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First ski trip?

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
You should seriously consider a few one to one lessons for the first few days on the hill, it is not the same as being in a fridge, don’t be embarrassed, no one will be looking at you. If you are dead set on your first trip to a ski resort being a solo one, please add this into your considerations in case of emergency (from personal experience)

1. Have the proper insurance for your trip and have it saved on your phone (always carry your fully charged phone with you)
2. Make sure you have an in date GHIC card and carry it with you
3. Save on your phone the piste rescue number
4. Save on your phone your name, DOB, address, tel number and hotel name in the language of the country you are in, probably French or German, don’t rely on any aid you may require after a fall being able to speak English.
5. Have your tour reps number saved.
6. Always carry some ID such as a driving licence with you

latest report
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Me&MySkis wrote:
As for falling, at my age I don't want to break or dislocate something, dislocated my left shoulder once a long time ago, and I do NOT want to go through that again.

Falling is inevitable - so you need to get comfortable with the idea. And getting injured falling is far from an inevitability. But probably more likely if you are afraid of falling.

Avoiding collisions is I would argue a greater goal. Make sure you stop in the right places and are very observant of your environment i.e., watch out for dickheads coming from your blindspot Laughing
snow conditions
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?

Just read this, good for you is all I can say.

Obviously the mountains are a different place and experience to a fridge. Group lessons can be ok. I've been tail end charlie and star pupil, neither are ideal but if I was starting out again and on my own I might consider a group lesson. Mainly because of the cameraderie but also because lessons of either type are the best way to learn. Also, you may well find that you'll improve quicker and see more of the mountain. If you find it isn't for you, you can always leave the group after a couple of days and have a private lesson.
If you don't go for a group lesson (and I understand why) I'd definitely suggest you go for a few private lessons. The more you can afford the better really. And I would always say try to find a native English speaking instructor rather than ESF or whoever. Despite having a few good french instructors my experience has been much better with British ones.

I would also add about fitness, I am on my feet all day, up and down stairs and ladders but really noticed the difference when I took up mountain biking a few years ago. Skiing was so much easier afterwards, and so much better when you don't have to stop after a few turns to catch your breath or rest the legs!

Whatever, I'm sure you'll love it. The mountains are an amazing place in winter, to stand at the top of the world and look down on a sea of cloud is just incredible, I never tire of it!

People are generally so friendly I find mainly because we're all there for the same reason and we must have a sense of humour because we've all got through the beginner stages!

Whatever you do I hope you'll love it!
snow conditions
 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.

Most certainly will mention you next time I’m with my friend and hopefully you’ll serve as an inspiration and he’ll make the decision to to get down to Snowzone at Xscape which isn’t far from us.

Incidentally I’ve been to Chill Factore to do the slalom race training which was loads of fun so hopefully one day you’ve progressed enough to give it a go.

Personally I’d recommend the week before Xmas in Passo Tonale which would be 14th December as a good week to go with Crystal.

Also for what it’s worth I’m virtually self taught so I understand where you’re coming from, although did have one week in ski school age 15 which at least got me up and running. Oh and then onto Sheffield dry slope some years later which wasn’t the best compared to what we have today but was better than nothing.
latest report
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Double post so edited.

Last edited by Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do. on Sat 11-05-24 8:27; edited 2 times in total
snow report
 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
“I hope in a few years I'm as comfortable at skiing as you are.”

So do I mate, keep going Smile
snow report
 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Until you can comfortably ski parallel down a steep black run (and you won't find one of those in a fridge) you are going to need lessons. And even then you'll probably move onto off-piste lessons.
I'd recommend morning lessons one to one with a British instructor, with afternoons spent practicing what you have just been taught.
snow report
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
In reply to "johnE" I'll see about going somewhere in Dec as advised the 14th, and then for my second early Jan to beat the crowd, and for a *possible* third in early Feb, unless I go to Austria, in which case I'll have to see when their school holidays are to beat their children's crowd.

As for my fitness, I live on my own and have to do everything, plus I do a lot of walking as everything around here that is within walking distance I walk, as in a mile there and back, plus when ever I go into Warrington I always park on the top level of the car park and uses the stairs. And after my 2 hours at CF I find that my legs are alright, and I'm generally not that buggered.

In reply to "Restless native" 1, I have it already for a year, and it covers 3 skiing holidays, 2, I already have it. 3, I'll put it in when I get to the resort, 4, Maybe, 5, I'll put it in when I get to the resort, and 6, I already have that in my wallet i,.e my Warrington Bus Pass.

In reply to "Layne" You could say the same about driving crashes, it's possible but not a given, and preventing falls by skiing inside you abilities would genrally neagate falling. As for collisions with any wannabe Franz Klammers and Mikaela Shiffrins, the Ski School app has a video of what to do on the run, as in where to stop, and how to be observant, as even I know that if you see a row of skiers ahead you'll know there is a ridge there, plus Snowboarders tend to have a sit down conference right in the middle of the run.

Plus to avoide any possible collision is why for my resort ski clothing - maybe Kjus or maybe Schoffel, or maybe another brand, either the jacket or the trousers will be in orange, as on YT run videos orange tends to be the colour that stands out so the skier behind me will be able to see me. As I've seem some skiing muppets both male and female dressed in mostly white.

And I don't really want to wear black, as ever 3rd skier and their grandparents dress in black.

And just-in-case he/she did and did collide with me I've already invested in an Atomic helmet - Savor -and back protector [black] - - as in what price your spine.

In reply to "gixxerniknik", I'll do a group week long lesson on holiday No 1 to see how it goes, and depending on that for holiday No 2, I'll see about a 1 or 2 hour one day private lesson, and for a maybe Holiday No 3, I will skip lessons as I'll have had two weeks in the mountains by then, and besides I'll still be at a beginner focused resort, maybe LaPlagne or somewhere else. We'll see.

In reply to "Jammy 07", Nice, I hope you friend at least trys skiing at you local snow dome, and hopefully also starts their skiing journey. As you have been skiing at Chill Factore then you'll know exactly the terrain I'm slowly learning on. The red barrier on the main slope is where I was getting practice runs from, as it is is equal to the top of the beginner slope to you right, and you'd know how limited that section is, as I can only make 2 or at a stretch 3 turn before the barriers, that is why I'm now going to the top of the mail slope, to get more turns in, and more importantly to get used to the extra 5 degree gradient.

In reply to "Orange200", I have a target of being comfortable by the next leap year day, as it'll be then 4 years since I started my ski journey, and if it is like driving, how I can comfortably drive now, is a world of difference as I was when I passed my test.

In reply to "Kenzie", well I'm not planning to ski down pieste 14a in Isgle, or the La Face "Stade Olympique de Bellevarde, any time soon, wink and I didn't need driving lessons after I passed my test, as you tend to learn more about driving, like you'll do skiing through trial and error, but initially I will take some lesson's, plus complement them via the video lessons on my iphone.
ski holidays
 You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
I'm glad you're now planning on taking lessons on your first trips.

Your analogy with driving skill/comfort is pretty naive. At the moment you've reached the level in skiing where you can take the handbrake off and sometimes start without stalling.

IMV you can only really benefit from self coaching once you can ski a lot of where you are learning on autopilot so you can then devote focus to what you are trying to develop.
ski holidays
 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
Well, I have only been on skis for 18 hours atm, but by the time next season comes around, it'll be more then that. Besides in general the more you ski, the more comfortable you become to the sensation of skiing.
snow conditions
 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
@Me&MySkis, I know you've received loads of answers to questions you weren't asking, but you'd do well to pay attention to them anyway.

You should recognise that most folk here have lots of experience, including going out with possibly-overconfident learners such as yourself, and crucially that we all want to help you make the most of your first ski trip.

Just a couple of points to emphasise:
No, it's not like driving, not at all.
Yes, you will fall over. I guarantee it. snowHead
ski holidays
 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
Yeah, after my general query about Alpe D'Huez this thread seems to have took off on a trajectory tangent all its own, when I simply mentioned I wasn't planning to take any lessons. Cool

As for "possibly-overconfident learners such as yourself," I am no such thing, as I am well aware of my current skiing limitations.

In regards to "No, it's not like driving, not at all." au contraire, skiing is simply another skill you acquire through lessons and then practice, as after you pass your driving test you are then essentially on your own if you don't go for advanced driving lessons, the same with 'ski school' once the lesson is over you are on your own to practice, but the more you do skiing the more comfortable you become at it, something all of you seem to have forgotten. On the slopes all you 'experienced skiers' will have seen all the varying skiing abilities of skiers, some beginners, some wannabe racers, and some a lot better they any of you will ever be. But that is moot.

Anyway, I've just done a bit of playing around on Crystal ski, and the three resorts I'll be enquiring at he Crystal outlet at CF are for Dec: Passo Tanale, Jan: Alpe D'Huez, and Feb: Arinsel. All with area lift pass, AND morning lessons wink for the three holidays it came to a little over £6k.

And I've noticed Crystal do all sorts for deals and beginner weeks and stuff like that, so now I have an idea how much three holidays would cost in total, I can now start to make some plans starting when I go to book, maybe on the 20th, OR, it'll be this Tuesday, as I'll be going to visit Mum and Dad grave on Tuesday - 12 and a half years to the day since I lost Mum Sad - and as CF is closed for maintenance, I can see what bookings are available for next season, starting in either Dec before Christmas, OR Jan shortly into the new year. We'll see.

But hey ho, that's a moot point.
snow report
 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
Me&MySkis wrote:
Yeah, after my general query about Alpe D'Huez this thread seems to have took off on a trajectory tangent all its own, when I simply mentioned I wasn't planning to take any lessons. Cool

That's the way it roles here Laughing Laughing

Me&MySkis wrote:
In regards to "No, it's not like driving, not at all." au contraire, skiing is simply another skill you acquire through lessons and then practice, as after you pass your driving test you are then essentially on your own if you don't go for advanced driving lessons, the same with 'ski school' once the lesson is over you are on your own to practice, but the more you do skiing the more comfortable you become at it, something all of you seem to have forgotten. On the slopes all you 'experienced skiers' will have seen all the varying skiing abilities of skiers, some beginners, some wannabe racers, and some a lot better they any of you will ever be. But that is moot.

As you have ascertained, it is a bit of a theme on SH's, that the go to answer is "have lessons". When mileage is also just as important IMO - not that my opinion trumps anyone else's. I guess a lot of us are singing from our own songbook though. It also does depend on the mindset of the individual. Some have a much greater interest in technique and development, some are much more about just doing. They are not mutually exclusive of course.

Look forward to hearing how you get on next season with your trips - do you report back - maybe on the Trip Reports board.
snow report
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
Layne wrote:
Me&MySkis wrote:
Yeah, after my general query about Alpe D'Huez this thread seems to have took off on a trajectory tangent all its own, when I simply mentioned I wasn't planning to take any lessons. Cool

That's the way it roles here Laughing Laughing

Me&MySkis wrote:
In regards to "No, it's not like driving, not at all." au contraire, skiing is simply another skill you acquire through lessons and then practice, as after you pass your driving test you are then essentially on your own if you don't go for advanced driving lessons, the same with 'ski school' once the lesson is over you are on your own to practice, but the more you do skiing the more comfortable you become at it, something all of you seem to have forgotten. On the slopes all you 'experienced skiers' will have seen all the varying skiing abilities of skiers, some beginners, some wannabe racers, and some a lot better they any of you will ever be. But that is moot.

As you have ascertained, it is a bit of a theme on SH's, that the go to answer is "have lessons". When mileage is also just as important IMO - not that my opinion trumps anyone else's. I guess a lot of us are singing from our own songbook though. It also does depend on the mindset of the individual. Some have a much greater interest in technique and development, some are much more about just doing. They are not mutually exclusive of course.

Look forward to hearing how you get on next season with your trips - do you report back - maybe on the Trip Reports board.

Totally agree about mileage (or time spent skiing) as once the brain engages fully with the skis and stops trying to do the things you do when not wearing skis it all becomes a lot easier.

However without proper technique the progress to steeper terrain will take much longer and will result in skiing in survival mode. Perversely though lots of skiers get a hell of a lot of enjoyment from doing difficult red/blacks in survival mode as they simply enjoy the challenge of getting down.
latest report
 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:

You could say the same about driving crashes, it's possible but not a given, and preventing falls by skiing inside you abilities would genrally neagate falling

Rubbish, frankly. I have driven since I was 18, on four continents (and ridden a motorbike on three) and many times back and forth to the Alps. I have never had a "crash". Never, indeed, had any "moving traffic" incident except when an inattentive wally drove into the back of my car at a roundabout. He was terribly apologetic but I was in a battered Morris Minor and wasn't bothered about a few more little dings.

As for skiing, to say "you never fall if you ski within your abilities" is true, but only because it is a tautology. Because a fall is, by definition, losing your balance and being able to balance is the essence of learning to ski. I always try to ski within my abilities (and have had lots of lessons) but have had plenty of falls on skis, and a great many more when I learnt to snowboard.
ski holidays
 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
It's all a bit moot. The OP has seen the light and is intending to take lessons along with freeskiing on each trip. Which is probably a good thing. Without some external feedback practice could just be setting up for lifetime bad habits ( or nervous ninnying or whatever).

Mileage is important in developing unconscious competence but you do need a semi competent base to start from.
snow report
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
I suggest that you don't get too hung up on green runs in resort. If you can comfortably ski top to bottom at Chill F there's every chance that you will find green runs too flat and too limiting.
ski holidays
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, we'll see what runs are availble for my ski skill ability for when I go away, as I'm going to Passo Tonale Jan 11, and then Les Arch 2000 , - I believe it is at 2000 meters - 15 March right after all the school holidays are over.

I've booked *lessons* for both, as the school in both resorts are according to the Crystal Ski - seasoned skier - guy very good.

Now all I have to do is get used to going down the 15 degree slope at CF on my own skis, and take from there.

Hope Alpine skiing in a resort is worth all this time effort and money. Confused
ski holidays
 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
@Me&MySkis, before you commit to Crystal, have a serious look at the Pre Birthday Bash and the Birthday Bash. I think for circa £2,000 you can get thirteen days skiing and any number of Snowheads snowHead to ski with and share tall stories with over a few beers in the evenings. snowHead
latest report
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
To late, all booked in and deposit paid.

As for the SH bash, as I commented, I won't be doing it till I've been on at least one holiday, and have some mileage and 'experience' of what a ski resort is like, otherwise it'll simply be a repeat of what I experienced with the Warrington Ski Club, and watching the 2018 video of the SH bash I have that kind of vibe, and I'm not going through that again as a fifth inexperienced ski wheel, besides the bash for next season is fully booked up.

Next step is next Monday when I get some custom insoles for my boots, and then order the new skis to go with the almost new boots, and THEN I'll have to see what coffin ski bag to get, - the Dakine Boundary looks a good model, skis boots, ski gear, and the gap in the middle for none ski clothes. And THEN I'll have to see about my resort ski gloves or mittens, ski jacket and pants i.e. Sunday best. I might go cheap and cheerful for my first few seasons, and then invest in some quality stuff like Kjus or Schoffel or Spyder, or HH or ? for when I change my boots and skis in 6 years. I already have all the rest i.e. helmet, neck warmer, spine protector, base, mid layer and socks - Falke.
snow conditions
 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
Pick a resort with a hospital.

Firsttime skiing is hard work.

Lot of stress on the heart, blood, brain, and bones.

Try somewhere like Davos, in Switzerland.
snow conditions
 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...

Pick a resort with a hospital

latest report
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
"Pick a resort with a hospital" <-- That must be a standard SH joke. Laughing

In my working life I'm no stranger to hard work.

I'll be 68 when I go away, and have seen my fair share of stress in my life, but my heart, blood, brain and bones haven't let me down to date. wink

Maybe in the 2027 season when I'll be well used to skiing, for now I'm going to Passo Tanale, and Arc 2000.
snow conditions
 You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.

That must be a standard SH joke

Not really. It's just @Whitegold. wink
ski holidays
 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
re gloves - if these fit you'll be highly unlikely to do better than this for the price

Cheaper ski gear like Dare2B/Regatta or Trespass or Decathlon is usually fine for the first few trips. Remember if the weather is truly foul it's highly unlikely you'll be out in it. Anything can tear or get oil stains on it after all.
snow report
 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
@Me&MySkis, re Austria you really want to check the German and Dutch holidays also. Plus generally speaking February is busy . In particular avoid the carnival week. This can be mitigated by opting for less well known resorts.

A colleague of mine learned to ski in Serfaus at the end of January this year. Extremely empty as the resorts markets itself heavily to families. (I saw the videos he took)

Re bashes dont worry they are really the least snobby environment you could imagine. Nobody cares what your job/career/whatever iis. They love skiing, you love skiing . That is the common denominator snowHead

Also another vote for you joining the PreBBash in Alleghe when it goes live. Very nice mixture of slopes to progress on Madeye-Smiley

Last edited by snowHeads are a friendly bunch. on Tue 14-05-24 19:04; edited 1 time in total
ski holidays
 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
I don't think "good skiers" need any better gear than "beginner skiers" unless they're doing prolonged off-piste, high exposure sort of outings.
snow report
 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
I skied once as a child and not again until I went with my husband for his first time in our fifties.
We have skied in Arinsal, La Plagne and Passo Tonale and if you are not bothered about lots of apres then I think Passo Tonale would tick all your boxes. Arinsal can often close due to bad weather, although there is a free bus to neighbouring Pal which is usually open. We have found it is worth booking a private lesson in your first couple of days, if only to help you find the best pistes and ways around the mountain for your level.
Hope this helps.
snow report
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
I skied once as a child and not again until I went with my husband for his first time in our fifties.
We have skied in Arinsal, La Plagne and Passo Tonale and if you are not bothered about lots of apres then I think Passo Tonale would tick all your boxes. Arinsal can often close due to bad weather, although there is a free bus to neighbouring Pal which is usually open. We have found it is worth booking a private lesson in your first couple of days, if only to help you find the best pistes and ways around the mountain for your level.
Hope this helps.
snow report
 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Me&MySkis wrote:
besides the bash for next season is fully booked up.

Just for clarification, the buttons for the PreBB are not yet available and there are places remaining on the main event, the BB. So next season is NOT fully booked up. snowHead
snow report
 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
"Just for clarification" I...will...NOT be joining your bash. Nor will I be going on the 2026 season one. I won't probably be going on one till I can comfortably ski, then I will be able to keep up with the group.

In reply to "Baileysmum", yes Passso Tanale ticks all my boxes, all I need is a bed, toilet, bathroom a breakfast and evening meal, not really a sociable type, never have been, so a ski resort apre isn't really why I'm taking up alpine skiing, and as Mum would tell you, I'm not much of a talker either.
snow report
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
BTW in reply to "Dave of the Marmottes" thanks for the link to the gloves, have ordered some mittens - black - as they are warmer then gloves.
snow conditions
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
@Me&MySkis, but about the bash... Laughing Laughing
ski holidays
 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
Layne wrote:
@Me&MySkis, but about the bash... Laughing Laughing

Not funny. Mad
latest report
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
@Me&MySkis, have a good time and fun at Passo Tonale - for your first ski resort, it’s not a bad choice and the skiing behind the town is all fairly benign and ideal for what you’re looking for….the mountain on the other side of the valley is a different matter, though…..or at least it was when I skied in the resort for a day about 14 years ago!

I recall a long black piste that returns to the town….not for the feint-hearted, to put it mildly Laughing The skiing at the top was actually great, but that black and the conditions at the time stretched my skills to the limit (and probably beyond, at the time Laughing ).
ski holidays
 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
Origen wrote:
I don't think "good skiers" need any better gear than "beginner skiers" unless they're doing prolonged off-piste, high exposure sort of outings.

I think it's more that good skiers are probably likely to be using their gear more often, for longer and potentially in worse conditions (e.g. beginners much less likely to go out in poor weather). It's often recommended that beginners should not invest too much in their kit, also from the perspective that their needs may very well change and evolve as they get better (e.g. they get less sweaty) and therefore the stuff they but when starting is likely to need replacing sooner rather than later anyway.
ski holidays
 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
If you're doing Andorra, El Tarter and Soldeu might be a better bet than Arinsal.
latest report
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
Jäger wrote:
@Me&MySkis, have a good time and fun at Passo Tonale - for your first ski resort, it’s not a bad choice and the skiing behind the town is all fairly benign and ideal for what you’re looking for….the mountain on the other side of the valley is a different matter, though…..or at least it was when I skied in the resort for a day about 14 years ago!

I recall a long black piste that returns to the town….not for the feint-hearted, to put it mildly Laughing The skiing at the top was actually great, but that black and the conditions at the time stretched my skills to the limit (and probably beyond, at the time Laughing ).

Yep if @Me&MySkis fancies a trip to the top of the glacier in the gondola he should definitely be leaving his skis at the bottom.

As you say though plenty for the week for him on the other side and Passo Tonale has to be one of the best resorts for 1st time skiers. Intermediates can also have lots of fun on the tree lined red runs down in Pontedilegno, which although fairly short from the mid stations to the top are still very enjoyable.
snow report
 You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
Chaletbeauroc wrote:
Origen wrote:
I don't think "good skiers" need any better gear than "beginner skiers" unless they're doing prolonged off-piste, high exposure sort of outings.

I think it's more that good skiers are probably likely to be using their gear more often, for longer and potentially in worse conditions (e.g. beginners much less likely to go out in poor weather). It's often recommended that beginners should not invest too much in their kit, also from the perspective that their needs may very well change and evolve as they get better (e.g. they get less sweaty) and therefore the stuff they but when starting is likely to need replacing sooner rather than later anyway.

Well I'm not looking to change my gear till I've been skiing for 6 years, as the boots lining will be getting a bit compressed by then, and I may have out skilled my ski's so it'll be an all change of boots, ski's and jacket and pants. Might need to change my helmet as well, but we'll see.
snow report
 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
Jammy 07 wrote:
Jäger wrote:
@Me&MySkis, have a good time and fun at Passo Tonale - for your first ski resort, it’s not a bad choice and the skiing behind the town is all fairly benign and ideal for what you’re looking for….the mountain on the other side of the valley is a different matter, though…..or at least it was when I skied in the resort for a day about 14 years ago!

I recall a long black piste that returns to the town….not for the feint-hearted, to put it mildly Laughing The skiing at the top was actually great, but that black and the conditions at the time stretched my skills to the limit (and probably beyond, at the time Laughing ).

Yep if @Me&MySkis fancies a trip to the top of the glacier in the gondola he should definitely be leaving his skis at the bottom.

As you say though plenty for the week for him on the other side and Passo Tonale has to be one of the best resorts for 1st time skiers. Intermediates can also have lots of fun on the tree lined red runs down in Pontedilegno, which although fairly short from the mid stations to the top are still very enjoyable.

Yeah, the blue runs seem to be ideal for my first trip, and will be enough to practice on, no chance of me doing the black, and I doubt I'll even ski a red this season, but on my last day of the second holiday at Les Arc 2000, I *might* have a go at a mild red if my parallel turns are up to it, as I don't want to do snow plough turns down a red. Embarassed
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