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Toddler learning to ski on 50 cm

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
pam w wrote:
I've not seen personally seen any kids struggle on chest high skis, given decent help/ lessons.
To sensibly attribute differences to length of skis would need masses more data than you have! But it IS true that finding the right skis for v short beginners can be a challenge. I bought 60 cm skis once, IIRC.

The fact that you are first parent who says he did teach a 3 year old in one day on chest high skis and also that not all of your kids learned in one day on those - just makes me think that I want shorter than chest high.

I want 100% confidence my boy will go first day and has fun. So I am not going with chest high as it won't be the case.
with reasonably high probability it will be a long learning curve of 3 or 4 days.

Thanks. I guess the difference is my kids did not need lessons. Of course I am a brilliant teacher lol Very Happy . But in their case I did not even have to do anything. No lessons. Just "go after me and copy what I am doing" - going down a 700m long green slope once.

Yep there were 60 cm skis avalable - may be 10 years ago? Not any more.
ski holidays
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
OK so now @Boldandfunny, kids have all learnt to ski, except they did not need any lessons. On cut down (broken) skis no less.

It is not at all unusual to be able to get a kid to be able to navigate a green slope safely in a day. It's a bit harder with adult learners actually, but again after a day of 121 lessons most will achieve that. Does that mean they have "learnt to ski"? Of course not. Have I ever felt the need to butcher a set of skis to achieve it? No.

I think he is just making it up to be honest.
snow report
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
It's all just bonkers. Shouldn't have bothered. Looking back at the OP not only did the little one (at 3 or 4) learn to ski in a day on butchered skis, he had more control down a green slope than his parents. I missed that, first time round. Just goes to show, doesn't it, that there's one born every minute? Natural skiers, that is. Whereas other kids can't even "learn to ski in a day", because their parents put them on chest high skis. So cruel.
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 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
pam w wrote:
I've not seen personally seen any kids struggle on chest high skis, given decent help/ lessons. 8 grandchildren and three of mine, starting at various ages. Speed of progress varied, kids vary. There's a huge difference between a ,"just 3" and a "nearly 4" who has done 132% more maturing. And one that can confidently ride a bike and scooter and one who can't.

To sensibly attribute differences to length of skis would need masses more data than you have! But it IS true that finding the right skis for v short beginners can be a challenge. I bought 60 cm skis once, IIRC.

Thanks that's reassuring. I might go with 70cm then.
There is still a difference i guess - I did not have to teach them. They just went.
I helped them on teaching slope but never had to teach them snowplough. They just started on parallel skis themselves....
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Nobody has to "teach" a bold and adventurous child to point skis down the hill and go! It's what they do often do if wiser counsels don't prevail. My 2 year old (nearly 3) grand-daughter skied parallel down a green slope on her own at Easter, first day on skis. It was terrifying. Fortunately her extremely competent French mother was right there to catch her and make sure she didn't hurt herself or anybody else. Anybody with a modicum of balance can just point skis down a green slope and go. We've ALL seen beginner skiers of all ages heading straight down a slope, just praying to stop before they hit anything.
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
Not my case. You should have seen this mogul-like slope which never saw a piste machine.
He was in full control at all times 3y3m.
And before you tell me he could have killed someone - no. There were just 3 of us on this particular slope.
Please dont expect other people to be idiots. Most of them may be smarter than you can imagine in your worst nightmare Eh oh!
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