiration! Very Happy
ski holidays
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
Light or no light

Meeting bottom Tommeuse as im doing now the first day of the PSB is behind us, affords me slightly longer in the morning which is always nice!

My first group this morning was the off pisters and to be honest we battled to find a combination of nice snow (the wind has worked over some leaving crust in places - its quite complicated out there to be honest snow wise!) and visibility! We initially went high before going low and then coming back high again - all quite complicated really. Overall we worked on some decent technique and found some OK snow.

For the lunchtime slot with the weather closed quite in somewhat the plans changed from off piste stuff to piste development and it turned out to be quite a successful session. However with the short period of time between lessons its always a struggle getting back to the meet point, resting, eating etc and getting back out in time for the next session. It was even harder at lunchtime today when the Tommeuse lift stopped for 15 minutes we us on it - doh!

The final slot of the afternoon was a carving session with my group... we enjoyed taking a lap down to La Daille but later found the snow up on Grand Pre etc was excellent! For a carving session it was a successful and fun one!

I barely had any time at home before needing to head into town as it was another tour operator avalanche talk this evening - this time 55 staff from VIP came to have a listen! I dont think I scared them too much - haha!

I am shattered this evening so will make it a short one. To be honest I am still catching up on so much from when back in the UK so will take me some time thats for sure!


My wee man proudly sporting his Club des Sport gear yesterday!

This was about as good as it got weather wise today!
ski holidays
 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Steve Angus wrote:

My wee man proudly sporting his Club des Sport gear yesterday!
Nice! You must be very proud Very Happy
snow report
 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
I sure am.!!!!
ski holidays
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person

Cold but lush snow

We had about 15cm of fresh snow overnight and up to 30cm up high at altitude. There was also a punchy wind and the visibility was supposed to come and go so all in all it was going to be an interesting day!

I did the usual and uploaded on the La Daille gondola in order to meet the team at the bottom of Tommeuse. On the way up I was quite impressed to see the pisteurs already out doing preparation work (see photo above) for the Womens WC races next week... all the A netting they need to weight down etc - a long and tedious job as have done some of it before!

Anyway the team arrived and I decided to utilise the lovely fresh snow to cover 'an introduction to off piste skiing' in terms of technique... so we were able to get the feel more or less right on the pistes utilising the lovely fresh snow - it was fluffy and light! Later in the sessions as the slopes became more cut up I changed tac to cover moguls / variable snow and how to handle!

The lunchtime private was a 're-fresh' lesson and it was nice to ski with a lady who had more or less all the control needed but I could develop rather than correct errors. It was a really good lesson but the time flew by!

I did manage to get a short lunch stop thankfully in! It was good to warm up too!

By the time the afternoon session started there was a thick band of cloud that had descended and kept wanting to stop us seeing anything. It started snowing again too. So the afternoon session was all about moguls! With the cold and vis and at times punchy winds up there it was important to keep moving and developing skills without tiring people out too much. All in all the session went well but I think everyone was quite happy to head home when we did and to the warmth! Haha

This evening has been lovely and quiet as Ben is at Judo which means Olivia came home and did her homework and there has been no fighting and arguing!

Tomorrow is my last day on Snowheads PsB before starting a week long booking with the Ski Club of Manchester.... oh yes the season has gone from zero to 100 in no time at all! Won't be long until Xmas you know!

Anyway TTFN folks.
snow report
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?

Well that was nice!

Being a Wednesday it was not as hectic getting up and out the door this morning as the kids are not at school but instead heading out for a ski and lunch with Clare... whilst yours truly earns the household crust - haha!

Anyway it was not a warm morning by any means but crucially the sun was shining so it was always going to be a great day!

My moguls team arrived at the meet point and we had a really good session developing the bumps from piste drills into real lumps and bumps and it was a very successful session... a few laughs and spills but generally very impressed with the improvements - well done everyone!

Lunchtime session was with a familiar face and it was a split session working on general technique as well as touching on some carving things... and with the sun shining and everyone at lunch it was just perfect up there and deserted. I must say the pistes were just the best today - perfect conditions!

The last slot of the day was back with my off piste chargers... given the 'average' weather conditions for the first session today I wanted to make it a sort of maximum turns with some tips thrown in sort of afternoon.... so lots of variations up the Bellevarde were the call of the day. I did a couple of firsts for this season like two of my favourite variations of Jardins de Borsat and a new funky variation too that I have not done for a long time. Options were limited somewhat as Grand Pre seems to have broken down... word amongst my colleagues is that it could be down for a while - whatever that means!

Anyway a good afternoon was had by all and it was nice blasting out some of the lightest and driest powder I have ever seem! Yay!

So with the end of that session it also marks the last Snowheads event I will be teaching on for quite some time! I won't be able to make either the EoSB bash this season end OR the PsB this time next year.... why? Well because we are having our flat here totally refurbished next Summer... As its our home AND with severaly limited time to do the works (our block is a designated tourist building and therefore we can't do works in July or August) the builders MUST start the day the lifts stop turning and therefore I need a couple of weeks to pack the whole flat up so thats the EoSB out..... likewise I won't be able to start moving back in until the end of November therefore I need a couple of weeks to do that - so the PsB is a no go next year either. So that means it will be a while until im next teaching on a bash!

After skiing I went home and the kids had spent the afternoon decorating the house and tree so it feels rather Christmassy here this evening!

Getting the kids to bed at a decent time has been crucial!

Tomorrow I start on the Ski Club of Manchester - a week long booking with them! Oh and I also have an avalanche talk in the evening too for Scott Dunn.

Right must crack on with bits so TTFN
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 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
@Steve Angus, good to see you on the Fontaine Froide this afternoon. Great day today
snow conditions
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
holidayloverxx wrote:
@Steve Angus, good to see you on the Fontaine Froide this afternoon. Great day today

Very Happy Very Happy Indeed... and what a brilliant day it was!
ski holidays
 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
@Steve Angus, We did the Jardins de Borsat with one of your TDC colleagues yesterday morning and it was fantastic. Lovely pockets of blue sky and nobody else about as they all headed for the Fornet trees.
So good Val tourist board apparently asked TDC to use the clip on instagram.
Not our finest skiing but it’s really nice to see that Val d’Isere use normal people on their Instagram video.
snow report
 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
I TOTALLY forgot to message you about your staring role in that earlier. Oh yea you're nailing it in that vid. Yes it is indeed nice to see 'normal' peeps nailing it in those vids eh. Good work.
latest report
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
The on piste technique lesson was quickly changed after an early message Very Happy
Luckily I’d checked and tested the transceivers last week when we arrived.
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 You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
A little respite

Felt like I was getting back to normality a bit more today... back working on Val side and meeting in town. I didnt have the best nights sleep last night but hey ho! I headed up into town quite early this morning as needed to get groups sorted out for the Ski Club of Manchester who all arrived late last night after a delayed flight. Bit of sorting of groups and sorting who was going to teach who out!

Anyway it was a cold and chilly start and the snow guns were firing but the sun was destined to shine thankfully! Meeting at the VIP chalets complex next to the old church nice and promptly and after first enjoying a hot drink with the participants we set off. I decided to take the middle group as didnt fancy dealing with off piste for the next few days and since there was going to be a change of instructors mid way through the week with the lower group wanted to take the group that probably needed the most consistency!

So we set off up the Bellevarde (my first trip on the Olympic this year - there is a nice new shiny lift 'hut' inside the base station) but time had ticked on so it was gone 0930 before we got to the top! So we did some general 'setting the scene' work today... the green triangle and variations of blues etc. With some people well into their 80's in the group it was slow and steady but a fun session. Nice work team - more of the same tomorrow.

After I headed back to La Daille, grabbed some lunch and cracked on with some work.

I also headed into town for a few hours to do another avalanche talk - this time to Scott Dunn. A varied group representing a few resorts but all quite keen to learn thats for sure!

Another fun day!


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 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
Just over 2 weeks til we arrive!! Can't wait Smile
ski holidays
 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
Snowing hard (but a little warmer)

Ben made an early appearance this morning so I probably have not had as much sleep as I would like - doh.... but always nice to get cuddles from him! Bless!

Anyway usual action stations this morning getting the kids ready for school and out the door! Phew it always is!

After they were out the door I headed to the meeting point (my first trip there this season) - it was nice being back! My team were on time and with one opting out due to the weather (it was snowy, not too windy, quite warm for the time of the year and the vis (especially at altitude) was not great) I was down to 4. We braved the elements and just did some fundamental development work but lapped the Verte... I did not want to venture too far from safety in the weather!

It was pretty quiet up there (understandably!) but the snow was amazing again! So we did some laps, enjoyed a coffee stop at Marmots and it was a successful morning.

I managed to practice with my new fancy Insta360 selfie stick gimbal thing too and posted on Instagram - so make sure you check that out if you get a chance... a reminder my socials are @SteveAngusSnow.

After all that I headed home for lunch and sorted myself out ahead of another avalanche training session for seasonnaires. This time it was Bramble ski so I headed up to the top of Legattaz to take that and despite it being a slight late start we got there in the end.... another successful one done.

I rushed from there into town for the bib draw for tomorrows Mens GS on the slalom... Ben and Olivia being part of the Club des Sports were involved in that. For those that follow ski racing you must keep a look out for bib number 63, Flavio Vitale... so he is the son of the former mayor of Tignes BUT crucially I taught him when I worked at Apex, he went to school in the UK for a period of time, is a really nice guy and will go a long way! Very proud to see this young lad get his first shot at the World Cup... the best of luck!

Finally got home and with the kids in bed it was time for diner and here I am now. Phew another day complete!

The snow has continued all day on and off and with about 20cm overnight there is plenty out there - I suspect there will be plenty more overnight too - yay! The forecast for the next week (well next few days) will certainly involve a decent top up of snow - again YAY!

In other news (I might have reported this the other day but can't remember), Now that France has in effect been granted the Winter Olympics in 2030 as all other countries are out of the running now, Val was hotly expected to get the Men and Womens Slalom events on the Face... however as it stands due to environmental reasons it looks like Meribel and Courcheval will now just host all the events. HOWEVER Val is pushing hard to get this decision reversed - we shall see.

And finally there is (apparently as have not seen it yet!) a mock up of the new Vallon gondola cabins somewhere on the snow front too see now too!.

Anyway folks tomorrow is another day on the hill so must dash.

snow report
 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.

The new Ouillette Restaurant still has a lot of work to get it finished and won't be open (I believe) this Winter unfortunately. Will be exciting to see it when its finished though thats for sure!

Race day and the weather initially looked promising!

Race day

Ben decided to make a heck of a racket this morning when he woke up early so the day started earlier for us all than planned! However it meant it was not a rush to get out the door. Clare was at home with the kids doing homework whilst I headed off to work.

Getting to work was a little more hectic than normal when I got on the bus as the amount of traffic streaming into town and blocking the entrance to the parking was crazy! It meant the road was a little blocked too. Alas I did end up making it to the meeting point on time but only just! So we headed up the Solaise side and the weather was OK... so decided to do some carving work but pretty quickly the weather started to deteriorate and before long it was pretty flat light!

Anyway it was a good session in the end but was snowing quite hard by the end.

So after the session I headed back to town, changed out of my ski boots, grabbed some lunch at Tartine then met up with Olivia and Ben as Clare headed for work and I took over Dad duty and watched the ski race with the kids! Was quite fun actually but the kids didnt see many of their friends there so got a little bored! However was good to see the racing and hopefully will see the Mens SL tomorrow (go Dave R).

After that excitement we headed home and the kids had some down time whilst I got some bits done. This evening has been pretty chilled.

Meanwhile the snow continues outside and we might have a large accumulation by tomorrow morning - we shall see as the forecast for the next few days is snow and wind non stop really!

ski holidays
 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
Long drive but finally made it to Val. Let the snow play begin!!
latest report
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
Hi all, quick question hope you might be able to answer. I have a brand new pair of Dynastar Master GS that is currently in Val D waiting for me to pick up in Jan. I would like to base grind and set it at 0.5. I have my own files and guide for the sides.

Since Mattis is closed, where would you trust to get the base ground please? In an ideal world I'd also get them hotboxed but not essential, I can just do a few more wax cycles myself.

snow report
 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Hello we are heading to Val d’Isere for the first time this New Year week. Can anyone recommend a good ski hire shop in the centre of town please?
ski holidays
 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead

Snowberry - between the 2 roundabouts
Killy Sport - next to the Tourist Office by the 2nd roundabout
snow conditions
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Eskiadore next to Hibu bar.
We had unreal gear from there last year
ski holidays
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?

I would like to base grind and set it at 0.5.

@garricw, Killy Sport have reliability done 0.5 base for me over the seasons on my piste skis, and put in some nice base structure. They'll also set the side to whatever you ask for. Ask for Nicolas or Jeremy.

Only place I know that will hotbox is Manu, OneSki in Val Claret. Killy Sport's wax (itself) can be of indifferent quality so if you are fussy (and sounds like you are) I'd ask them to specifically not wax or strip it off and take it from there yourself.
ski holidays
 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
the_dazzler - yay - welcome to town!
garricw - yea as bobski62 says really
Jakebarton - id always recommend Snowberry but nothing wrong with Killy either.


The day started listening to the howling winds outside (it touched 177kmh on the glacier!).... it was also quite warm and what was coming out the sky was rain / sleet slushy rubbish.

Amazingly by the time I got to the meet point it was relatively OK out there.... the vis up top looked horrendous too.

News came through that due to the weather of yesterday and last night etc and the ongoing poor vis, that the Slalom Mens World Cup race on the Face was cancelled which is a real shame but they have to do what they have to do!

Anyway my team were on time, with 1 missing for injury reasons and another ducking out because of the weather. Anyway we headed up and did our best... we tried some off piste as part of the planned content for the day... but it was basically unskiable.... mix of sun crust, wind crust, rain crust and occasionally something that resembled skiable snow! EEEEK and with the rubbish vis not enjoyable at all! Anyway the team did their best and when we did some technique for off piste on the piste (the snow on the piste was just fine) it worked well.

I headed home for lunch and with Clare out for work this afternoon the kids and I had some laughs for a couple of hours before I took them swimming... been a while since went to the Val pool (August I think!) and it was early November in Florida that we last had a swim. Anyway lots of fun before heading home, getting the kids ready for bed after being fed etc.

The weather is supposed to get really bad again tonight (it did eventually clear up for a few hours today!) and tomorrow (well for most of this week) could be spicy! eeek.


When it finally came good at lunchtime

Whilst the Mens WC races were cancelled today work is still full steam ahead for the Womens races next week down to La Daille (Downhill)

Yes that does say 1.2 Million views - muppet - quite the social media star now!
snow report
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Thanks bobski62 and Steve! I'll be skiing on them every day for the season so probably don't need the race prep as such. I might do that to my race pair though.

snow report
 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
Looks like the rest of the day is a wash out. Any body know any good happy hours bars in Val to pass the hours?
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 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
the_dazzler wrote:
Looks like the rest of the day is a wash out. Any body know any good happy hours bars in Val to pass the hours?

Hopefully you have found somewhere by now but general rule of thumb on days like this is head to where looks lively on the high street - there are plenty of places! Failing that then you can always get a decent priced beer and nibbles at Blue Note!
latest report
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
Swimming lessons

The winds at altitude were horrendous again last night but it was the temperature that caused rain as opposed to snow that was always going to be the problem!It did snow for a while but not for long enough to really change the landscape out there and what fell overnight was wet to put it mildly.

Anyway looking out the windy at a bleak and soggy landscape was not too inspiring first thing. Anyway I headed to the meet point and although there was always going to be slight delay in opening we got everyone together and sorted the groups out with some changes here and there! We were not going to attempt any off piste in these conditions! Anyway we headed up the Olympic and immediately we were greeted by strong winds but especially strong pellets of ice blasting into the face. EEEEEK.

First run of the day down the Diebold and it was obvious the wind was too strong to really be able to do anything up top... also the snow was knee catching snow. It proved that way as first up on the top of the steep pitch came across a VIP chalet staff girl who had done in her knee so I helped her out and got her to call the pisteurs all whilst trying to avoid the 100mph winds etc! Anyway with that sorted one guy in my group hit some slushy soft snow and went flying - he was OK but it was obvious we needed to be lower although the rain etc and snow quality would be even worse lower down - eeek. We got one lap on the Marmots in before that closed due to winds too!

So we ended up doing some laps to La Daille for the rest of the lesson working on moguls technique. By the end we were SOAKED to the skin quite literally! It is WET, WET, WET out there and raining VERY VERY hard!

After popping home and getting everything off and on the drying rack I then got a call from Clare saying the little girl that she has been teaching in the morning - her mum is only here for a couple of days, and wondering whether I might be able to give her another extra lesson this afternoon as Clare is already booked.... eeek a beginner 5 year old basically on the swimming pool that is the nursery slopes. But yup I can do it so I put all the wet stuff back on (now that was not nice) and headed back up.

Well she was delightful but only lasted an hour before it all got too much for her. Hey ho thats the way these things go sometimes!

So I went home and by now Clare was heading home too so between the two of us we looked like we had spent the day swimming. Queue a LOT of drying and swapping stuff around for the rest of the day (made even worse when the kids got home from school). Well anyway now after a lot of faffing I think virtually everything is now dry - phew!

Tomorrow I have not been booked in the morning (which is rare) and in the afternoon I had booked it off as need to do a pre-xmas large food shop down the valley.... so unless things change for the am (and with rubbish weather forecast again it is not likely to!) I wont be skiing tomorrow!

However my to do list is as usual massively long so will crack on with that in the morning instead!


Welcome to the swimming pool today

If the freezing level really does this over the next 10 days or so we are in for a hell of a ride!!!!!!!!
snow report
 You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
Premiere Neige has become Premiere Pluie...
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 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
We arrive this weekend. Not many pistes open at the moment. Is it likely that more will be open by the weekend?
ski holidays

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