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Sports Shops Cartel busted in St Anton am Arlberg

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
mayr wrote:
I think if you don't want to pay the asking price then don't, go elsewhere. We have cartels all around us all of the time, I don't think this is anything new. Sellers will sell for the maximum they can get, providing enough buyers are willing to pay that price then a business exists. It is probably not too different to 'rip off britain'. If your competitor in business is making £50 profit doing the same thing as you, why would you charge any gain more customers/profit/work? (aka stab in the back) So how else do you increase sales/profits.....customer service perhaps?

You can compete on many levels. Scale, simplicity, speed, service and things not beginning with S!
ski holidays
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Of course you can if you wish to.

You can also cut your costs, use cheaper materials, pay you staff less, provide them with a cheaper pension etc...if you wish to. Crack on! (and spend probably spend more time administering your business, as the product is less reliable, you get more complaints, your staff leave as they can get a better deal elsewhere etc)

Dress it up how ever you want, business isn't that hard.
snow report
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
If you don't like the price, don't book that holiday or change to a different resort. If you have already arrived and you don't like the prices, shop around in town / out of town to get a better deal. If you are unable to do that and you are still unhappy, there is the option of going home and never returning.

I think again you miss the point. Everybody understands that is an option. There is an always another option. Being harrassed by your neighbours. Move house. Employer treating you unfairly. Move jobs. But eh, there are laws in place for our protection in these situations. Do you want all these laws repealed?

I call this 'double price...half the time', it's something best done only when you are successful and have a reliable client base.

How do you get this reliable client base?
snow conditions
 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
I don't think I miss any points.....but typically others on the forum, as usual, do like people to only see their way of doing things or overly complicate simple issues/discussions and seem unable to accept that other people have their won views, which they care entitled to.

To answer your two questions.

I have at no time suggested repealing any laws. Nor would I consider telling someone else in another country how they should do business or what laws they should have. My answer to your first question is no. I think it worth mentioning though that laws do not eradicate things from happening, but can be used to punnish those who break those laws.

The second question I will answer, but will stress that this is the last bit of free business advice I will give. However first of all i will suggest that you are trying to channel my ideals to fall in line with your own, as the tone of your remarks are quite patronising. Ignoring this, my answer being good at what you do Very Happy
snow report
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
eng_ch wrote:
Sitter wrote:
eng_ch wrote:
Markymark29 wrote:
Just out of interest how are the car hire prices at Zurich? I've sort of discounted anything CH-land whilst the Swissie was strong, maybe its time for a rethink vs Munich.

You're a bit out of date; the GBP-CHF exchange rate bounced back to it's Xmas rates within about 6 weeks. You'll probably spend more £ in fuel takign a hire car from Munich than you'd save on the rental; not forgetting the being knackered when you arrive and all the 100kph limits and cameras throughout Austria

Half an hour drive time isn't going to make that much difference fuel/exhaustion wise surely?

Zurich airport is already on the Ischgl side of the city, whereas Munich airport requires you to orbit Munich city. Thos roads are not to be underestimated; it's taken me 8 hours (and not in rush hour) from teh SW side of Munich to Zurich before now, which should be only just over 3 hours. And don't underestimate how tiring the 100 kph speed cameras through Austria can be. Your choice of course, but I know which journey I'd prefer to do; I'd even pay more to do that one

Guess I've been lucky, had more problems Zurich-St Anton than I have Munich-St Anton. Took me 2hr 45 last time I did Munich, 5 hours last time I did Zurich...
ski holidays
 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
I think it worth mentioning though that laws do not eradicate things from happening, but can be used to punnish those who break those laws.

Agreed. So why do you suggest people should put up with or go home? Is it the enforcement of the laws that you object to?

The second question I will answer, but will stress that this is the last bit of free business advice I will give. However first of all i will suggest that you are trying to channel my ideals to fall in line with your own, as the tone of your remarks are quite patronising. Ignoring this, my answer being good at what you do

I am not trying to channel anything. I was just surprised somebody was trying to defend a group of businesses operating as a cartel. My question about somebody building up a client base was meant to highlight the fact that if new businesses are going to flourish they have to be able to compete. If there is a cartel operating that will be difficult. Logically a cartel is going to defend it's position and look to prevent outsiders coming in.
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