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Tignes and Tignes-Val D'Isere (formerly Espace Killy) 2023/24. Useful links on Page 1

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Hey folks, any good suggestions for somewhere to enjoy eating out tomorrow evening in VC? 8 ‘mature’ chaps. Good food, not ridiculous prices! Thank you!
Also, anywhere good to watch the rugby in VC? Thinking French rather than Irish… (no offence!)
Also - did we chat this morning about lenticular clouds with someone from this forum? Chocksaway?? Thanks for your wisdom!
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
@Chyvan, L’Armoise - as genuine as you get in VC and relatively good value. Le Couloir (anglophone) or Charlie’s (French) for the rugby.
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Great, thanks for the suggestions.
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
@Chyvan, Get there early for the Armoise - its very popular for all the right reasons - good grub and wine at reasonable prices (and watch out for the leather trus wink

Might have been me - I was chatting about them with a few folks.
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Warmer today with a little more cloud than expected, but none the less, a good day on piste. I did a quick Eye of the Needle and back and picked up the Tigskis and off we went to Val via Santons and then the Solaise and Pisaillas - it was busy in Fornet and at 1230 the queue for the lift was as long as the queue for Cascades so we set off back towards Tignes via Le Fornet Village. The pistes are still hard, 95% have at least some snow on top, so entirely skiable. The only exception was the first pitch of Mangard down to where it joins the road - but it's a skate-fest on the best of days - so hardly a way to judge the resorts.

High pressure continues to dominate, but theres a shift in the direction of the airflow so it's going to get warmer so we are in for 3 days of warm and sunny weather with light winds. There might be a veil of cloud tomorrow as the lifts close - but nothing to change things. Tuesday looks like being warm and cloudy as the weather starts to change - there is still some diasgreement as to how thick this cloud will be. If the sun is bright tomorrow do watch out if you stray off piste there could well be some purges due to the rocks heating up - the avi report also talks about slopes unscrewing on North facing slopes - presumably thats an avalanche down to the ground. To add insult to injury we are also seeing Saharan dust - the skies to the west of Fornet had an orange tinge

Tomorrow's travel - for flying, it looks OK in the UK if a little bumpy and drizzly at times. The exception is Bristol where there is a reasonable chance of fog in the morning - it shouldn't cause a problem as long as the aircraft arrive tonight for the early departures - there is a chance of fog tonight there.

Right over here: with high pressure you get early morning fog until it burns off or the wind blows it away:
Geneva: misty with a 30% chance of fog until late morning - if it forms it will cause a few delays as everything slows up a bit.
Lyon: Mist with a 40% chance of fog until mid morning - probably little effect as Lyon has 2 runways and full instrument landing capabilities.
Grenoble:Only forecasting mist - no snags
Chambery: Mist patches but they should allow landing but a 40% chance of fog till lunchtime which would close the place. Expect pilots on the early flights to wait until they know whether it has formed or whether they can go elsewhere.

Roads - are going to be busy with 32k vehicles coming up and 26k going down. So mis morning downhill wll be slow, uphill delays from about 2pm onwards - the control lights will be operating. The farmers are slowly withdrawing their protest but the public works union are still blocking roads. Round here there are still blockades between Albertville and Chambery. A mate left Bourg this morning at 6AM for Lyon airport this morning and via the back roads it took 3:15 - an hour longer than normal - so if the blockades remain - its not difficult to see carnage ensuing. At the moment there are no blockages on the usual route to Geneva - but as everyone diverts it will get very busy all over.
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You'll need to Register first of course.
@chocksaway, according to this the public works union won't be blocking the road tomorrow, they even say in the FB post that they don't want to dispurt tourism -

Translatoion of their post:

We are at the origin of the first two acts of the mobilization of Tp and Paysages de Savoie companies, Unionized (CNATP 74) or not!
We are COMPLETELY AGAINST ANY BLOCKAGE of the tourist activity which sustains many businesses in our department.
However, we are maintaining our PEACEFUL gathering on Saturday, February 3 in order to preserve the beautiful image that we have given of our companies and the profession without forgetting our demands which were heard by Mr. The Prefect who received us this Thursday February 1.
Any elected official or company who feels involved in the current issues of the profession is invited to come and meet us with pleasure.
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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Ah well - the fog lifted at Chambery early and then formed at Grenoble - so thats where the current problems are. Just one road block before Lyon airport.
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 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
Roads - are going to be busy with 32k vehicles coming up and 26k going down
I never cease to be impressed by your in-depth reporting @chocksaway Very Happy Roads, pistes, weather, pubs and more! I'm intrigued though - how do they (and you!) know this level of information about the vehicles Puzzled
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
Going up is very quiet at the moment. Going down is quite busy - perhaps 10km of queues into The Tunnel du Siaix. Ok between Bourg and Aime.
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Ski the Net with snowHeads
Just went down Sache, was great conditions all the way down, came back up the trio of lifts then dropped into le lac via petit col and hit the first bit of what I’d call ‘slush’ all week. Feels like it’s starting to turn. Fingers crossed for those arriving this weekend!
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 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
@mountainaddict, Ta, the Data for the roads comes from, an organisation that collates road info - as far as I know it goes back to the 92 Olympics. There are cameras that count just this side of Albertville and of course they have loads of historical data, accom booking data, weather data and holiday timetables which allows them to make the estimates - occasionally they publish the actual vehicles counted - they are remarkably accurate. Wheteher any of theis changes the price of poisson - I doubt. We just need more Sunday changeovers, but thats a major cultural issue!
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 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
Last Night first - Mendikoa in Lavachet - Fab! St Jaques followed by beef cheek, both with an assortment of veg, some identifiable some not! @ course and coffee plus a third of a bottle of wine each €60. But you have to book about 2 weeks in advance.

Today was warm and sunny with a breeze. Piste cruising and lunch in the sun at Rosies. The pistes were very quiet, still hard this morning and a bit soft later on - but nothing to worry about there - yet!

Tomorrow will be a repeat of today, Monday, pretty similar with a bit more cloud around the peaks and maybe a milky sky. Tuesday looks warm again with a thicker milky sky all day, the sun returns on Wednesday with a few clouds on the peaks and clouds thickening on the afternoon with a bit more breeze - before it all starts to go downhill on Thursday.

For the fliers tomorrow - a bit bumpy and drizzly across most of the UK. Over here there is, again a chance of fog. or most at the airports - we'll see where it forms in the morning. But it should clear by the time the first flights are arriving (fingers crossed).
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 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
Cheers @chocksaway Very Happy
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 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
Another sunny, warm day but with a bit more wind at altitude which shut the Cable Car (although I believe it had a breakdown as well yesterday). I did a quick couple of hours before the hordes that arrived yesterday sorted themselves out. Round Palet, up the Funi - the wind, together with the softening in the sun and refreeze overnight, has hardened Leisse - its now quite challenging - up Tichot and Palet drag (as the World was queuing at Grattalu) and down under the Col de Ves chair where lo and behold I found a new piste which runs parallel to the runway and is called Balme - so it will reduce the number of people on the top of Carline - it looks like a reasonable slope for teaching as well. It rejoins Carline just over half way down. Additionally, it will be a good place for spotting aircraft. As it was now getting busy I came home to clean and wash as I am back to the UK for a few weeks tomorrow. The pistes were firm early on, but still more than skiable. The lower sunny slopes softened rapidly - going by the number of moguls that have appeared on Palafour.

Right the weather, tomorrow will be a repeat of today. Tuesday will be pretty similar but with a bit more cloud about, one of those days with less direct sun but more light. Wednesday will be cooler as the change we have all been waiting for starts arriving. Sunny in the morning cloud and wind building in the afternoon.
Beyond Wednesday, it all gets a bit complex. It is going to be unsettled and windy and the jetstream is in the right place to give us a lot of weather. But it is a complex and messy picture with a number of fronts that are ebbing and flowinG. SO your Apss are going to vary wildly as the computer runs re-crunch the data. And if you have Apps based on differing forecasting systems they will vary between each other. So Thursday will be cloudy and quite windy - it may also preciptate or it might not. And that precipitation may well be rain to anywhere between 1800 and 2000m. There's more agreement on Friday and Saturdays forecast - rain or snow - again that snowline could be anywhere between 1600 and 2000m - so yes there could be a snowmageddon on Saturday (Judwin called it first) but it is only likely to be in the last few miles - but it is the first of the 2 Parisian weeks so expect chaos on the roads anyway!
ski holidays
 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Thorough reporting @chocksaway!
Had been worried about the conditions we would face given recent mild weather, but we were able to get out as lifts opened and had plenty of decent runs higher up in Val Claret and Le Lac up until early afternoon. Enjoyable first day in Tignes and looking forward to covering more ground and venturing out to Val D'Isere later this week.
snow report
 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
swskier wrote:
Charlie333 wrote:
With Croq B shut can anyone suggest "cheap" lunchtime pitstops ? I know the self service at Borsat Lift is v reasonable & does a great Tatiflette

G’s Pot is nice too if you like Asian food. Next to La Croisse.

Thanks for this recommendation, we managed to find G's Pot and went down well with all!
ski holidays
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Anybody have a recommendation for someone to remould my boots in Tignes le lac? Since tearing my Achilles (non skiing related) my heal has changed shape and yesterday was painful!
ski holidays
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Aaron109 wrote:
Anybody have a recommendation for someone to remould my boots in Tignes le lac? Since tearing my Achilles (non skiing related) my heal has changed shape and yesterday was painful!

Highly recommend Seb at Mountain Story, he sorted Mr E out. Mr E has very odd shaped feet and legs, probably should have had them reset as a young child, so he needed someone with real expertise.
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 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
Looks like they are making preparations to open the Tunnel piste.
On Val d'Isere insta stories they are digging out the snow from the tunnel
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
Possibly the easiest return to the UK!
Bang on 7AM Snowdrone pitched up in one of Elon’s Gullwinged Electric rocket ships (TeslaX) as all the other folks on my shared transfer had altered their plans.
Jet2 arrived early and had 3 seats to myself.
And miracle of miracles my Trans Pennine was running and arrived on time (which is about as likely as the second coming happening at York Minster today).
Enjoy the sun for the next couple of days in Tignes folks. It all goes downhill from Thursday.
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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Extremophile wrote:
Aaron109 wrote:
Anybody have a recommendation for someone to remould my boots in Tignes le lac? Since tearing my Achilles (non skiing related) my heal has changed shape and yesterday was painful!

Highly recommend Seb at Mountain Story, he sorted Mr E out. Mr E has very odd shaped feet and legs, probably should have had them reset as a young child, so he needed someone with real expertise.

Thank you for your advice. I went and saw SEB yesterday and he did a great job and drastically improved my week!
snow conditions
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
Sadly, news coming in of the death of a Belgian in the snow-park this afternoon:
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
Is the predicted snow Fri-Sun going to be anyway significant or just a dusting?
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 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
Around 20 cm >

Around the mountains of Tignes and VD 'a bit' more so fingers crossed the clouds make it over the mountains

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 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
I suppose that would freshen things up nicely but maybe not much more than that. Looks Ok.
snow report
 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
Just walked back from the pub, and it's snowing in Val Diz. Ok, only light at the moment, but enough to settle on the road. No game changer yet, but every little helps.
ski holidays
 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
Rest in Peace to the guy who passed away and condolences...

We will be arriving in Tignes Saturday. I assume it will be manic in the roads and especially on the road up the mountain.

Any tips on when we should aim to arrive? Driving from Luxembourg, so may try to leave Friday evening and get 4 hours done to try arrive earlier around 13h00. I guess with the Parisians it will be manic no matter what time we arrive...

Any tips on decent gluten free options also? I remember The Loop was a decent option. Any other recommendations around Tignes for lunch or dinner? We will typically be in the village for lunch due to collecting kids from ski school but decent mountain option also welcome...

Thanks heads!
ski holidays
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
MisterIks wrote:
Looks like they are making preparations to open the Tunnel piste.
On Val d'Isere insta stories they are digging out the snow from the tunnel

Went up TK3000 yesterday - Tunnel doors were open but a sign at the bottom said the run was closed. So we didn't try it. From the up and over lift you can see that they've pisted a run down the other side, so perhaps it'll open this weekend?
ski holidays
 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Some other sad/disturbing news - I've heard third hand reports that there was a fire/explosion in the kitchens of the Lo Soli resturaunt (top of Chaudannes) yesterday. One chef was badly hurt and had to be helicoptered off to hospital.

Will try to confirm this tomorrow - we're hoping to treck to Brev - but I really hope everyone is Ok. It's one of my fave on mountain places anywhere.
snow report
 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
mullins wrote:
Rest in Peace to the guy who passed away and condolences...

We will be arriving in Tignes Saturday. I assume it will be manic in the roads and especially on the road up the mountain.

Any tips on when we should aim to arrive? Driving from Luxembourg, so may try to leave Friday evening and get 4 hours done to try arrive earlier around 13h00. I guess with the Parisians it will be manic no matter what time we arrive...

Any tips on decent gluten free options also? I remember The Loop was a decent option. Any other recommendations around Tignes for lunch or dinner? We will typically be in the village for lunch due to collecting kids from ski school but decent mountain option also welcome...

Thanks heads!

I always find it easiest to arrive around 1 or 2, but i dont travel peak weekends. I would leave LUX on Friday and get as close as possible, and head up the mountain as soon as you can Saturday. If you’re very early enjoy a nice leisurely lunch in one of the restaurants content that you’re not going to spend hours stuck in traffic Very Happy
ski holidays
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
@mullins, Kodo in Lavachet will do gluten free, just ask Joey or Frankie. It’s a cafe bar with Asian Fusion food.
ski holidays
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
@Judwin, Most of its behind a paywall but 2 injuries, one grave. Looks like someone put a crème brûlée torch on a source of heat.
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
chocksaway wrote:
@mullins, Kodo in Lavachet will do gluten free, just ask Joey or Frankie. It’s a cafe bar with Asian Fusion food.

snow conditions
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Judwin wrote:
MisterIks wrote:
Looks like they are making preparations to open the Tunnel piste.
On Val d'Isere insta stories they are digging out the snow from the tunnel

Went up TK3000 yesterday - Tunnel doors were open but a sign at the bottom said the run was closed. So we didn't try it. From the up and over lift you can see that they've pisted a run down the other side, so perhaps it'll open this weekend?

The 'piste' is just access for the piste basher to get towards the start of the run but there is nowhere near enough snow yet as far as Im aware to open the run - dont think it'll open anytime soon! But you can walk through the tunnel, have a look then turn back around.!
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You'll need to Register first of course.
@chocksaway, Didn't get there today in the end, but so sad to hear the rumours were true. Hope everyone has a speedy recovery.
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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Steve Angus wrote:
Judwin wrote:
MisterIks wrote:
Looks like they are making preparations to open the Tunnel piste.
On Val d'Isere insta stories they are digging out the snow from the tunnel

Went up TK3000 yesterday - Tunnel doors were open but a sign at the bottom said the run was closed. So we didn't try it. From the up and over lift you can see that they've pisted a run down the other side, so perhaps it'll open this weekend?

The 'piste' is just access for the piste basher to get towards the start of the run but there is nowhere near enough snow yet as far as Im aware to open the run - dont think it'll open anytime soon! But you can walk through the tunnel, have a look then turn back around.!

Fairy snuff. Did up and over a couple of times today. You're obviously better acquainted with it than I, but I deffo get the feeling they're looking at opening it soonish.
snow conditions
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
chocksaway wrote:
@Judwin, Most of its behind a paywall but 2 injuries, one grave. Looks like someone put a crème brûlée torch on a source of heat.

Dear god, that’s awful. Just a momentary lapse of concentration on what would have been a manic and pressured kitchen environment.
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
Is the Snow falling or is it going to. Whats the outlook for the next few days?
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 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
It’s a forecast lite from me today. But it’s currently snowing but rain from the Dam as we speak. Tonight and tomorrow will be windy and cloudy, there is disagreement on how much snow so somewhere between 3 and 15 cm. Sunday cloudy, windy with light to moderate snow most of the day, another 10 to 15 cm. I should be able to do a more detailed forecast in the morning.

As for the travel, there are 37k vehicles heading up the Tarentaise so there will be big delays from around lunchtime at the control lights in the Valley. If there is snow and it sticks below the Dam it will get messy.

For the fliers, drizzle and low cloud around most of the UK, with a chance of that becoming fog at Luton, Stansted, Birmingham and Newcastle which would mean a few delays as all the chess pieces move slower round the board. Good luck!
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