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Can someone recommend me a French resort?

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
If you hire a car and do not stay in a big resort, then you may find the access road is closed due to weather or avalanche. Often, the roads get closed due to these reasons, but mostly you will miss that. It may change your plans on a day, when you would have to make alternative plans to go to another resort. (for example from Bourg St Maurice you could catch the furnicular instead of driving if the weather was bad for driving, but good for skiing). Also if one of you gets injured and needs to stay in while the other skis, you could just jump on the furnicular that day.

If you are inexperienced in driving in Alps conditions, then it may put you off driving up the steep windy icy roads on some days. (especially changeover days when the roads can get very busy with large coaches)

Brides les Bains would allow you to catch a bubble car up to 3v in Meribel. From Brides les Bains you could drive elsewhere, but not much point really as the best closest skiing would be by bubble car.
ski holidays
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
@Bigtipper, “big resort”?? What’s a small one then?

I mean, roads do get closed but really not often enough that it’s an issue.

(Cols e.g. Montets obviously an exception)
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
@under a new name, I meant big in terms of mileage of skiing pistes, and a high altitude resort.

A small resort would be one with a small mileage of skiing pistes available from the resort without a car, and would likely be a low altitude resort (but not necessarily)

I was thinking specifically about times when I have rolled up the night before a heavy snowfall and parked in Tignes les Boisses. The roads were not closed during the snowfall as far as I know, but they can become quite hazardous to inexperienced Alps drivers.

Also when the snow falls heavy, and the sun comes out the next day, there can be a lot of traffic coming for that day. The outdoor car parks are covered with snow, and usually quite full in these conditions.
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