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Rights with flight cancellations

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Gored wrote:

Not sure how you can expect BA to compensate you for events beyond their control, as much as yours. You are both victims.

It's not compensation OP was seeking but the airlines are responsible for passengers even if disruption is not their fault. I haven't gone through that route since brexit but what I think applies here is EU Reg 261. In many cases airlines do whatever it takes to save money, which in many cases mean:
- provide £1 voucher for food hoping nobody bothers claiming for what the actually spent
- refusing to rebook flights using carriers outside of alliance
- not providing accommodation if disruption causes overnight stay.

I've never had problem claiming money back when airline didn't provide one of the above but it helps understanding the regulation rather than following what people say.
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
@snowyc, this is it exactly.

With the scale of disruptions going on basically you arent getting anywhere if you sit on hold trying to get through. Also Lufthansa have been putting out statements to the effect of we aren't going to reroute and advice you take a train.

I am hoping that with the major strikes that have just occurred they will wait while before amy further ones!
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
snowyc wrote:
Gored wrote:

Not sure how you can expect BA to compensate you for events beyond their control, as much as yours. You are both victims.

It's not compensation OP was seeking but the airlines are responsible for passengers even if disruption is not their fault. I haven't gone through that route since brexit but what I think applies here is EU Reg 261. In many cases airlines do whatever it takes to save money, which in many cases mean:
- provide £1 voucher for food hoping nobody bothers claiming for what the actually spent
- refusing to rebook flights using carriers outside of alliance
- not providing accommodation if disruption causes overnight stay.

I've never had problem claiming money back when airline didn't provide one of the above but it helps understanding the regulation rather than following what people say.

and like I said.. if that is beyond the control of the airline, then they are not on the hook to help at their expense.
Ie if BA are not at fault of the cancelation, then they are not obligated to help any further than trying to rebook or refund the passenger as far as I am aware.
Completely different to a delay or cancellation being because of operational reasons or events where the airline are at fault.

I have had 2x lengthly delays that lead to compensation. 1 because of faulty plane & they had to wet lease one on the spot & wait for it be flown from Scandanavia & the other was because the ibound was delayed & the knock on was staff had to have the rest period & had to wait for the first available rested crew.
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 You need to Login to know who's really who.
You need to Login to know who's really who.
Gored wrote:

Ie if BA are not at fault of the cancelation, then they are not obligated to help any further than trying to rebook or refund the passenger as far as I am aware.

There is a law stating what their obligations are, and as far as I know reasonable rerouting (e.g. using other airlines) and accommodation for overnight stay is within the scope.
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Can't pretend to know huge amounts about this, but when EJ cancelled our Geneva-LGW flights due to french air traffic control strikes, they went out of their way to provide accomodation (3 nights in the end) and to get us on the next available flight (which was then also cancelled! Hence the 3 nights in Geneva!)
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