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Scottish Snow 2010/11 - latest webcams post 1

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
how is nevis range at the moment??
snow report
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Very brief Roger, I kept my eye out for you later, but didn't see you again. Decent day bar the weather. The WWP was quiet all day, which was surprising considering I only just got into the Cas carpark when arriving just after 8am. Spent most of the day lapping the WWP, either doing the Aonach bowl or the White Lady and Home Road and then back up via the DLP and WWP. Best run on the hill must have been the Lady where the snow was soft and sugary with little or no ice. Aonach bowl was harder, and a bit bumpy from frozen in ruts, but it was taking an edge so was pretty good to ski. Not sure where all the people were unless they were all in stnding classes in the Ptarmigan bowl as I didn't even see big queues on the Ciste T bar either.
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
CGM was pretty hard and icy today, particularly from Sheiling station and down. The top of the hill has been pisted leaving a fair amount of granular snow on a hard base which is fine but the Cas side is fairly solid and you need to find a snowy patch to carve cleanly (much the same as many red and black runs in the Alps, to be fair).

White Lady seems to have been pisted regularly and has improved but the Ciste Gully and East wall are still closed due to icy conditions. The WWP was off today for repairs but CGM were hoping to have it back on for tomorrow.

Another 6 inches of snow would be perfect so here's hoping!
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
Snow Time, it was like a fresh pow day today in comparison to yesterday which was a denture chattering, knee bursting nightmare Shocked Shocked , still pretty hard today though, could do with a top up
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Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
I'm glad I wasn't there yesterday! Today wasn't nearly as bad as a couple of weeks ago when we had the freezing rain but still not that great. Areas where the piste bashers have had a few runs were fine but there are still plenty of hard and icy patches that had a magnetic effect on the beginner snowboarders on the hill!
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You'll need to Register first of course.
Glenshee Report, Sun 2nd Jan 2011:

Quite possibly the hardest snow that I have ever skied anywhere in 20 odd years! In fact Winterhighland's report of 'Scottish Boiler Plate' may not be a strong enough description.

It's all been thawed and refrozen and everything on the Sunnyside side was like a pisted ice rink - Glas Maol had a ski patroller warning every person using the lift that it was icy and a sign at the bottom read 'Ice. Extreme Caution Required. Think Survival. No Weak Skiers.' Shocked

The Cairnwell runs were a bit better - we even found some fresh bits of snow near some snow fences - but all in all a bit of a character building ski day Very Happy . Cairnwell snow 2 out of 10; Sunnyside 1 out of 10 rolling eyes.
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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
I'm off thursday and was wondering what everyone thought the best bet was?

Glenshee or Nevis/Glencoe?

Just hope the wind doesn't get up to high
snow conditions
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
Dave Horsley wrote:
Very brief Roger, I kept my eye out for you later, but didn't see you again.

Yeah, I was teaching a group and was lapping the M2/Aonach area with them at the time - shame we didn't get onto the Lady but I presumed it was icier than it was - have since heard it was nice from a few people!

Anyway, will be back in Feb - maybe see you then Very Happy
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
1873Chris, my money would be on Glenshee. although it has been very icy i heard they had a wee bit of new snow the other day which hopefully will have improved things a bit. I don't think Glencoe has really got going yet this season, and don't know enough about nevis.
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Ski the Net with snowHeads
1873Chris, reports that the West getting lots of fresh down to road level, Glencoe maybe worth a look if it's open on Thursday....
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 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
plenty fresh snow last night pretty much everywhere, west in particular. the icy conditions of the past few days will have eased significantly with the fresh
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 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
the ice has been incredible... i've never skied on ice that i could see my own reflection in before!

All this talk of the West Wall Poma has just reminded me of an "incident" that could have proved pretty serious last Thursday.

As has been pointed out, the ice is crazy in places... any fall in the wrong area could lead to a long long slide. Well, we were on the WWP about half way up the steep bit on the bottom section and looking ahead i could see something sliding down the actual lift line. It was going pretty fast. around 5 seconds later a small boy flat on his back with one foot fastened in to his board flew past me heading downhill at around 20mph. The lad looked very scared. For anyone that knows this section of lift, it's pretty steep. He wasn't going to stop until he hit something. That could have been a skier/boarder, lift stanchion or maybe even the lifties hut at the bottom of the slope. As soon as he was next to me, i had made my mind up and I jumped off the lift and skied after him. About 20m down the hill i caught him and jumped on him and took my skis off, told him not to move... his free leg was stuck around the end of the very top of the snow fence that was just sticking through the snow. I put him over my shoulder and dumped him back on the edge of the piste. He was slightly shaken but took it all well.

I asked what had happened and he said his dad had jumped off the lift half way up and he tried to follow, lost any control and the slide started.

His dad and other boarding chums turned up a few minutes later totally unaware of what had just happened. When we told them, they thought it was all very funny and didn't seem to realise how close serious injury was to either the lad or anyone that he almost collided with.

Just a few minutes before this all happened, we had seen a helicopter come in to airlift a skier with a broken femur off the hill. I couldn't help but think that it could quite have easily been making a return trip if things had panned out slightly differently.

All is well that ends well though and the lad said thanks a million times as we stood in the lift line together for a while. He promised me he'll never jump off a lift half way up again.

Just another bit of mountain experience to add to the belt!

Last edited by And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports. on Wed 5-01-11 13:43; edited 1 time in total
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 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
ach, it'll toughen him up Laughing

i slid down that tow track in fine style a few years ago when the top bull wheel collapsed completely, was right on the steep pitch too when the failure occurred, luckily it were a quiet day so not too many saw my bambi effort sliding down and coming to a hault in a heap not far from the bottom hut Laughing (liftie was sniggering a bit though)
ski holidays
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
If the 'snow' either side of the WW Poma was on the same form as when I was last up, then following the patches of glacial ice between the huge piles of rocks on that 30 degree slope over near enough 1,000 foot of vertical must have been 'fun' for the lad. Toofy Grin
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 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:

Good drills! With only one foot in the bindings he could have easily broken his ankle (or worse). Out of curiosity, was he wearing a helmet?
latest report
 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
shoogly, sounds like one hell of a rescue - when you say you "caught him and jumped on him" do you mean literally caught up with him and dived on him? Can't really imagine how to stop someone going as fast as that withou either injuring myself or the other person to be honest!

The dad sounds like a right irresponsible idiot!
ski holidays
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
got along side him just as he impacted the top of the fence. jumped on him. lots of snow everywhere. made sure he was ok and able to hold on. let go. took my skis off, propped them up in an x shape in the snow then got going getting him off the end of the fence. i remember thinking at the time "i wonder what this lads dad would say now if they saw me with his son over my shoulder!" Very Happy

it all seemed to happen pretty fast, but in slow motion if you know what i mean.

he did indeed have a helmet on. not sure if it took any impact though. hadn't thought about what could have happened to his ankle.... ooooooochhhhhhhiooooo!
latest report
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well the ice skates can go away and the skis come back out, even the hard base is getting more grippy than full on on hard pack, though there are still some icy patches in high traffic bottlenecks such as approaching some tows.

The West has had more fresh over the past couple of days, probably around 4inches of snow fall, but quite a bit of drifting onto upper runs at Nevis and Glencoe. Lower slopes now filling in and passable at Glencoe, but the best riding is on the upper runs which have a good base below the fresh.

Not so much new snow in the East, but what there was on Wednesday was helping freshen things up nicely and more snow is expected over the coming days. Stormy on Thursday, so if your planning a slide in the next couple of days and can choice either then Friday is looking much more promising. If heading up Thursday, give the ski area a call on route if you can and check it's open!

A good afternoon on the 'Gorm on new planks! snowHead

^Weather coming in late afternoon at the top of the Ptarmigan Tow.

^This beast has been patrolling the White Lady this week, now a full width groomed base, 6 machine widths.

More Pix:

Also check out the Public Reports on WH, several sets of pix from Wednesday.
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
Fanatastic video on the Guardian website:
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Looks lovely
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You'll need to Register first of course.
Latest forecast from MWIS...

Tomorrow similar to today. Nice and clear and great for skiing. Saturday will bring a lot of snow with whiteout conditions. Sunday will see some snow showers and hopefully some good visibility for some brilliant sliding.

Here's hoping the roads are ok for early Sunday morning!

Thaw to follow next week again.
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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Glencoe is looking pretty pretty today but the Flypaper is looking pretty mean. Can't wait until the weekend now. Smile

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 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
Great video from The Guardian titled "A celebration of Scottish skiing":
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
Keep up Roger I posted a link 3 posts above wink
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Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ooops, sorry Dave - that's what comes of scan reading the thread Embarassed
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 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
Glencoe was great today. Will write some more on conditions when I'm back at the house snowHead

iphone photo

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 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
Wish i didn't have the flu Sad

Also the flypaper is the only run at Glencoe i've not went down but looking at that pic i don't really see where the run is lol cna someone fill me in?
ski holidays
 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
scotia, haven't you got some work to be doing ? You lucky so-and-so. Looking forward to pictures. You up at the weekend again ?

1873Chris, the run out from Flypaper / Radio Gulley are below the foreground picture left and scoot over to the bottom of the Spring Run. Part of the skier's right wall of the Spring Run is in the foreground. Always got confused about the run I've labelled Radio Gulley which I always used to think was called Baillies. It's shorter but possibly as steep although less intimidating than the Flypaper and is a bit of a trick to get to if the snow cover above is thin & scratchy. Very Happy

Last edited by So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much on Thu 6-01-11 18:11; edited 1 time in total
snow report
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
Thanks for that lol

I'll maybe have to get someone to show me the way down

I'm pretty sure i stood at the top of it and decided that the spring run would be more fun

Will defo give a try this year but just want to be sure i'm not about to ski of a cliff
snow report
 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
A further 4-6 inches of fresh snow since yesterday's pix at CairnGorm Mountain and all areas have received a similar amount in the past 24-26 hours with deeper accumulations on many runs thanks to some drifting. Transient ridge of high pressure nudging in from the East on Friday, some snow showers may linger at the Western areas but even here some decent sunny spells expected.

All in all it's looking like a great Friday to hit any one of the Scottish areas. More snow expected for the Weekend too.

^Summit of Meall a' Bhuiridh, Glencoe.

^Snow shower clearing from the White Lady, CairnGorm.

Just seen the STV forecast and it had a unbroken sunshine symbol planted over the 'Gorms for Friday! snowHead
snow conditions
 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Photos from Nevis Range on Wednesday:

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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
moffatross, my last day of work was in mid-December and I'm not back till the 18th of Jan. Might head up tomorrow for a half day and see what the weekend weather brings!
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
scotia, blimey - got any jobs going with the same holiday entitlement?
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
roga, get yourself back to Uni Wink
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Ah Uni, been there done that moneys not that great Wink
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You'll need to Register first of course.
roga, you'd be surprised Laughing
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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
^ oh yeah? Laughing
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 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
Some video clips chucked together from CairnGorm on Wed!
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
There is a slim chance I could get up there early next week, what do the forecasts look like for a Monday or Tuesday slide in the West? Are there many rocks around at the moment?


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 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
MWIS (Mountain Weather Informations Service) are predicting a freeze/thaw cycle beginning some time next week with a few systems coming in off the Atlantic. For now though, it looks cold. If you're early next week, you should have some awesome conditions and it's due to snow over the weekend.

as for the rocks... there's always rocks... just some have more snow on them than others Very Happy
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