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Carre Neige Insurance - Attn: Small print readers

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
@pam w, snowrisk have a panel of the front page saying uk residents are eligible & includes repatriation
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
pam w wrote:
This thread is about season Carre Neige.

This thread is clearly about both, but you are right to note the confusion. Do both your points, which I quote just above, relate to season Carré Neige?

It may have drifted into a discussion on both but the opening post is quite clear:

boredsurfin wrote:
Looking around for annual Insurance a couple of questions with no clear answer regarding Carre Neige

Season Carre Neige!

The rescue service is the same on both.
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
pam w wrote:
It's highly confusing, and I came upon a link which said that "snorisk", the equivalent in some parts of France, is only available for European Union residents.

SnowRisk is the Portes du Soleil version of Carre Neige and is definitely available for the British. There is a message on the front page of their homepage
Good news !
If you are resident in the UK (Outside UE), you can take out
our ski insurance and benefit from all its guarantees included repatriation ! *"
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
The short term, 3.30 a day insurance is called "Carré Neige Classique". Perhaps this is a recent change of nomenclature.

The French version of the contractual clause on repatriation says:

Cette garantie est mise en œuvre par MUTUAIDE ASSISTANCE, remplacé par le
terme « nous » dans le paragraphe ci-dessous.
Territorialité : L’ensemble des garanties définies ci-après s’applique en France
métropolitaine et dans les pays limitrophes (sous réserve de domaine skiable

It's far from clear to me whether this initial disclaimer applies to the whole of the "repatriation" clauses but the language (l'ensemble des garanties définies ci-apres) suggests that it does. So a Swiss skier injured in the Portes du Soleil would be repatriated, but not a Swiss skier in, say, the Espace Diamant? And a British, or Australian, skier, not in any circumstances.

It's as clear as mud really. Given the cost of a ski holiday, the size of the bills when it goes tits up and the low cost of basic travel insurance for medical costs and personal liability, I reckon you'd be nuts not to take it. As Layne says, it makes financial sense to carry the other risks yourself.
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
The equivalent clause in "snowrisk" says "L’ensemble des garanties définies ci-après s’appliquent en France et dans les pays limitrophes (sous réserve de domaine skiable commun) à l’exception de la garantie « Remboursement complémentaire des frais médicaux et frais d’hospitalisation » qui s’applique uniquement en France métropolitaine.
D’une manière générale, sont exclusl"

The sums covered in Snowrisk seem quite small - e.g. 250 euros for loss or damage to equipment, 3K for hospital expenses.
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
Timc wrote:
SnowRisk is the Portes du Soleil version of Carre Neige and is definitely available for the British.

Only in a very broad sense, The T&Cs are not the same. The season snowrisk policy explicitly states it will cover repatriation anywhere in the EU/CH/UK and a few French territories.

The Carre Neige season policy (translated) says, "Domicile is considered to be the main and usual place of residence of the insured person and appearing as his domicile on his last income tax notice, on the day of his membership. For seasonal workers, may also be considered as domicile the place of temporary residence during the duration of the seasonal employment contract."

My view on that is that it is at their discretion as to whether they repatriate you to the UK or just back to your season lodgings. The use of the word "workers" also raises the question of what happens if you're retired or a ski-bum? Where do they take you then? Hopefully, to your UK income tax address but it's somewhat vague. They may just be relying on an employer having secondary insurance cover to reduce their liability for that category?

The Daily Carre Neige does not have the second sentence in the definition of Domicile, so if they sell you the policy, they're taking you back to the UK if necessary. Hence the different costs of the policies, IMO.

Last edited by You'll need to Register first of course. on Tue 21-11-23 14:34; edited 1 time in total
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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
@Je suis un Skieur, back in the mists of timey-wimey, when I did seasons, repatriation didn't seem to happen if the injury wasn't "that" serious and the individual wanted to e.g. finish the season, hence not a few reps in jackets and plaster casts.

En revanche, I fractured a couple of vertebrae and got delivered to the door of my parents' house as soon as I was medically fit to fly.

Basically, if I was a seasonaire - and could mostly still work (or only needed a few weeks off) - I'd be wanting to stay in resort.
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 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
Je suis un Skieur wrote:
Layne wrote:
Dr John wrote:
Why on earth would someone expect the carre neige to cover costs to get you home?

Because it literally says so in the documentation and because anecdotally someone linked to a post that says in December 2017 they did just that.

And yet again someone posts a link and example of the DAILY Carre Neige bought with a 1-2 week ski pass, not the SAISON Carre Neige that is bought with a season pass. This thread is about season Carre Neige. The definition of repatriation is not the same in both policies and the cost of the policies on a daily basis is wildly different.

Apologies, you are correct.

I guess they assume the season pass holder will have a semi-permanent or permanent residence in the mountains from which they can/wish to recover.
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
under a new name wrote:
Basically, if I was a seasonaire - and could mostly still work (or only needed a few weeks off) - I'd be wanting to stay in resort.
Agreed but what's the relevance? No insurer is going to force you to be repatriated to the UK for a non-medically necessary condition if you want to stay in France. It's cheaper for them for you to stay.
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 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
I remain suspicious. And wary. There are some good points about these policies - for example, if you have the season carré neige you DON'T have to have a season pass - and it would cover you anywhere in Savoie.

But the sums insured are small. For example overall limit seems to be £50k whereas my "free with bank account" insurance includes cover up to £10m for injury or death. Quite clearly, in a competitive market, you're not going to get as much for £X as you'd get for £4X.
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 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
Thanks all, have gone with LV very helpful on the phone with my questions and gave 2 lots of discount because I have Home Insurance and a Pension with them.
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And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
ecureuil wrote:
@boredsurfin, back to your question 2, I agree Carre Neige provides no cover for third party liability. I guess this is because French skiers may already have this under their home insurance policies. In the same way that many UK home policies provide third party liability coverage in the UK (but not abroad).

Not carre neige, but we went to Italy earlier this year and were aware of the requirement to now have third party liability insurance. We always get the insurance when we get our lift pass, same as CN it comes to about 3 euros a day. As of this year the insurance also covered third party liability, there were lots of signs up at the lift pass office about it. We had all checked our travel policies in advance so we were ok in any case, but it obviously something being well highlighted as a newer requirement.
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