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Ski Sunday 2024

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
@Avabrunch, hmm, well there were a LOT of things which were acceptable in the 80s.
Buuut lets let you have a nostalgic moment... particularly at 07:11 when the Human League kicks in.
snow report
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
@Richard_Sideways, yeah, I do sometimes wander onto Youtube and watch all these.

If I could lead a parallel existence, I'd prefer skiing in the 80s to now.
ski holidays
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
@Richard_Sideways, Human League - great soundtrack for the starters list!
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
Avabrunch wrote:
Agent Orange wrote:
I think Chemmy and Ed have had a bit of a belter with their presenting.

I find them really cringe and I know I'm not alone.

Better if the BBC resurrect David Vine using AI. I'd watch that.

+1 always fast forward when Chemmy is commentating, perhaps she should take a pause before speaking @ 60mph

Would also like to hear the intro music which i have always identified with Ski Sunday but very difficult to hear with all the other sounds on top
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
I love Chemmy, and I can put up with her over enthusiasm, but as stated many times on here, I cannot stand her waving her hands around on every syllable. Last week they showed her for about 10secs without her hands waving around like an out of control windmill, and she looked and sounded great. Why can’t she do it more often ?
Ed does it exactly the same, and so does JennyJ - it’s as if it is a specific production requirement

Sorry for being a grumpy old git
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You'll need to Register first of course.
Ok so

The Scandinavians introduced the French to skiing?

I know Climate Change is important but it’s Ski Sunday not Climate change Sunday

Just to be clear - I know it relates to skiing and it’s important, but it’s not ski racing. I don’t watch Grand Prix and have a third of the program focussed on weather
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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
It's not the ski racing programme though, is it. It's a ski focused snow magazine programme, so it's going to have features on stuff which isn't racing. It's kind of impressive how many people still can't grasp this NehNeh Laughing
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 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
Boris wrote:
Ok so

The Scandinavians introduced the French to skiing?

Just to be clear - I know it relates to skiing and it’s important, but it’s not ski racing. I don’t watch Grand Prix and have a third of the program focussed on weather

it's the BBC, what do you expect? I assume they drove there in Teslas and are staying in organic Yurts...
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
@SnoodyMcFlude, no High Altitude was the magazine program- Ski Sunday was always ski racing
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 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
@Boris, it is definitely a magazine programme, it's exactly how they describe it on iplayer and I think has been a similar format for at least 10 years. The fact it may have been exclusively ski racing in the past is kind of a moot point.
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 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
I think it was because the warmer weather has meant big events had to be cancelled / postponed they didn’t have enough racing to fill the programme so that weather feature must have been in the locker ready to roll out for such an occasion. Not sure what they will fill the programme with in the next few weeks if the warm spell continues.
ski holidays
 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
@oldsnowy, go back to the Grand Prix analogy, it's like turning up and finding the track flooded. If that kept happening then I'm pretty sure Sky Sports F1 would be talking about it all the time. People may not like it, but can't keep just ignoring how many events are being affected by conditions.
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 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
It's a magazine show and not a ski racing show for sure.
snow report
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
schnitzel_skier wrote:
@Richard_Sideways, Human League - great soundtrack for the starters list!

This post has resolved a very long standing ear worm … I have had that music stuck in my head for what feels like 20 years and I was never able to find out what it was !

Human League - the things that dreams are made of .
ski holidays
 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:

Human League - the things that dreams are made of .

Sorry - going to put on my Human League anorak. It's technically the League Unlimited Orchestra (remix version of Dare album)

Plus I think that "Hard Times" also used to get played on 80s Ski Sunday
ski holidays
 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
This weeks episode really showed how poor conditions are at the moment, Chamonix run on a sliver of ice in the middle of brown hillsides.

Will be a similar view next week as at Bansko I believe?

The feature down the Vallee Blanche was similarly illuminating when the level in 1990 sign was shown.
snow report
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
[quote="Richard_Sideways"]@Avabrunch, hmm, well there were a LOT of things which were acceptable in the 80s.
Buuut lets let you have a nostalgic moment... particularly at 07:11 when the Human League kicks in.

Kitzbuhel '89 - I was there (18yrs old) and watched my hero at the time Tomba come 2nd . . . its all about headbands and goggles - love David Vines commentary . . .and the Human League!
snow report
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Boris wrote:
I know Climate Change is important but it’s Ski Sunday not Climate change Sunday

I totally agree.

I find Ski Sunday's attempt at educating us really patronising and hypocritical, like betting companies telling addicted gamblers to be 'bet aware' or drinks companies telling me to be 'drink aware' - it achieves nothing. We know the glaciers are melting and we've all known it for a very long time. Don't we?

Like a lot of things, ski travel isn't sustainable and never will be. Are we all going to stop? Is the World Cup Circuit going to pack it in? No, business as usual.
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
@Avabrunch, Most of the content was simply showing the changes in conditions and that it is not “business as usual” as signified by cancellation of downhill races, the much more arduous exit from the VB and the amount of energy and effort needed to keep pistes open, whether for tourism/recreation or World Cup Circuit. In comparison the amount of preaching was minimal
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
@Avabrunch, there's quite a difference between knowing they're melting and appreciating the extent. I can't say that I found the piece to be particularly preachy, there was a bit of hand-wringing from Chemmy about her own family but it wasn't like she was shouting at the viewer to stop travelling or telling us all that we're evil people.
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You'll need to Register first of course.
There’s a nice 2 page article on the ch ages in producing Ski Sunday in the last edition of Fall Like Skiing magazine if you use the Readly app
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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
The vast majority of skiers (& snowboarders) will just go to snow-sure resorts. This hand-wringing nonsense is unnecessary on a tv programme that most of us watch because we are interested in a snow-based hobby.
We are aware of the concept of climate change. Let us enjoy our hobby without being lectured.
ski holidays
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
there was a bit of hand-wringing from Chemmy about her own family but it wasn't like she was shouting at the viewer to stop travelling or telling us all that we're evil people.

Yes and she also said it was an issue close to the hearts of her and Ed, two people with enormous carbon footprints compared to your average skier. As a viewer I'm not interested in their family or what their future aspirations are. POW are similarly compromised - notice it isn't called Protect YOUR Winters, it's all more me, me, me. POW's leaders and ambassadors all seem to jet around the globe looking for snow and cash, while pontificating to us lot about how to reduce our impact.
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
It really does astound me the level of head-burying-in-sand that goes on here, in relation to climate. The piece on SS was not preachy at all and was entirely appropriate having just watched a slalom take place on a narrow strip of man-made snow in the Alps in February.

I'm only just 40 and have only skiied since I was 19 and even I can see the change in the winters since I started. Our collective hobby will be one of the first things to die if things don't change, yet there seems very little appetite to acknowledge there is even a problem. It's the equivalent of noticing a lump on your body that is slowly getting bigger, but refusing to go to the doctor because 'it's probably nothing serious'.
ski holidays
 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
@SKia Optima, absolutely, we can all see it, but the question is how we tackle it. It'll be a drop in the ocean, but if you really want to 'do your bit' and protect your winter, your ultimate solution is to stop going out there, stop buying all the gear that is produced in far east factories running off coal-fired power stations! None of us are likely to do that.

2023 was the biggest year ever for commercial aviation. 2023 saw the biggest consumption of fossil fuels in history, and it's rising. Renewables are rising too but overall we are simply using more energy. The Germans, having shunned nuclear and having lost their cheap Russian gas, are now shipping wood chips across the Atlantic in heavy fuel oil powered bulk carriers, to burn in power stations - only they call it biomass because it sounds more eco-cuddly. They are also using lignite instead of coal. India's industrial revolution is basically just getting going and they'll mainly use coal. The BRICS countries in general couldn't give a stuff about your ski holiday. If you take away the media spin from COP28, it's all a big joke.
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 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
Avabrunch wrote:
@SKia Optima, absolutely, we can all see it, but the question is how we tackle it. It'll be a drop in the ocean, but if you really want to 'do your bit' and protect your winter, your ultimate solution is to stop going out there, stop buying all the gear that is produced in far east factories running off coal-fired power stations! None of us are likely to do that.

2023 was the biggest year ever for commercial aviation. 2023 saw the biggest consumption of fossil fuels in history, and it's rising. Renewables are rising too but overall we are simply using more energy. The Germans, having shunned nuclear and having lost their cheap Russian gas, are now shipping wood chips across the Atlantic in heavy fuel oil powered bulk carriers, to burn in power stations - only they call it biomass because it sounds more eco-cuddly. They are also using lignite instead of coal. India's industrial revolution is basically just getting going and they'll mainly use coal. The BRICS countries in general couldn't give a stuff about your ski holiday. If you take away the media spin from COP28, it's all a big joke.

Ah, yes, the classic binary response. If you can't completely eliminate the carbon footprint of a particular activity then you might as well not bother doing anything at all and you're virtue signalling by suggesting anyone should try.

Followed up by the equally ubiquitous 'it doesn't matter what we do because country X is doing this'.

Doing something is better than doing nothing.
ski holidays
 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
@SKia Optima, indeed. They will always be rapists - why bother trying to do anything about them.
snow report
 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much

It'll be a drop in the ocean, but if you really want to 'do your bit' and protect your winter, your ultimate solution is to stop going out there, stop buying all the gear that is produced in far east factories running off coal-fired power stations! None of us are likely to do that.

None of us are going to stop consuming, and burning energy, but it's within the power of all of us to reduce our consumption, and if we all reduce consumption that can make a difference. It also has the advantage that the less you consume the more money you save!

Back to SS, and more specifically the Vallee Blanche bit - I have been visiting Chamonix on and off since I was a child. We visited the Mer de Glace when I was 12, in 1972, when the glacier was a short walk down from Montenvers station. In 1983 I took some photos from the Aiguille du Midi, then I was back there in 2020. The level of the glaciers had dropped massively, and 2020 had slightly less high level snow cover - not too bad you might think, but 2020 was in January, and 1983 on a mountaineering trip in August!
ski holidays
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
if we all reduce consumption that can make a difference

The problem is that we are not, the data says energy consumption is only going up. You might be reducing your consumption but for every one of you there are 99 who fall into one of three camps:
(1) too poor to do anything about it but aspiring to one day have the life and things you have
(2) think/say they are 'doing their bit' when in reality they are not - EVs being the best example
(3) the biggest group - couldn't give a sh*t while often pretending they do
ski holidays
 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Avabrunch wrote:
if we all reduce consumption that can make a difference

The problem is that we are not, the data says energy consumption is only going up.

You're just repeating yourself, using different words, trying to justify your view that it is pointless to even try and do anything.

If consumption is increasing, think how much quicker it would be increasing if everyone adopted your attitude.

Trying to effect change is a slow, labourious task. Like trying to turn an oil tanker. If you want instant results, you're going to be disappointed. As more people 'do their bit' the results will 'snowball', no pun intended.

Small changes can and will make a difference, eventually, but if everyone was as defeatist as you we'd never have a hope of achieving anything. I'm not saying small changes alone will solve CC, but we have to start somewhere. Doing nothing and refusing to engage, as so heavily promoted as the best option by many on here, is not an option.
snow conditions
 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
@SKia Optima, at no point have I said it's pointless. The evidence, however, is that people aren't doing anything about it despite what they say or believe - and that includes Ski Sunday presenters. I have friends who think their EV is somehow them 'doing their bit' - they are utterly gas-lit and deluded and I love telling them so. If you've ever seen a cobalt or lithium or copper mine (I have) and studied the diesel-powered mining process, coal-fired refining process and heavy fuel oil-powered global transportation, you'd understand better just how deluded we are. So the conundrum for you stays the same; if you want to really do your bit and save the snow for BBC presenters' kids, you need to give up skiing.
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person,(24%2C140%20km)%20of%20driving.
snow report
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Avabrunch wrote:
@SKia Optima, at no point have I said it's pointless. The evidence, however, is that people aren't doing anything about it despite what they say or believe - and that includes Ski Sunday presenters. I have friends who think their EV is somehow them 'doing their bit' - they are utterly gas-lit and deluded and I love telling them so. If you've ever seen a cobalt or lithium or copper mine (I have) and studied the diesel-powered mining process, coal-fired refining process and heavy fuel oil-powered global transportation, you'd understand better just how deluded we are. So the conundrum for you stays the same; if you want to really do your bit and save the snow for BBC presenters' kids, you need to give up skiing.

So we're back to the binary choice again. I can either give up skiing or do nothing. There's clearly no point trying to impress upon you that there is a huge middle ground between those options. Let's perhaps leave it there.
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
@philhitch, Cotes supply the EV industry. Hardly independent. Volvo's own data says that their EVs 'break even' at around 89,000 miles. If you need to change the batteries though, you're back behind the curve. Other studies are available Very Happy . The point is, a car is still a car and most five seaters only carry one passenger.

Average house uses about 40kwh of energy per day. Average EV charge is about double that (daily amount depends on how often you need to charge). I just can't wait til everyone has a new Chinese EV. Then everyone is 'doing their bit' but the glaciers are still melting.

@SKia Optima, well, you've had your 20 years of fun in the mountains so you either decide to continue knowing and accepting your impact (past, present and future) or you don't. I suggest you carry on.
snow report
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
@Avabrunch, iirc the Volvo study looked into level of renewable energy and for the UK was near 77k miles for break even. For something like 80% renewable it would be nearer 30k miles. Considering that few cars will be scrapped before 100k miles that's quite an improvement to turn your nose up at.

And still the point remains, it doesn't need to be a perfect solution, just a continued improvement. And just because we're all guilty of a hobby that's bad for the environment, doesnt mean we shouldn't look to improve our contribution or expect better from others.

And, to attempt to bring things back to the topic, the VB piece didn't even preach any of that, it merely pointed out the retreat and the conflict some of us feel.
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You'll need to Register first of course.
Having been away skiing all last week (don't shoot me Greta wink ) I've just caught up on both the episodes I missed. I had the benefit of FF'ing the bits I didn't want to see but I thought there was decent coverage of the Cortina DH, and both the Schladming and Cham Slaloms. I enjoyed Chemmy's VB article but she could have made more of the walk down the ridge to the starting point (scared the hell out of me when I did it) and the knackering climb up the staircase at the end.
I could do without the "hints and tips" and ski social sections and of course Ed can ski and Chemmy can board but clearly needed filler for last Sunday's episode.
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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...


If anyone wants to keep up with the Slalom boys Laurie Taylor does "Behind the Brits" on youtube - not slick production like SS but good fun and interesting.

+1 for this; it's a great insight into the amazing GBR ski team. Feels like the sort of thing Ski Sunday should be doing.

snow report
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
I'm a few weeks behind and just saw ed service his snowboard. I mean come on man, that was terrible.
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
SKia Optima wrote:
Avabrunch wrote:
@SKia Optima, at no point have I said it's pointless. The evidence, however, is that people aren't doing anything about it despite what they say or believe - and that includes Ski Sunday presenters. I have friends who think their EV is somehow them 'doing their bit' - they are utterly gas-lit and deluded and I love telling them so. If you've ever seen a cobalt or lithium or copper mine (I have) and studied the diesel-powered mining process, coal-fired refining process and heavy fuel oil-powered global transportation, you'd understand better just how deluded we are. So the conundrum for you stays the same; if you want to really do your bit and save the snow for BBC presenters' kids, you need to give up skiing.

So we're back to the binary choice again. I can either give up skiing or do nothing. There's clearly no point trying to impress upon you that there is a huge middle ground between those options. Let's perhaps leave it there.

The UK contributes less than 1% of global emissions. Whether you and I, and all of the snow heads and their families and friends chose to give up skiing, or do nothing, the needle won't move. This is the futility of a so-called global action plan. I recognise the global leadership role of the UK and others, but China, India, Russia and industrialised Africa are not taking their orders from us and certainly not whilst they surpass us in the global ascendancy and march towards global supremacy.
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 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
Very Happy
Snowbandit56 wrote:
I only watch it to see how Dave (Rocket) Ryding is getting on. He lives down the road from me in the next Lancashire village and besides his grandad used to service our skis so I'm very interested in how he gets on. These days I follow The 50 series aka Cody Townsend I find this more interesting and love the Freeride vibe.
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