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No Après-Ski/ Nightlife or Gastronomy 2020/21

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Jonny996 wrote:

Nope your not alone & how come all those girls have perfect hair after a morning of skiing with a helmet on?

I'm one of those with perfect hair after a full day of skiing with a helmet on! Very Happy

You just need to get lucky with the right helmet! Laughing

(when a nasty "someone" took my helmet "by mistake". I ordered another one of the same model!)
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
johnE wrote:

- If you're all adults then it's likely to be full "out-out" apres.

Oddly our group is all adults and apres consists of a drink on the way back (vin chaud or small beer) and a couple trips out to the bar at about 22:00 during the week. TBH I don't think I'd miss the bars being closed.

Geez, going OUT to the bar at 22:00!?!? That's the sort of time we tend to get HOME and go to bed Very Happy. Bar 4:30 to 7/suddenly feel drunk and very hungry so head to restaurant to eat/suddenly feel very full and very tired/go to bed about 22:00.../wake up for breakfast at 8:00 feeling great after 10hrs sleep and queue for first lift).
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
@Mjit, yep that's the way to do it. Trick is to avoid the "one for the road" and waking up again!
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
Well, according to PlanetSki, Hintertux have said that they intend to open soon (Stubai, Kitzsteinhorn and others too) and definitely include the word "gastronomy"...
Sod the food, how do I safely get to Tux??? Crying or Very sad
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
I'd be very happy if all those not allowed to party now, just didn't bother going on a ski holiday at all.

You want to party? Stay home, party all you want.

More piste for me.
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You'll need to Register first of course.
Orange200 wrote:
I'd be very happy if all those not allowed to party now, just didn't bother going on a ski holiday at all.

You want to party? Stay home, party all you want.

More piste for me.

There wouldn’t be a piste for you, as your ski village would have gone out of business.
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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
@Orange200, @telford_mike, is correct it is the pople who go to ski resorts, go drinking rather than skiing that reduce the price for the rest of us. The more people that buy lift passes but don't use them the better. Except that the money is just pocketed by the lift owners as profit who see no reason to invest in new facilities while the existing ones cope just fine.
snow report
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
As a veteran I don't hit the apres ski anywhere near as much as I used to. I will often go back to the hotel, and maybe have a beer there or later one or two before eating.

However I would miss having the option to drop off at a bar in the evening.

If mountain restaurants were closed that would not be the end of my world, because as a keen skier a self service is more my style anyway. Again though I would miss having the choice and there are days when the weather is foul, that a leisurely lunch and a coffee stop becomes more desirable.

I think it would be not having the choices that would frustrate me as much as anything.
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
richjp wrote:

If mountain restaurants were closed that would not be the end of my world

It would, because your ski village would be closed, forever. You have to understand how all these things are linked together - bars, hotels, mountain restaurants, lift systems etc. Compromise any one and the whole house of cards collapses. Live in a ski village for any length of time and it’s obvious.
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Ski the Net with snowHeads
@telford_mike, “any length of time” = 5 mins, unless you are blind to how local economies work. Often precariously.
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snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
@telford_mike, @johnE, damn foiled again Sad I would have got away with it if it hadn't been for those pesky economic realities...
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And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
So here in Austria, the 'gastronomy' has already reopened. There are measures in place regarding wearing masks and social distancing, which are expected to stay in place until there is an effective mass vaccine. So this is likely to remain for some/all of the next ski season.

Whether certain nationalities will be able to visit Austria at all, or with medical certificates/quarantine measures remains to be seen. Certainly if there are continuous waves of unmanaged outbreaks in the UK, then it is unlikely British guests will be welcomed, but the same can be said for many other nationalities. As it stands now, the border controls are being relaxed with regard to guests from Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and most Eastern European nations from mid-June.
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So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
@queenie pretty please, I don't see how restaurant economy can survive then.
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 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
@under a new name, why not? The restaurants here have been reasonably active this weekend, and that's with no tourists at all. Maybe the newness of them having reopened accounts for some of that.

It will be interesting how the summer season pans out with potentially only domestic, German and Eastern European tourists. The government has committed to a certain amount of financial support for the tourism industry, but German/Austrian tourists account for over 60% of visitors, so the hope is that they won't stay away in large numbers.

Last edited by You know it makes sense. on Sun 17-05-20 10:06; edited 2 times in total
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 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
queenie pretty please wrote: Austria ... it is unlikely British guests will be welcomed....

It's way too early to write-off certain nationalities in the face of Covid-19 management. However, I've really got to hand it to the Austrian management of the limitation of Coronavirus spread. Strong, immediate, and reasoned response, unlike the UK's slow, U-turn, fumbled approach. No wonder EU/Schengen countries will be somewhat cautious of UK visitors.
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 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
@skimastaaah, UK tourists account for 2.6% of visitors to Austria. The more significant statistics at the moment are the 14.2% of visitors from Asia/USA who are also currently declined entry and make up a larger proportion of summer tourism.
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
@queenie pretty please, are these figures for winter tourism? I find it hard to believe that only 2.6% are from UK. Admittedly UK skiers tend to congregate in certain areas and some other places you hardly hear a word of English spoken.
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
@Steilhang, annual tourism.
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
queenie pretty please wrote:
@under a new name, why not? The restaurants here have been reasonably active this weekend, and that's with no tourists at all. Maybe the newness of them having reopened accounts for some of that.

Why not? Do they not have distancing measures? How can they sell the volume of food and drink needed to make a profit?
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
@queenie pretty please, My suspicion is that it will be somewhat local and very establishment dependent. But round here, (France) what's being "talked about" suggests that a friend with a small restaurant, 30 covers outside, 20 covers inside will be allowed 10 clients at a time. He can't afford to open like that.
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
I think success may be dependent on the region until the tourists return. Here in Tirol, something like 40% of workers have been furloughed, so there's not going to be a lot of cash around to spend in huts and restaurants.

Distancing measures are 1m between tables unless there is a screen of some kind. I think the policy of 4 adults per table will have a bigger impact, due to a lot of huts preferring large tables that normally seat 8-12 people. Masks or face shields for waiting staff but not kitchen staff. Mask theatre if you need to use an indoor loo...
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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
@Scarlet, for perspective, I heard that the Savoie-Haute-Savoie had lost something around €800 mn die to early closure of the ski season.
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 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
@under a new name, I'm not sure what the numbers are here for that, but I'd expect something similar.
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
I suspect most restaurants can survive on reduced numbers, with fewer casual / seasonal staff and increased prices - particularly if there is an excess of demand for the limited places available.

Whether bars that exist mainly for apres-ski drinking can survive is more doubtful. If resorts have reduced capacity for whatever reason, prices are likely to increase, so we may see a return to skiing being mainly for the better-off for a few years - who are perhaps less into apres-ski drinking. But in most places such bars are not critical to the survival of the resort.
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 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
queenie pretty please wrote:
@skimastaaah, UK tourists account for 2.6% of visitors to Austria.

So the Brits won't be missed then!

Depending on just how much Mrs Skimastaaah spends in Strolz, Lech, I reckon we spend between £4-5K in Austria each year. If I'm not welcome, I'll go elsewhere, probably spend more, and enjoy my skiing just as much. Looks like it may well be "auf Weidersein Ostereich" in 2021.

(Edit to add that 2.6% of 41.5 million visitors is just over 1 million. Each spending between £1000 and £1500 means the UK visitors to Austria bring in a measly 1.5 Billion Euros to the economy = billy-peanuts)
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 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
I've been to a bar and two restaurants this weekend. The bar was pretty busy, table service only, 4 people to a table and the tables spaced out a little more, but business seemed buoyant. The two restaurants had clearly spaced out the tables and had reduced menus and staff, not full at all, but that's pretty normal this time of year. Got chatting to the staff at one of the restaurants and they seem fairly pragmatic about the whole thing. They are not expecting to employ their usual additional seasonal staff, but can certainly continue with their permanent staff and smaller menus.

So the only victims seem to be the seasonal staff who had contracts terminated early when the ski season ended and probably won't have any summer work. Many of them aren't Austrian, they come from elsewhere in the EU for seasonal work.
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 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
@skimastaaah, 2.6% of 40 billion Euros is just over a billion Euros, so a little less than your estimate. But the decision on which nationals can enter Austria for tourism will be decided by which countries have controlled their outbreaks sufficiently. As Germans make up the majority of non-domestic guests, opening the border to German tourists was the financial priority.
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 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
@queenie pretty please, Most UK skiers obviously don't ski in Lech, nor shop in Strolz. But I totally agree with the Austria system regarding which countries have controlled their outbreaks. Such a pity the UK government have allowed over 18 million international travellers into the UK from all over the globe without any self-isolating/quarantining/testing.

However, I'm optimistic enough about 2021 ski season to have booked BA flights into Innsbruck next March.
ski holidays
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
telford_mike wrote:
richjp wrote:

If mountain restaurants were closed that would not be the end of my world

It would, because your ski village would be closed, forever. You have to understand how all these things are linked together - bars, hotels, mountain restaurants, lift systems etc. Compromise any one and the whole house of cards collapses. Live in a ski village for any length of time and it’s obvious.

I realise that. What I was trying to explain is that without bars and restaurants I would still probably go and would therefore be contributing to the local economy. In more normal circumstances I nearly always go to a restaurant at lunch time as I do appreciate a rest and some food. The only time I would take a picnic might be on an occasional day tour.
ski holidays
 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Scarlet wrote:
I think success may be dependent on the region until the tourists return. Here in Tirol, something like 40% of workers have been furloughed, so there's not going to be a lot of cash around to spend in huts and restaurants.

Distancing measures are 1m between tables unless there is a screen of some kind. I think the policy of 4 adults per table will have a bigger impact, due to a lot of huts preferring large tables that normally seat 8-12 people. Masks or face shields for waiting staff but not kitchen staff. Mask theatre if you need to use an indoor loo...

Everyone in Kurzarbeit is still getting 80-85% of their salary though. I'm actually a little surprised by the cash being thrown around. Seems LOTS of people have written off holidays outside of AT this year, so have bought toys to enjoy their holidays inside Austria instead. My GF and her Dad both bought new MTBs last weekend - the bike shop was rammed, and already almost sold out of all their stock for the whole season. Same goes for kayaks, SUP boards, etc etc.

Re. restaurants, can't be easy, but it seems like Austrian restaurants (other than the usual pizza and curry takeaways) and shops only FINALLY caught up to the idea of delivery service/online sales en masse during the past couple of months, so I wouldn't be surprised if that new stream of income has gone a long way to making up the shortfall. Especially bearing in mind the lockdown was at probably the quietest time of the year for tourism (bar October/November). Even most ski resorts probably only lost two weeks of bookings (and given the low snowfall + high temperatures and massive melt that followed the lockdown, I suspect a few might be secretly quite glad of the excuse to close and the Kurzarbeit financial support).

Stopped for a drink at a hut while hiking today, and every table was full; it felt as busy as it normally would be.
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 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
clarky999 wrote:
I'm actually a little surprised by the cash being thrown around. Seems LOTS of people have written off holidays outside of AT this year, so have bought toys to enjoy their holidays inside Austria instead. My GF and her Dad both bought new MTBs last weekend - the bike shop was rammed, and already almost sold out of all their stock for the whole season. Same goes for kayaks, SUP boards, etc etc.

Interesting. I'd be sitting on the cash until I was sure I still had a job. Maybe I should start scouting Willhaben for all the bikes being replaced with shiny shiny, as I've only managed to buy shoes and pads so far. Do you have one, or are you sticking with the canoe?

Re. restaurants, can't be easy, but it seems like Austrian restaurants (other than the usual pizza and curry takeaways) and shops only FINALLY caught up to the idea of delivery service/online sales en masse during the past couple of months

Maybe in the city, but we're outside the delivery area for most and its a pain to drive in, so we haven't been able to take advantage unfortunately. Hopefully they will continue though. The local hotel is trying it here, but tbh they don't have a clue and I really really want to go in and tell them what they should be doing!

Stopped for a drink at a hut while hiking today, and every table was full; it felt as busy as it normally would be.

Which hut? We went past Mutterer Alm this afternoon (admittedly after lunch time) and it was about half full or so. We stopped there later on our way down and there were about half a dozen groups but I think most people were heading down by then. Btw their homemade chocolate cake is amazing!
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
@Scarlet, admitedly with limited choice, her nibs acquired ex rental fleet touring skis ( & skins) for a remarkable price yesterday ...
ski holidays
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
@under a new name, I do not need more skis, I do not need more skis, I do not need more skis...but they are easy to store. I don't have anywhere to keep new bikes and I can't really stick them in the spare room with the extra skis. But everyone needs more bikes wink
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
Expect one-third of European ski restos to close by 2022.
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
@Scarlet, that was the Astenau Alm (near Achensee). Didn't go inside, but the outdoor seating was full.

Just the boss unfortunately... I was planning to buy a bike, then discovered a big new crack in my kayak when I pulled it out for the first river of the year so had to divert the funds that way instead. On the plus side, given I'm in Kurzarbeit too, kayaks 8at least the whitewater variety) are a lot cheaper than bikes!
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You'll need to Register first of course.
@clarky999, Nice. I saw your pic – looked a bit sunnier than where we were.

What did she get? And yeah, I'm with you on the price of them, but I shan't be getting a new one Confused There is quite a big second hand market locally, as you might expect. Does that also mean that you no longer have the most distinctive kayak in Innsbruck wink

I heard that small events are going to be allowed again next month – do you know if much is being organised at this stage? Would that mean that you'll have some work to do?
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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
@Scarlet, apparently there's been a bit of a U-turn here too regarding some of the summer Fests. The big beer tents are a no, but outdoor bars with table service, entertainment and limited numbers seem to be in the pipeline.
ski holidays
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
@queenie pretty please, That's good to hear. I guess the problem generally is crowds, which are part and parcel of big events, but smaller number spread over a wide area shouldn't really be an issue.
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
@Scarlet, nothing concrete, but I think events up to 100 people are/will be allowed. But everything seems pretty fluid, so expect changes in the next weeks. Crankworx and so on should still happen this year

Personally I (and my department) have/would have more than enough work to do anyway - but can't really go into detail online wink

Dunno, not really up on biking stuff. It's made by Cube and has suspension at both ends Puzzled
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Ski the Net with snowHeads

Dunno, not really up on biking stuff. It's made by Cube and has suspension at both ends

I'vr notice some hire shops are renting out electric mountain bikes. Do you think I'll be allowed this one?
It looks rather nice
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