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Les Arcs snow report 2007/2008 season

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
JimW, sounds like you had a great day. As for powder skiing you should try to meet up for one of our off piste fun days. PM me if you are interested, they are not all full on hard stuff. Every other day we do easier things so everyone can join in.

Today we found some great powder, behind A.R. Did a little walk in the mist/fog then dropped off the ridge and ended up down near Villaroger. Great snow at the top. Light powder and no tracks until we were almost in sight of the forest. The mist and fog came and went giving a very spooky feel to the whole trip. At times the sun came out but then it started snowing again. There is nothing quite like skiing in falling snow.

With the great snow depth it was even possible to go down off piste on Droset the steep way through the barriers. Untracked most of the way.

Did a bit of other stuff but today was a real powder day, finshed at the altiport for some free entertainment with the waterslide, when will they learn not to fall over. JimW, have you tried it yet?

Tonight they say the snow will continue to fall and tomorrow will be a bit mixed, then the sun should be out for a perfect weekend. Well that's what one weather site says anyway. I will look out the window in the morning and see.
snow conditions
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Hi Everyone, At the last moment I've just persuaded work to let me loose again week commencing 12th April for yet another week!!!! I’ve been over here (Les Arcs) 6 weeks so far this season, and decided to squeeze the last bit out of my season pass. Anyway…. I’m looking for accommodation anywhere in Les Arcs or Nancroise (Not BSM) for that week just for myself. If anyone has any recommendations – or better – empty apartments (or pointers), please let me know.

Thanks, Allan

P.S. applogies if this isn't the place to ask this sort of thing, please correct me.
ski holidays
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Another great day. Today we went to the North Face of Bellcote. Only one word to descibe the trip. AMAZING Laughing 1 km or something like that of uncut powder and there is still room to put down more lines. Snow at the top was light, getting heavier on the way down, but still good until hitting the track at the bottom. Back in les Arcs later in the day, still good snow to resort stations and up top some great powder. If you want to walk, there are still lots of places to find fresh snow. They say more snow is on the way. let's hope they are correct.
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 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
Hi all - just back from a week at LA2K - and what a week. I thought I'd post something for the non-hardcore on piste skiers amongst our readers (no offense to the off piste folks - I'm just jealous really snowHead )

We're a mixed ability bunch (2Cool ranging from timid second week skiers, through 3rd week boarders to reasonably expert racing /instructor level (not me sadly, I'm a skier stuck at on piste intermidiate). And there was something for everyone..

Anyhow - it was pretty amazing last week. In spite of all the snow viz was still okay - it was a bit weird actually - you could still see a long way when snowing. We also had plenty of sun (never seen so many panda faces) and some periods of difficult flat light - yellow or rose goggles made a big difference but you had to be ready to absorb unexpected bumps when cruising....

The Reds above Vallandry were fabulous - made even easier (they are pretty tame reds really) by the refreshed snow showers.

I wish I'd done more blacks, given the conditions but only did a very short one in Villaroger which was again pretty straight forward with the snow cover, and the Aiguille Rouge.....Earlier in this thread I was asking for advice on the AR and heres my version of it for those still interested...

The lift doesn't open til 10 am (why???) but we queued up to try to get on the ffirst one - we didn't due to ski schools getting in ahead of us up but were on the 2nd lift up.

As many know, theres a black and a red off the top - many say the red is harder at the start so we went for the black - the first 100m or so were steepish, but reasonably wide and pisted overnight with the cordorouy still showing so it was pretty straight forward.

However...the next section of the black was unpisted and had man size powder moguls which I'm sure a better skier would have loved but I just stood on them, shuffled my feet and they collapsed so I slod 5m down. Repeat. Repeat etc. I eventually got a turn in and then I was on the wide snow fields where it joins the red and it was fantastic - then continuing on the black run below the ridge - not sure why its black here - its a fast wide track. I can only imagine that its often icy and hence a bit tricky?

So than was it - no demons lurking here and I later found out we could have avioded the man eating moguls by joining the red earlier but I was too pumped up to notice....

Thanks for all the advice earlier in the thread. Our favourite rest stop was Mont Blanc at the bottom of Grizzly in Vallandry (good value, good food - especially the non lardy sausages!)

The snow should last for weeks, barring a rain storm or foehn so if you can get out again - do it! snowHead (and the EOSB people should have sore hands from rubbing them in anticipation....)

snowHead snowHead

btw stayed in Arc en Ciel with Ski World - booked out the whole chalet - very good value and excellent staff - wouldn't hesitate to recommend subject to understanding what LA2K is about....
snow report
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
kewhoward, what happened about the passport?????? Sounds like a good trip.
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
HI pam w, thanks for asking - see for the sordid story of incompetence from ground staff, UK Emmigration officials and softy French douniers that let my wife (who could easily have been an international terrorist travelling on a forged passport that was two days out of date) travel repeatedly (well, twice) across international boundaries on commercial airliners. Also - she skied the best I've ever seen her ski - so maybe the lesson is to let your passport expire, run the adrenaline trip of trying to get on board and see how it improves your skiing if you make it (shouldn't think it would help much if you don't though)

Also - I wasn't meant to talk about it! However, I'm pretty sure that our experience will reduce the the chance of any snowHead accidentally letting a passport expire!
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 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...

did you get down to 1950?

Am still here, starting on week 2 Been indoors working all morning, primarily because my v big project goes live today ( and I'm here, not there). The foehn came in yesterday, (amazing the warmth of the wind when on a lift - you could really tell it was the snow-eater) wiped about 40 - 50cm off the base according top the daily depth levels, but...
another reason for being on line right now is well, its been snowing all day, and visibility is v. poor.

In fact its snowing awfully hard. and despite a small reluctance to pop out, this afternoon and tomorrow look like being a real blast!!

Oooooh baby. more powder to play in. Will let you know how its going when I get back to the screen.
snow report
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
JimW, We did indeed and what a strange place we thought it. Not in a bad way but it reminded me of Celebration in Florida - a Disney owned and controlled village. Also, we struggled to get food there outside of core hours (some of us had lessons 12:30 to 2:30). However, we liked Luigi's bar and the creperie (where you could eat anytime). The prices are noticeably higher than LA2K - understandable since 1950 is the 21st Century vesrion of poor old 1970s (?) Les Arcs 2000. The Cabriolet lift from 1950 to 2000 is a bit slow between trips isn't it? And how strange that a pedestrian lift dumps you in the middle of a piste?!.

How about a drag up from Marmottes / Bois de L'Ours to 1950? A couple of times we were caught out by arriving at the bottom of Edelweiss piste, 50m below the town centre and being lazy we had to go up Marmottes and back down - a 15 min trip. Funnily enough the lift linkage design at Les Arcs 2000 has similar issues (though the problem is flat bits rather than uphill bits there)

All in all I was impressed with 1950 though - it's very attractive in a faux sort of way and the construction appears to be high quality - certainly the fittings in all the public areas we went to.

Hope your big project goes well - can you expose it to the snowHead 's ??
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
Also in 2000 last week, snow amazing. On Tues or Weds morning it was absolute blizzard conditions, so we decided to have a look down into BSM, by the time we got to 1600 on the bus it had stopped and was clearing up, but wife insisted we go down the funiculaire. Have to say I was like a big baby stamping around BSM all morning, but got back for 11.30.

Have been there a few times and never did understand the reason for the "col de la chal" piste, long boring pole. Now I get it, just launch yourself off the side into fresh powder and meet the missus at the bottom of the "Plan des eaux" then back up the "Arcabulle chair", everyone's happy. Never did manage to find the elusive water slide, maybe it was too cold, but I didn't look that hard.

As for 1950 you can keep it for me, the place has no more atmos than it did last year. To be fair I only did go down in the evening, but the bars were empty in a resort that was full to bursting Puzzled Puzzled . "Red Rock" & " Crazy Fox" in 2000 are far better IMHO.

Anyone going out in the next couple of weeks at least should still have excellent conditions, unless of course there is rain, but the runs going into Villaroger were starting to look patchy even last week.

One last point, I doubt I will ever book a package again. Went with 1st choice, but the Crystal & Thomson clients had exactly the same experience. Flight changed from Grenoble to Geneva week before, when we landed we had to trawl up to departures to catch the incoming coach but had to wait 2 1/2 hours for it to arrive. Then on departure I kid you not, we were
1 dropped off at terminal 1 unloaded gear
2 Rep comes out sorry Guys terminal 2 load back up off over to terminal 2
3 Go to desk 21-25, that flights for Germany, the desk we need is at terminal 1
4 Try to find rep yes there has been a cock up back to terminal 1, this time walking as no transport available and could not even get a taxi.
5 Greeted at terminal 1 by a rep laughing sorry guys they have changed it back to terminal 2. As you can imagine the air was blue by this time and about 40 of us all from the TUI group demanded transport after about 20 minutes coach arrived, by this time the flight was due to leave in 20 mins
6 Back up to terminal 2, check in, only 1 desk open, then they decide to open another. Get checked in, where's the departure gate Puzzled
7 Through that door onto a coach and back to terminal 1

Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad

You could not believe how totally inadequate these people were with dealing with the situation, very very very poor. I will never book a package again unless it is last minute and cheap. Much easier hiring a car, sticking the tomtom on the windscreen and off you go. wink
snow conditions
 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
off to vallandry at the weekend, has anyone skied it latley and how are the pistes holding up over there, especially the lower ones? Was there any snow left in the village as its the first time for some of the people in our group and it would be great if we had snow around the chalet in vallandry.
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 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
chris1989, Hopefully somone out there will answer but also once the clouds lift, click on this link and scroll the Les Coches web cam all the way around. On the high side the second in from the end is pointed straight at Vllandry and Peisey and the 3rd in at Arc 1800. Gives you and idea of any creeping up snow line Mad
snow conditions
 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.

No problem last week, would have thought you'll be OK for weekend.
ski holidays
 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
chris1989, Absobloominlootly was there snow in Vallandry last Friday - oodles and globs of it. It was slightly scratchy in the morning and very slightly slushy in the afternoons (but just fine really) at the very bottom of the runs (last 20%) but perfect for a couple of hours in between and completely perfect for the top 80% all day.

However - it can change quickly but the snow farmers should be able to manage the bottom parts and I'm sure the top half (at Least) will be good for the rest of the season (and beyond) Enjoy! snowHead
snow report
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
Kel, sounds like a nightmare at GVA. Unlucky.
snow conditions
 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
chris1989 - Everyone, I'm just back after two and a half weeks, last week was probably the best I've had this year. Sunday was 'interesting' though, thought I'd get first lift at 9:15 (as had flight home in the evening) and was at first surprised how icy the reds into Vallandry were, but of course with the clocks changing it was like 8:15 on Saturday. By 10 or so absolutely gorgeous and very warm.

People are saying the snow will hold out until the end of the season, so on the strength of that I'm going out again, for a week on the 12th April (milking the season pass Very Happy) . A certain 'sports' shop in Vallandry did me an excellent 'end of season' deal on an apartment adjacent to the Mont Blanc for 8 days.

Some pics here -> - nothing special but do show how quiet the resort was if nothing else, and the foot or so of snow on Bosses!.

Can't wait 'til the 12th.

snow conditions
 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
allanm, excellent photos Smile
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Cheers Rob@rar, I didn't think they were any good, really, but someone's PM'd to say the Malgover is now his desktop wallpaper!
snow report
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
chris1989, another note of reassurance from me - the OH (Miss S) and I were there Saturday and Sunday, and riding down into Vallandry was no problem at all. The wooded runs down from Transarc were especially quiet and the snow very conducive to wide cruisy carvy turns. There's loads of snow between the trees as well, if such arboreal jiggerypokery be your pleasure.

Even managed to find some fresh tracks to cut over in the 1950/2000 bowl.

Very jealous of those of you going back... allanm, the photos are awesome. If I end up handing my notice in today is it okay to blame you?
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
snojito, Yes you can blame me, everyone else does! There are some pretty good deals going for week Comm. 12th April, just hoping the snow holds up.
ATB, Allan
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
2 / 3 inches last night, and great sunny skiing this morning.

The Project - implementation of new bin collections in Warwick - I am sitting here in 1950 at the moment, watching the live routes all the trucks are taking, and which bins are bing picked up, when. ( Oh, so not so interesting then!)

kewhoward, yes, all Intrawest places seem to be a bit like that - we immediately thought of the film "Westworld" when first encountering it in Keystone, then Tremblant, Whistler and now 1950: a sort of disney-fied ideal of what an alpine village should be like. But hey, by comparision to 2000 up the hill, we love it!

Right, today's conference call over, off the net, and out back on the pistes - little W after more boarder cross routes, and is bored with me sitting here!!

a bientot,
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
JimW, ahhh now it makes sense - the W stands for Wheely Bin Toofy Grin
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 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...

Excuse me for gatecrashing but personally I would go for 2000 every time over plastic 1950.

Have you ever seen the anyone dancing to Abba in there ski boots down in 1950 !!! , thought not. Whistler dreams during happy hour that's the place to be after of course a full days skiing.

Whatever enjoy Razz Razz theres still at least a month of good conditions around 1950/2000
ski holidays
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
Do you reckon La Plagne conditions are very similar to Les Arcs, given that they're next door? Just trying to choose between the two for next week... The Freeze Level seems predicted to be up in the 2000's Sad
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
The new nightclub, O'Chaud appears to be attracting a lot of unfavourable remarks from those living close by, so I guess it is fairly lively! - I wouldn't dance in my boots in 2000 though, in case I go through the rotten floorboards around the abandoned ice-rink!

You also get 5 times as much space per body per apartment in 1950 to the rat-holes that are typical French standard accommodation in 2000 (although the new chalets hotels they have been building recently appear to have a good rep) .

But hey, its the snow we are here for so I guess it doesn't really make a whole load of difference...and 2000 is certainly cheaper than little brother down the hill.

Hard pistes this morning down over to 1800, I believe the phrase is "dure", and a big wind blowing down the valley from the top of Col de le Chal. Occasional cloud cover making visibility patchy, defeintely goggles weather today. Has been snowing again since about 10:30, still coming down hard now.

The W bin Project continues well, so back out in a few minutes!
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 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
We thought 1950 looked nicer than 2000 where we stayed. I think the complex we stayed in had the worst boot locker I have ever seen - a tiny cupboard per "chalet" (read "suite") which meant about 20 "chalets" of 10 people were getting boots from a room not much bigger than a normal bedroom. Truly crap.

Calling a group of rooms and a common living room in a hotel a "chalet" was stretching things a bit too. To say nothing of the noisy bin men every morning...

Skiing was great though! Very Happy
snow conditions
 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
Any Arc 1950 owners lurking here?

We'll stay there for one week, April 15-22, and instead of paying for underground parking would prefer some kind of a barter. snowHead

PM me if interested!
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 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
JimW, hi are you still around this week will be doing some off piste on tuesday if you want to join us.
snow report
 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
Got back from Vallandry on Saturday. Stayed in L'Oree des Cimes and v impressed with amount of space in apartment & with the high level of service we got from the reception staff - mind you it's not cheap! Food from Le Traiteur was excellent.

As JimW says, it snowed most of Wednesday giving lovely powder on Thursday - blue sky, bright sunshine. Saw people walking in waist deep powder behind the top of the Grand Col chair lift. We were not the first people down but we still laid our tracks in the powder off the sides of the red and the black - my best morning's skiing in several years Very Happy . Snow at bottom of Vallandry was getting slushy most afternoons by about 3pm and there was v little, if any in the actual village by the time we left on Sat morning. Runs should be OK but I would suggest staying above 1900m - even the bottom of the Transarcs was slushy after lunch. Temperatures very warm during the day. Snow condition above 1900/2000 still really good though - anyone there this week should have a great time especially if temperatures drop snowHead
snow conditions
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
JimW wrote:
The new nightclub, O'Chaud appears to be attracting a lot of unfavourable remarks from those living close by, so I guess it is fairly lively! - I wouldn't dance in my boots in 2000 though, in case I go through the rotten floorboards around the abandoned ice-rink!

You also get 5 times as much space per body per apartment in 1950 to the rat-holes that are typical French standard accommodation in 2000 (although the new chalets hotels they have been building recently appear to have a good rep) .

But hey, its the snow we are here for so I guess it doesn't really make a whole load of difference...and 2000 is certainly cheaper than little brother down the hill.

Hard pistes this morning down over to 1800, I believe the phrase is "dure", and a big wind blowing down the valley from the top of Col de le Chal. Occasional cloud cover making visibility patchy, defeintely goggles weather today. Has been snowing again since about 10:30, still coming down hard now.

The W bin Project continues well, so back out in a few minutes!

I stop in the "Hotel Augille Rouge" and as far as French ski in ski out hotels go I don't think it is too bad, as long as there are only 2 sharing a room. The food served is also very acceptable.

But the big plus for anyone like me and lets face it that must be 95% of people who go skiing for a week at a time, rather than a season ( I am in the unfortunate position of having to work to so that I can afford to pay for my winter hols rolling eyes ), you can go to the above twice for what it costs to stop in 1950 and dine out every night. I can live with the rotten boards, its not like actually makes a difference to my Hols

Looking to maybe catch a late deal week after next, any rat hole will do as long as there is a metre of snow outside the boot room.

ski holidays
 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Kel, Have you seen this from the Les Arcs website?
snow conditions
 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Fabulous conditions today. Fresh powder and bright blue skies.... Not a cloud in sight. Not at all what was forecast!
Was very chilly this morning but much warmer this afternoon.
Snow forecast - but looks like freezing level is rising so hope the rain lower down isnt too heavy!

It is so nice being here when the slopes are so quiet. Thought as it was the school hols it would be busy - but it is really empty - didnt queue at all! snowHead
snow report
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Hi, I'm back out on the Saturday 12th for 8 days leaving Sunday night. Have a [small] apartment adjacent to the Mont Blanc pub in Vallandry (that bbbiiiggg block to the right of the MB as you look up the hill). Bedding is sparse, but if anyone wants a rat hole for that week, PM me.
Can't wait.

snow report
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Every had that feeling when you look out the window that it would be better to stay in bed. Well that was what the grey sky made me feel like today. I am so pleased I made the effort to get up the mountain. The fresh snow made up for the poor light and the sun even tried to come through and give good vis for some of the day. Lot's of off piste all day, mostly in fresh snow or soft snow lower down near resorts. Even some untracked stuff away from the resort. None of the icy crust or heavy slush we were expecting. The conditions have changed again now, it is snowing outside on the mountain and it is expected to continue all night. Let's hope it clears for another good day tomorrow. Anyone coming out to Les Arcs or already here PM me if you want to meet up for a bit of off piste during the next couple of weeks.
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 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
Hi Chris - If you get tired and feel like a bit of baby sitting (i.e. doing some easier stuff!) I am out here for a couple of weeks without Steve at the mo. Or call in for a beer.
Mind you the weather looks pretty grim over the next few days!
ski holidays
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Another day of soft snow and high temps. Some good snow to be found in sheltered north facing areas but even there it has turned soft by lunch time below 3000m. They say that the temp is coming down and even some snow is due friday night/saturday. The long term forcast for the next week is not much better so it could be a slow finish to the season. Let's hope that the weather picks up a bit in the coming days.
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
allanm, and all...We had a few happy lunchtimes at the Mont Blanc - very pleasant so long as you sat with your back to the car park - really enjoyed the food and thought good choice and (relative) value. I really liked Vallandry but may have been spoilt with a) great snow right down to the bottom lifts and b) the Vanoise Express being closed. Does it make a big difference? Our TO said that twice as many people go from LA to LP rather than the other way, ergo LA is much quieter with no VE? Does it get hairy in the PM with people racing to get back? Meanwhile , do you know if the MB does rooms?(looked like they did but not sure) Long distance planning but I'd like to go back - either in a big group (30ish) which likes fully catered or a more normal sized group of gentlemen or even family!!

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 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
kewhoward, The Mont Blanc does rooms

Interesting comment about the use of the Vanoise Express - I 've been told its the other way round & more people come from LP to LA Confused I would say the rush back to Plan Peisey just before the last VE back to LP obviously hasnt happened this year, so it has been marginally quieter, but I think there have been more flat light days this year which has had more people skiing in the trees. I dont know - just an observation. It would be interesting to hear what Christoph at Le Solan & Will at Flying Squirrell think about numbers.
snow report
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
I would say that there is an almost even number of people travelling each way on the VE (when working)
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
geri, Frosty the Snowman, Embarassing but I have the figures to hand... Embarassed Embarassed

2006/07 in figures

• 420 000 skiers took the Vanoise Express in 2006/2007.
• A 0, 3% increase on winter 2005/2006.
• 46,1% of skiers coming from les Arcs.
• 53, 9% of skiers coming from la Plagne.
• The 6 day Paradiski unlimited skipass is the one most favoured by clients.
• The daily skipass only accounts for a minimal portion of passes bought.
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 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
But surely they all go back at the end of the day?
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