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Tignes and Tignes-Val D'Isere (formerly Espace Killy) 2023/24. Useful links on Page 1

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Another fab day. We set off before 9, so there was a bit of a queue for the gondola. One of the Apex brats pushed in, there was some grumbling. "But I have to get to my competition". "Get up earlier next time came the blunt and sympathetic reply". Anyway it was down to La daille and the bus to the Solaise where we were treated to the VIP Cabin on the Solase Gondola. $ Recaro style seats - nice. The ultimate destination was Le Fornet but the up and over was still being dug out - so down L which is now quite pleasant now its full of packed avalanche debris. The poma up the middle of the valley didnt seem to be working from a distance so we had a ride in the venerable old gondola - next year with a spanking new one that will become the preferred way I guess. After a quick coffee we did Pays Desert - still loads of fresh tracks to be had, mostly quite wind affected but some lovely pockets of soft stuff (luckily where I face planted it was very soft!). Lunch at Cascades was followed by another Pays Desert then back via the up and over, down Rhone Alpes and home. Anybody thinking there is not enought snow - then the Pim/Pam travelators will soon be an underground system - they have had to dig steps up from the emergency exits! Oh and do beware if you go over Col Pers off piste - a wolf has been spotted upstream from Pont St Charles Shocked .

Another cold and sunny day tomorrow, there might be a veil of cloud in the morning. Its changed quite a bit for Monday - the weather system has slowed up, so currently sunny spells in the morning and then snow from lunchtime/mid afternoon and overnight. When the snow arrives (all the way to Brev) the wind will pick up rapidly - a wise person would be in their own valley when this happens. Tuesday should see sunny periods through the day and snow from around happy hour - it will be breezy - this may turn to rain low down in the small hours. Wednesday - not much faith in the forecast there but currently windy and snowy and rain - to potentially 2200m at times - we'll see how that develops.

For tomorrow's travellers it will be bumpy in the morning as the winds increase in the UK. As for the afternoon the wind could get problematic but the forecasts currently only run to midday - Manchester looks a bit vulnerable in the afternoon. I'll try and look again later - but its a busy night as the friends have their 'drone in the morning. Peace returns to chez chocks! Over here there is just a slim chance of early drifting fog at Chambery that should be gone by first arrivals.
ski holidays
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
As nearly promised, crosswinds are going to be a problem in showers with gusts, generally from mid afternoon onwards. So if you are on a later flight then you may find yourself doing a bit of going round and rounds in circles waiting for a lull. After 5pm it may be a particular problem at Gatwick and Heathrow as its a south-south westerly and they don't have the spare capacity for multiple go-arounds - Big Jet TV will be at his screaming best. Manchester should be OK, Leeds brdford will be a challenge. Please fasten your safety belts tightly!
ski holidays
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
We woke to unbroken sunshine, a thin veil of cloud then crept over till early afternoon when the sun came put. It felt a bit warmer today as Their Majesties George VII and consort set off for a charge down to Brec and then over to the Solaise via Rimaye. The pistes are either in good or excellent condition (yip - even Plan M). The resorts seemed busier this morning and the queue at the lift pass office in Lac was huge. The MQ (Muppet Quotient) has risen - you have to have your eyes and ears open. Comedy moment of the day came as we rode up the Tov. A guy had fallen on the steep bit of Trolles and had a bit of a yard sale. Someone was holding one ski whilst he walked up a bit to retrieve the other. Someone else then fell above and was sliding head first - you could see and guess what was going to happen. We were riding up with an Aussie/French seasonaire - he just shouted "STRIKE"!! They all got up.

Now the weather - tomorrow will start with a thin veil of cloud which will thicken and light snow will start in the early afternoon, when the wind will also pick up. But skiing should be possible all day, a bit warmer than today out of the wind. Light snow will continue all night but the sun will be out on Tuesday morning, there will still be a wind (top lifts shut and increased avalanche risk?) and the snow will return around pub opening. This snow may well turn to rain at the lower levels of the ressort - bit early to be specific. wednesday will be very windy and especially gust at lower levels and warm, which will spoil any of the new snow. If the wind forecasts are right a lot of the higher lifts will be shut. Thursday - sunny and warm, with a stiff breeze.
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 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
For those that know Phil and Emma of Snoworks fame.
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
@Mark1863, there's already - deservedly - a special thread
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
Well, I hope everybody got home last night with all the diversions and delays. I did see one Easy flight from Geneva to Gatwick finished up at Lyon, thats quite a journey to finish up 100 miles from where you started.

It was a trip down the black run to Bourg this morning, the weather was quite nice. But just after lunch the vis dropped rapidly and light snow started and the wind started to blow. We now have heavy snow for a bit and then it should ease off and light snow should continue into the early hours - 10 to 20cm. The great minds of meteorology can't even agree on tomorrow - look out of the window. The French think it will be sunny periods and snow, the Swiss sun, other forecasts are somewhere in between. We are right on the edge of a weather system - so understandable. Wednesday looks warm and windy, again it may snow/rain depending on a small system to the north of us and how far it gets. It could well be very windy if it gets here. Thursday sees high pressure building and more consensus on a sunny day and warm for the time of year. Friday currently looks nice in the morning, clouding over. Hopefully we will have more clarity tomorrow.
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 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
chocks..there was a MAN to STN that ended up in Budapest apparently......quite why so far i ve no idea
snow report
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
@stefoy4me, I think it was getting a bit desperate, there was at least a couple on emergency squawks last night, any runway is a good one at that stage.
I did laugh at one comment on an Edinburgh to Bristol that ended up in Paris. As they had no passports they had to stay in the airport terminal. She said the pilot told us he hadn’t even considered the issue! No poo-poo Sherlock.
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 You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
@chocksaway, Just wandered back from L'Embu. It's a bit wild out there tonight. Shocked
snow report
 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
The Aliens have landed! Travelling between VC and Lac we saw a thing that looked like a spaceship on the side of the Lake. All became apparent when I discovered there is a space exploration talk on in the Espace tonight. Talking of oddities, there is a fella training to break the World Record for immersion in very cold water and he is training by visiting various ski resorts and sitting in a tub of iced water, its all to highlight autism. In other news it looks like the Col de Ves lift is shut for the season - not sure why yet, be nice if they left a track in to skin up - the off piste would last for a while, especially if they made it secure, there won't be much skier compaction on Grande Balme though.

Right last night we had about 12cm of snow - but as George pointed out it was howling so light and fluffy it was not (apart from the odd gully, which took some finding). As a few of the lifts were closed it was busy in the villages so we opted to start with Lognan, good but lots of effort required. We then did Familial which was OK, but again quite heavy going, lower down there might even have been a bit of rain on it as it had a funny crust. After coffee and a disrobe at Rosée Blanche we traversed between the green pistes off Borsat and then off piste down to Grand Pre, probably the best snow of the day. Last but not least was Grand Pre with a low traverse.

Tomorrow will be a bit like today - they can't decide. There might be light snow showers in the early morning or it could be sunny from the get go as the weather system is just flirting with us from the North. There will be a gusty wind, enough to shut the cable car perhaps. It will be quite a bit warmer though. Thursday - warm and windy - sunny all day. Friday will see varying amounts of cloud, OK to start with but filling in towards the end of play. There might be a light shower around Happy Hour which would mean it will be damp in Brev. A gusty wind will blow all day. Saturday will start with a bit of cloud which should burn off to leave a warm, sunny day.
ski holidays
 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.

be nice if they left a track in to skin up - the off piste would last for a while, especially if they made it secure,

I had a similar thought today @chocksaway, whilst skinning up to Col des Ves with a friend. The Pramecou piste makes a nice skinning track and remains marked with sticks. In fact it was perfectly prepared yesterday. We dipped off on to Chicherit from halfway and practiced a few kick turns along the way.

I spoke to a liftie before setting off and he confirmed what you say about the chair lift being out for the season. He said it was a problem with one of the supports and we could see that all the chairs had been removed on the last 100m before the arrival leaving just the bare cable, possibly to relieve strain.

Back to ski servicing which I promised to report back on. I took a pair of skis into Vallon Blanc. They have done a nice job and set the edges as I asked. The place is being run by Mathieu and Damien who explained that Nicolas was the former proprietor. He no longer runs it but did indeed go to work for Mountain Story. They said that Vallon Blanc has no association with Mountain Story.
ski holidays
 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
Another windy night and it was 7 degs in Lac at 7AM. The amount of snow that has melted on my balcony is really quite staggering. Off piste will be tricky today. But mostly a sunny day by the looks of it!
ski holidays
 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
Roads and pavements are very icy. Just watched a very near miss between 2 vans on the road to the top of VC.
latest report
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
Must be a nice gig, free holiday, paid to write an article where you cant even get the name of the ski area right..............
latest report
 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
@GreenDay, Just reading the article. Locally sourced sea bass in Tignes anyone?
snow report
 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Very windy
Very busy as several lifts not running
Early stop as waterskiing not my thing
Very warm resort level
All the good snow blown away!
ski holidays
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
@chocksaway, hairdryer ?
ski holidays
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Mrs SL persuaded me to go out today. It was curiously not too bad. Wind at the top of Toviere was of Nevis Range magnitude. Lower down spring conditions. A few sluffs on to some runs particularly Le Petit Col. Also heard a British voice (whilst transferring to the Boisse bubble)reporting a large rock had fallen onto one of the runs down to Brev. Couldn’t spot it on the way up. Anyway skipped lunch and had a good day. Always listen to one’s better half.
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 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
@Rob Mackley, I wish I needed one!
@GreenDay, I've stopped in Chalet Rosset, it's nice and there's a good view from the bar but nowadays its very mid range - indeed it was branded Total before Hotelplan ditched that mid range brand in favour of just Esprit and Inghams - but then you don't bite the hand that feeds. I went right off the article when her and Chemmy were extolling the Foolish Douche.
ski holidays
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
With apologies to Max Bygraves I didn't see any tulips from Amsterdam but Its spring again! As well as the unuusal warmth and wind there might also have been a little rain last night - I wasn't up late enough. But the melting and settling of the snow today has been significant and lots of spring avalanches about and some large cracks appearing (especially between Grapillon and Col de la Tourne, top of Grand Huit). Anyway, first things first, we were treated to a fabulous display of Nacreous cloud (mother of pearl cloud) today above the Toviere. The rainbow colouring was very distinct and it persisted for nearly an hour - really quite unusual at latitudes as far south as us. as Tov was shut we did a Paquis and Combe Folle and down Familial, the off piste has been mangled but was soft so eminently doable, when it freezes tonight (hopefully) - it will be a shocker. As the winds began to pick up and the electronic noticeboards urged us to go to your own valley - we did! As all the top lifts were closed it was busy down below so we opted for an early Sausage Roll at the Corner and then went up the Palet Drag, The off piste up there was smooth and slky - we all looked at each other at the bottom and said "Spring Snow" - but its January....
After that a few of us went down to Brev, it wasn't too soggy out of the sun. But Bluets on the way back to Lac was very heavy. As the hordes returned from lunch we knocked off for an early bath.

Tomorrow will be sunny all day with a breeze at height, it will be a bit cooler, but probably wont feel like it as the wind speed will be much less. Friday morning will start with sunny periods but the clouds will soon thicken and the wind will pick up in the afternoon. There will be light showers in the early evening, maybe 5cm of snow at height, but 5mm of light rain at resort level, so a miserable walk back from the pub. Sunny, warm and breezy on Saturday - Sunday the same but even warmer.
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.

One of my fellow astronomy club members took a great photo of the Nacreous clouds in Val yesterday.

I never came across that type of cloud in my PPL studies. Is it the defraction of white light through ice crystals? I'll have to Google it.
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 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
It is clearly visible at the Chaudannes webcam image from yesterday
snow conditions
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
@welshflyer, Tiny ice crystals between 65k and 100k feet up that defract the light differently, formed well up North (further than York even wink )
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 You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
For the first time in years we tried the Coeur des Neiges last night - the 'instagrammable' place with the fire pits outside on the Rosset front. Annoyingly you have to use a QR code to get the menu which is then in tiny writing. If you ignore the cook your own Savoyarde peasant food (16 ways to cook cheese potatoes and bread) the menu is quite limited. The wine list is a bit top end - the food not too badly priced - but my Japanese Style steak was a bit minimalist. On the other hand the Café Gourmand was impressive - 5 little puds with a coffee for €14. We then paid part cash and the rest on a card. This is when our fairly jolly waiter blew it - clearly angling for a Brit style tip he said we could add a tip. But we said it was service compris at which point he said he didn't get anything and scuttled off - kind of spoilt it really. Marked down as a tourist trap. Normally as a gang we settle the bill and then leave a small cash tip as is the French tradition.

Today was a bit cooler but sunny all day - but as it had frozen overnight the pistes were very hard until they softened very slowly. I met some old friends in Val so it was a gentle cruise around the Solaise.

Tomorrow will start sunny with a few clouds which will then thicken after lunch. The cold front is only giving us a passing glance so we may see very light snow (rain down below the Dam) - or we may not see any at all. It will be a bit cooler than today with a stiff breeze. High pressure establishes itself on Saturday, warm and snny all day with light brezes. Sunday similar with a few clouds on the peaks. Monday the same but even warmer - the freezing level may well be above the Grande Motte. Currently there is no snow in the forecast for next week.

As for the farmers demonstrations, they have been fairly extensive near Chambery at the Chignin peage today. This has caused delays on the local roads as folks piled off the Autoroute. They have said they will unblock the roads tomorrow night (guessing lots of farm kids work the ski resorts in the winter) but who knows what some may plan for Saturday. Just one pile of manure on the road into Bourg would cause problems just as it did in Grenoble town centre today. Hopefully we will have more clarity tomorrow.
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 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
A sunny but windy morning, a bit windier than forecast at height which shut the Glacier lifts both here and next door. The sky is now obscured as the light precipitation approaches. Tigski and I had a gentleman's stroll up Palafour this morning - my first go on skins this season and my legs are aching a bit. Other than that not a lot to say.

There will be a couple of cm of snow this evening between 6 and 10pm (it may be drizzle below the Dam) and then the skies will clear to leave a sunny day tomorrow, it will be warm with a stiff breeze at high altitude, there may be a few clouds in the afternoon. Sunday will be warmer still and sunny all day, the breezes will be light - scorchio. Monday will be similar with perhaps a bit of cloud in the afternoon. Notably it probably wont drop below zero in the villages overnight, so if the clouds stay away there may be some spring snow around on sunny slops (as long as the cloud stays away). Tuesday remains warm with sunny periods inthe morning and overcast in the afternoon - but no snow.

For those travelling tomorrow air travel should have an easy day - a bit bumpy on approach in Scotland perhaps. Over here - fine. The roads will be busy, the forecast is for 32k vehicles heading to the hills and 27k going home. So, expect a few delays mid morning on the way down and from midday onwards coming up, I expect the control traffic lights will be operating mis afternoon. As for the farmers, the blockage east of Chambery is due to be removed tonight, I can't find any detail of any protests tomorrow - perhaps the cows need feeding - but stay tuned to - that should give you a clue.
snow report
 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
Had a skin up the Col des Ves this morning. As @bobski62 reported earlier in the week, the existing piste makes for a good track up, although a little rutted for the descent, particularly in bad vis. Didn’t see anyone else around.

Pistes were generally in great condition this afternoon and not as rammed as they were in yesterday’s sun.

Drizzling a bit in VC Sad .
snow report
 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
chocksaway wrote:
A sunny but windy morning, a bit windier than forecast at height which shut the Glacier lifts both here and next door.

Val d'isere glacier was open.
ski holidays
 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
@T Bar, Not this morning when I last looked at Lumiplan.

We had quite a bit of rain just before dark in Lac (very wet coat on arrival in Lavachet). It has now stopped and the pavements are a nightmare with ice. No more travel news on the farmer's protests, but fog has formed at Lyon which may slow things a little in the morning. But of the 4 airports serving the Tarentaise, it is the best equipped to deal with fog.
snow report
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.

Over in Val we’ve been in the cloud for a few hours but it now seems to be lifting.
snow conditions
 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
chocksaway wrote:
@T Bar, Not this morning when I last looked at Lumiplan.

All I can say is that Lumiplan was wrong, I was skiing on the glacier, yesterday morning. Decent snow but very windy.
I'm now at Grenoble airport waiting for my plane.
ski holidays
 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Gutted to read of warming temperatures! 7:30 flight tomorrow Southampton > Chambrey

Hoping for a miracle that the temps suddenly decide to drop. Snow was in the long range forecast for Thursday/Friday but even that’s gone now.
latest report
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
My lad is driving down as I type. Trying to warn him re the motorway closures etc. Seems like they are in for week of cruising and cafes . Chains won't be needed...
snow report
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Friends are currently on a transfer to Tignes from Lyon... 3 hours in, another 2 to 3 hours to go as the A45 is closed in at least 2 places Skullie
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 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
@endoman, They were this morning on the village roads it was like a skating rink.
ski holidays
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
After last nights rain the pavements were lethal as I went down to Tignes Spirit to collect some repaired skis (yes I should have picked them up last night but, seemingly, there is a worm hole at the back of the QDC!). So not surprisingly the local pistes were hard as they had not given after the hard frost last night after the rain had gone through. So, I slid down to La Daille, had a coffee, and then had a rethink. A quick trip up to the Grand Motte, I just caught a train, which was nice, but the queue to get up the Grande Motte cable car was more midweek in size than Saturday morning. But Leisse was in great condition, with no moguls, yet. It seems to be a lot steeper on the middle section than previous years, definitely a black now, unpisted or not. So I did 3 laps. With the large amounts of snow this year up there, there is a good sized gap between the rocks, no having to go through one by one. Double M was fine until 300m above VC when it became a little hard.

We now have a prolonged period of high pressure, so tomorrow will be sunny all day with light winds and maybe a few high clouds late in the afternoon, similar temperatures to today. Monday will be predominantly sunny with a few clouds on the peaks and a bit warmer. Tueasday will start with sunny periods and then become overcast as an annoying bit of cloud drifts up from the Med. Order is restored on Wednesday with blue skies and sunshine.

For the travellers tomorrow, all looks good on the flight side of things - maybe a bit damp and bumpy in Scotland. Over here there is a slim chance of fog at the 3 French airports but it should have gone by first landings if it forms.
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
moosepig wrote:
Friends are currently on a transfer to Tignes from Lyon... 3 hours in, another 2 to 3 hours to go as the A45 is closed in at least 2 places Skullie

7 hours and counting....
ski holidays
 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
@moosepig, Boo, the Chignin blockage near Chambery was uncorked at 4pm, its now the mad chase to the lights at Aigueblanche and Siax - the queues there are building!
snow report
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
Well they finally made it, a mere 8.5 hours after landing snowHead
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
How are the Pistes holding up in tignes?
snow report
 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
@dave_3, all well covered no significant closures due to lack of snow. Some were a little slick today, due to recent wind and a bit of rain at lower altitudes.
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