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Tips on dealing with slush

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Easter is long past. And the OP had not returned to the thread. rolling eyes

That left those who had already figured out how to ski slush to argue endlessly about how big (or small) their whatever is best for skiing slush. Laughing

But if anyone cares to actually read through the posts here. One must conclude the width of the ski don’t matter!

That said, the stiffness of the ski does help greatly, whatever the width.

Fortunately, the OP had figured out the right technique on the same day he posted the question. Basically, he’s already doing it right. He just need to keep doing the right things without regressing to technique counter to that. I assume he had a good time.
snow report
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Dave of the Marmottes wrote:
enjoying the delights of the SFaB and EOSB, I came to the conclusion that my 94 and 114 were by far the most skied and my couple of runs on GS skis on a morning when I thought it might be firm but wasn't were very hard work.

Skiing through the puddles near Boysmint on my 106s put a massive grin on my face...doing the same on something 65 underfoot would've probably put water on my face Laughing
ski holidays
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Huge slush moguls on an unpisted black run were fun.

Thought we were doing fine until a solo local came skimming past on super thin skis just brushing his edges oh so gently. 50 meters on he came a right cropper though as he became unbalanced through too much of an edge, or too much of a heaped watery mogul. Can still hear him laughing now as he picked himself up and went on his merry way.
snow report
 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
abc wrote:
Easter is long past. And the OP had not returned to the thread. rolling eyes

That left those who had already figured out how to ski slush to argue endlessly about how big (or small) their whatever is best for skiing slush. Laughing

But if anyone cares to actually read through the posts here. One must conclude the width of the ski don’t matter!

That said, the stiffness of the ski does help greatly, whatever the width.

Fortunately, the OP had figured out the right technique on the same day he posted the question. Basically, he’s already doing it right. He just need to keep doing the right things without regressing to technique counter to that. I assume he had a good time.

True, but I like this discussion!

And I disagree that width of ski doesn't matter. Wider ones make it all rather easier, and you can try more things. I found this on my unrockered Preachers, and fund it on my rockered Blade Optics - and I take my Atomic S9 slalom skis out in slush all the time (usually because Lady Flash has banned me from skiing to the car to get the fatties as she wants to have lunch) so have some basis for comparison

I have just had a pair of Line Blades delivered, an end of season cheapie. These are stiff carving skis, with a metal layer, with rocker tip, a massively wide (155mm!) shovel, 96mm underfoot and a rise to the tail too.

I can't help but think that these will be bloody brilliant slush skis. Serious sidecut and designed to carve, but with some float built in and also designed to be playful. Going to be a while before I test this theory, mind... Smile
ski holidays
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
One thing I would say is there is smooth slush and slush moguls. I love the former, not so keen on the latter - just because I find it tiring to bash through it - and it's usually at the end of the day!
ski holidays

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