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Ikon Pass for Alps?

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
under a new name wrote:
@BobinCH, with 6 days driving?

Fly to Milan, 3 hours to Cham. 2 hours from Cham to Zermatt, 4 more to Saint Moritz, 3 from there to Dolomites. 3 hours back to Milan. Easily doable after a ski day. 15 hours driving over a month is nothing IMO
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
1st time I went to the Dolomites I got winter tyres (February). Probably useful for getting in and out of the hotel car park. Second time (April) was all booked very, very last minute and I needed to fit chains in the dark to get to Alta Badia as car only had summer tyres. We got completely stuck, in the dark. Not the best time to get acquainted with chains. Having been to both twice, 3Vs and SR are both so big they are essentially endless, especially with a 10 year old. You will run out of time on a day trip before reaching the end of the ski area in both.
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
In fact, I forgot, I’ve actually been to the 3Vs 3 times: Mottaret, La Tania and Val Thorens. Razz IME it’s a better area for side piste, off piste and steep long runs. Oh and you will find the odd mogul field. For ridges, with new scenery in the next valley, well the SR has 4 whereas 3Vs obviously has 2!
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