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question on waxing

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead

Are there any tools that will make scraping easier?

Yes. Best time-saver I ever got for doing my skis was a snowboard scraper. At around 30cm wide it's three times wider than you need, but you can get both hands on it, apply way more pressure and job's done in 2 -3 scrapes.
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Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
primoz wrote:
@Lilledonmarco, well he's alpine guy, my main background is xc, which is where real waxing is done Laughing Yeah I know him pretty good, but that joke about background is partly true, as even between alpine techs xc guys are considered as waxing gods. But he is right about this. For U16 there's plenty of other things that matter way more then perfect skis, and I agree with him 110% when it comes to this, especially to wax selection. CH6/7/8 is all you need, even for xc not just alpine, at those categories. Using for 200eur of waxes for single pair of skis for U16 is insane (and yes it's happening regularly).... hell it's insane thing to do even of WC when we are talking about SL or GS, and it's regularly done by pretty much everyone even if it has absolutely no influence on race outcome.e.

I probably should have also written that he stressed that the key here is to do that layer of CH8 after each training/race. Super important to build up the base layer. Other things I remember is that he said that (at that age) edges were more important.

My kids no longer race, but I have taken that discipline (of applying a layer after each time they are on snow), to theirs and my own skis. Makes a huge difference, and our skis are significantly faster than our friends. We are skiing weekly, so its part of the routine now. I don't even think about it.

Smitty also showed a full prep on a brand new pair of Head GS skis. He took the side wall down (on both skis) in less than 2 mins. It was crazy to watch Happy. He has some serious skills.
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
@Lilledonmarco, everyone (of those who were never in racing) say it's overkill, and that wax producers are claiming for wax to last for ages. Thing is, wax really doesn't last for ages, and depending on conditions, speed etc. wax can last from 1 single run to maybe 30 or 40km. So on the end of average skiing day, ski is without wax (considering most of racing and training is done on way more agressive injected snow, wax durability is even less). So yes, for me it's normal that skis are waxed after every session. It's not even question. With this you get two things... first skis are always normally prepared, and second, ptex is (more) saturated with wax, so it's faster, longer lasting and way less prone to base burn (normally not really issue for recreational skiing, but for DH on real icey courses it's pretty common thing).
For sidewall, yes to show how it's done, you can do it in super short time, but when preparing race skis, especially for speed, it take way longer, because you want them to be really smooth and flat, and polishing it takes some time.
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@primoz, ...I think spot on. I look in a depressed way at the end of just one day at skis which have had the wax ripped off after a prep in the morning. Oh well, out with the iron again, but it indeed is just the way it goes...but like you I see waxing more as a protection against base burn than a means of attaining Warp Factor 9.
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
@valais2, for alpine I wax because I want good maintained skis, and that's reason why I normally don't bother much with wax and just use CH/LF7 most of time. For touring I bother a little more, as it's no fun to get stuck on some flat part. But for xc skiing, I still want as fast skis as possible. In xc wax, skis and structure really matters, so I pick right skis, with right structure and I wax with right wax (regardless of how bad it is for environment I stick with HF and HF overlays Laughing ) for that day. It's just so much more fun to ski with fast skis then with not so fast ones. With alpine, most of people won't really notice different between perfect wax and slightly off wax for certain conditions, with xc everyone would notice that difference.
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You'll need to Register first of course.
valais2 wrote:
@primoz, ...I think spot on. I look in a depressed way at the end of just one day at skis which have had the wax ripped off after a prep in the morning.

Are there any ways to tell by inspection whether your skis need waxing (other than just skiing on them)?
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Easiest thing is to ask yourself if you have been skiing already since last waxing. If answer is yes, then they need waxing for sure Smile Otherwise ptex looks a bit grey on spots, but that's already way overdue.
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