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France: Les Arcs 2011 / 2012

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Just returned from a fab week in les arcs, we did Eurotunnel and overall driving was OK (especially with the doofer) we stayed in 2000 in la varet - it was OK but not ideal as not ski in ski out and it is not actually in 2000 but is out to the side. In terms of runs I think we covered most of the reds and blue in arc 2000 and did aguille rouge from top to bottom agree with others the bit at very top (if you dont take the red road) is not really a black, it was a long run although lunch at la ferme (a la top gear) was a good reward. We had some good snow especially in the morning, turned a bit slushy around 2pm in 2000, some of our favourite runs were belette, Grand Col, golf, riches and especially those around the waterslide which were all easy cruisers (didn't actually try waterslide ourselves). on last day we did les arcs across to other side of la plagne with other snowheads (thanks snowcrazy, codger) we had a really fantastic time but were dead by the end of the day - lunch at the omlette place (omlette savoyard) was fantastic - highly recommend it to anyone.

Just a tip if new to les arcs and not an expert skier flying down a run in 2 mins flat then the unlimited pass covering les arcs and la plagne might be a waste - we made this mistake. We only made it to la plagne 1 day (did not cover all of les arcs) and you do get 1 day in la plagne on the cheaper option too.

Best part of returning from a trip is booking the next one - Now looking to book for les arcs next year - cant wait !! Toofy Grin
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person

lunch at the omlette place (omlette savoyard) was fantastic - highly recommend it to anyone.

Laughing Good Old Chris! Always praises the omelette place and takes his groups there BUT never uses it's proper name so no one can find it, I think he doesn't know what its called wink

Le Forperet Restaurant on the Piste Gentil above Montalbert. The same family now own the Restaurant Tournament in Montalbert village.

Last edited by Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person on Sun 18-03-12 21:26; edited 2 times in total
ski holidays
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Never got around to posting on Friday about our last full day in Les Arcs. Determined to get the most out of the lift pass we intended covering off some of the areas we hadn't done much of. Spent most of the morning around 1800, most of the pistes were decidely hard, and Golf recommented as a piste of the day was unpisted, rock hard and not pleasant. As things warmed up the runs were better, and into 1600 very silky before turning to slush. We had (well me really) a navigatonaly issue of where lunch was going to be so ended up just above 1800 before heading over to 2000 for the afternoon, no queue virtually for the cable car; just to do the red section, then a couple of runs off Grand Col, beer stop and then back through the lifts to Plan Peisey via the water slide; as a onlooker only, not enough falls. Service at the Solan better that evening, maybe it was the bartenders green St Patricks day hat that did it.

On Saturday our transfer didn't leave until 1:15 so I got a Plan Peisey / Vallandry 4 hour pass 30.50 euros covering as far as the Derby lift. Richard doesn't have his own skis and boots so meandered around the village. Given that it was overcast and flaty light to start with I had a brilliant morning, the pistes weren't as hard as previous mornings and the pistes turned silky very quickly with virtually no icey bits and virturally no people; found many of the linking pistes that had evaded us all week and had a great time best 30 euros I've spent for a long time. And to make it even better the gloomy skys gradually cleared and the flat light vanished.

Transfer back back was long and tedious and flight an hour late but who cares we had a great week in Les Arcs Very Happy

I'll post a report on the chalet etc later
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
allanm, pleased you enjoyed the day, despite the flat light at times it was really fun. I will post a pic of the 'waterfall gully' tomorrow and the pics of the other places we skied over on my Les Arcs Winter facebook page. The trouble with this year is that due to all the snow there were no drops to jump so it was much easier than normal. Twisted Evil

Boredsurfing, Now that is what it is called, Le Forperet. Thanks I will try to remember and spell it right Laughing

migletski, really pleased you liked the place. I will add a pic of the 'small' omlette later, it was good meeting you as well. Very Happy
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Web cams are showing some decent snowfall overnight. Only 6 days to go. Cool
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
thefatcontroller, We've had a couple of inches in Plan Peisey, & it's still lightly snowing. - Can't see over the valley though Toofy Grin You'll have a lovely time Very Happy
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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
genepi, Looks like it might have been rain down very low but who cares. Take the train out next week for the first time and no kids......... Laughing
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 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
thefatcontroller, which train are you on: overnight or daytime? ( we're on the day train)
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
Hoping to come back out for the week on 7th April but various things mean I can't commit yet Confused
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 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
Arctic Roll, We are on the overnight from Paris this Saturday night, going back overnight Friday. Maximising time when M-in-l has kids by not wasting time flying. You out then next week? Meet for a beer one evening?
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 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
thefatcontroller, yes we're out - 24th - 7th. I'll pm you contact details.
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 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
I have now posted the pics up to March 15 which includes our day in the Three Valleys mainly in Val Thorens and over on the Orelle side in my Les Arcs Winter facebook page. Take a look if you like. Hope you enjoy them. Very Happy

Today was another powder day. Yes the powder is back and should still be good tomorrow as well. Toofy Grin

We headed up quite early despite the poor vis and went over to the Arc 1800 via some nice off piste to test out the snow. Although it was hard to see where we were going at times the snow was great so went to the 'secret forest'. Twisted Evil

Had it all to ourselves all morning. We just kept putting new lines down new routes in the trees until we needed a break for lunch. I did not think I would get another chance to do that this season so was very happy. Very Happy

After lunch the sun tried a bit harder to break through so headed up the Aiguille Rouge and off piste down the glacier and then the Robert Blanc couloir. Excellent powder again well over 15cm, maybe even as much as 20cm in places. Laughing

Finally headed over to Droset and more fresh tracks top to bottom and over to the Malgovert forest. By heading through the cliffs we had another fresh tracks route and carried on down in good soft snow until we joined the Mont Blanc piste lower down and headed home. Madeye-Smiley

A really fun day and more to come tomorrow! Take a look at the pics that will be posted in the March 2012 Album Two of my Les Arcs Winter facebook page when I get it started tomorrow I hope. Enjoy!! Smile
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 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
I know this isn't Les Arcs.... but probably one of the best days skiing I've had. Cheers snowcrazy.

Found acres of pretty well untracked power off the top of the Traverse down into the valley and back up to the mid station of the Roche de Mio.
Finished with 'La petite face nord de Bellecôte' absolutely magic, although I was absolutely knackered as we took lunch in the Fer a Cheval.

Few pics from today...

The group today.. and yup.. our tracks center.

We came down the couloire right of centre

Next four are later on back in Les Arcs

Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

Last edited by So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much on Wed 21-03-12 10:39; edited 2 times in total
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 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
Just booked Vallandry for 7-14 April - yay Cool
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 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
allanm, great pics pleased you enjoyed today. See you later in the week.

Arctic Roll, thefatcontroller, hope the great conditions we are having last until you get here. Malgovert and Droset are in great condition as well. Very Happy

Powder Day!! As allanm said, a group of us went over to the Bellecote today and what a great time we had. The sky was blue, but it was not to warm so we were able to make a route down the back of the Roche de Mio and then another in the Bellecote bowl putting fresh tracks everywhere we went while the snow stayed light and fluffy. Twisted Evil

Then over the back of the Bellecote and down the classic route of the Petit North Face for almost 2000m vertical drop of fresh tracks from the entry point to the valley floor below. Very Happy

Then a nice lunch and some more fun finding fresh tracks in the afternoon back in Les Arcs before finally heading home. What a great day and much more fresh snow than I had expected. Tomorrow should be more of the same!!! Pics to follow on my Les Arcs Winter facebook page, but I do have quite a few days still to catch up with. Enjoy! Toofy Grin
ski holidays
 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Disaster, my back has started playing up again. Three days for the physio to save my holiday! Sad
snow report
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Went to val d'Isere today so did not ski in Les Arcs. Check out my post on the Val d'Isere thread if you are interested in reading about the seven routes we managed to fit into one day. Twisted Evil
snow report
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
genepi, Great to meet you and 'N' this evening.. at long last. Hope N has a brilliant day tomorrow - quite jealous!!

I didn't ski today, explored Aime and Moutiers returning via Notre-Dame-de-Pre (D88) to Macot and finally Landry. Quite amazing to see the main road form Moutires to BSM from so high up the other side of the valley
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
Think I was on a mission to find the worst snow today. Early in the 2000 bowl was pretty dire, sun crusted at best. Top of Varet down towards the igloo was OK up top but again suncrust down. Did a bit of 'playing' in the avalanche park before a fairly longish coffee stop and up Lanchettes for Drosset which I thought may have softened up a bit. Wrong again. Malgovert was OK in places but nothing to write home about. Slushed it home about 2:30.

Noticed helicopter parked behind the Restaurant at top of Transarc (name escapes me). It was a gorgeous but hot day again with just a few fluffy clouds.

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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
allanm,We enjoyed meeting you too! Lets hope you & N get to ski together next season. He had an amazing day today Very Happy
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
genepi I suspected he would from what the guy was saying last night!!

The other thing he was saying that was Bellecote was just the 'key of the door', things (routes etc) he was saying were very interesting, but I guess now, for next season.
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 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
allanm, A day in the mountain with Fred is like no other wink
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 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
genepi, ^^ Hmmm I can imagine...............not Very Happy
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
Another flash sale announced for the week leading up to Easter? Peak week and flash sales?

A new last minute flash sale on our online shop !

From Saturday 24th to Wednesday 28th March, 2012, enjoy a 20% discount on your purchases of 6 days ski passes Les Arcs / Peisey-Vallandry, Paradiski Découverte or Paradiski Illimité, with a first day of validity on 1rst April, 2012*.

Please find below the rates of the flash sale products:

6 Days Adult Savings**
6 Days Children or Senior
Paradiski Illimité
206,50€ 50,50€
Paradiski Découverte
192,50€ 48,00€ 144,50€ 36,00€
Les Arcs / Peisey-Vallandry 174,00€ 43,00€ 130,00€ 32,50€

To access to the flash sale, click on the link below or copy it in your Internet browser: ou

Attention, limited quantities (100 ski passes for each domain)!
Sales open at 7:00 on Saturday 24th March (French time).

For any question or information, feel free to contact us by phone at +334 79 04 25 03 or by email at
(please do not anwser directly to this email sent automaticaly)

Seen you soon on the slopes!
Les Arcs / Peisey-Vallandry Ski Area
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 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
allanm, I have to ask..... What camera are you using? Amazing quality photos.
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 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
foxtrotzulu, I suspect it's the post processing in photoshop or the like as much as the camera, there's seems to have been a little tweaking going on. Dones't detract fro the fact that they're nice pics though
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 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
nbt ^^ No photoshop, I personally believe the image, as a whole should come from the camera. I shoot only RAW and tweak in lightroom. Funny though, many people tell me that my 7D and L glass is no better than their P&S. Maybe that is the case, but you still need to point the thing in the right direction.. which takes years, not money.

There are loads of uninteresting images of fuzzy skiers on fuzzy backgrounds which, really are a great memory of that day, I'm just looking a little further on...

Thanks for the appreciation.
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 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
allanm, in which case sir I salute you. As a photographer i could tell it was from a reasonable piece of kit, but there's a "pop" to the focal points ('copter, or people) that makes it stand out

we're in Arc 1600 this week (in the cachette) if you fancy a bimble around, I'd be happy to try to get some pictures of you in action - I haven;t taken an slr skiing for some years, I'm tempted to bring mine now too....
ski holidays
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
Our trip today over to La Plagne and back.

After a little rest yesterday we went over to the Bellecote again to hunt out more untracked snow and we were not disappointed. Even managed to find some untracked spring snow back in Les Arcs on the way home.

Started early and were going down the back of the Roche de Mio before 11am. Then up onto the Bellecote and a warm up run down the bowl on a mix of untracked soft snow, chalky snow and spring snow. Then back up the top and over onto the North Face by another route.

This time down a steeper section and then some more fresh tracks into the high bowl before going down the centre and finally through the forest cutting out half of the lower track and then down to the restaurant for a late lunch. The snow was mixed on this route as well, but we were able to find quite a lot of untracked good soft snow and spring snow lower down. Another good descent, but the path in the forest is running out of snow fast.

Back in Les Arcs headed up to the top of the Transarc then off piste right back to the Waterslide without taking another lift. Yes it can be done and without walking more than 50m. The spring snow on more than half of this route was also untracked which made it even more fun. Took a few pics, no slide for me, following Docs orders for once then home.

The pistes everywhere we went today were still in good condition, if a little hard packed boiler plate first thing, but softening up nicely by the time we headed home. For those coming out, if you follow the sun you are in for a great week.

I am slowly catching up with the pics and will try to get the best of todays posted tomorrow in the March 2012 Album Two on my Les Arcs Winter facebook page. Enjoy.

nbt, my pics are snaps from a little camera. Smile Allanm's are with a good bit of kit that makes you look very good. Do bring your camera with you, we can always find good stuff for you to take, even from the side of the piste if you would prefer not to go off piste. Very Happy
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 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
nbt Cheers for the offer, but unfortunately today is it for this season - staying in Lyon tonight and back home tomorrow.

BTW, I also get pretty fair results with an old Canon S70 I bought on Ebay for £20 - again shooting raw with a little PP in LR.
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 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
To all those travelling out today have a safe trip and it looks like we will all have a great week next week (don't forget some sun tan lotion), we leave for our train in about 5 hours.

To those not travelling out for a weeks skiing in Les Arcs next week NehNeh NehNeh NehNeh NehNeh NehNeh
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
I guess that as I am going from 7th to 13th April that I am now qualified to post on this thread. Looking forward to it snowHead snowHead snowHead
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
snowcrazy, cheers, off piste is fine by me but not sure Mrs NBT will be up to it, we should have been on the off piste bash but her illness forced us to miss it and I'm not sure she's yet fully fit again. might drop you a PM if we're feeling like getting a little adventurous

allanm, ach, shame! One year, though....

thefatcontroller, safe journey! We leave for the airport in about 90 minutes - ah the joys of a midday flight, our friends who are staying in Arc 1800 with their toddler will probalby be on approach to CHambery as I type this, having got up in the middle of the night for the oh-Be Nice please!-o-clock flight!
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
Ray Zorro, I'll look out for you then - we're in Vallandry that week
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
So we've arrived, looking forward to snow and sun this week.

Can anyone explain why the E-star is taking 45 mins longer this year? Seems like we came down a branch line to Chambery, and we were then backed up in a siding at Albertville for 35 minutes ( I counted! - it used to be 10, which was bad enough...) , while a Thalys and SNCF made their way down the valley. OK so we arrived on schedule, so journey time was anticipated, but it seems like gaining 15 mins on the UK side now thanks to HS link is a complete waste of energy and time. Has someone in London upset the French?

Nevertheless, we're here, in fine fettle, and anticipating a great fortnight.
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
Cab to Gatwick arrives in 2 hours - ridiculous flight times, but more time in resort - hopefully getting some turns in La Plagne this afternoon.
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 Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Ok after a disasterous trip to Les Arcs last April, we are now looking forward to giving the area another chance to make things right Toofy Grin When we were walking through mud on the pistes we could see the potential for some cracking skiing Very Happy

Skiing aside for a moment - if I was going to spot a marmot or two where is this most likely? We've done heaps of April skiing but never seen one. Let this be the year.
snow report
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
Ray Zorro, sorry but it will rain the day after we leave. We leave on the 7th Toofy Grin
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
Lou wrote:
if I was going to spot a marmot or two where is this most likely? We've done heaps of April skiing but never seen one. Let this be the year.

Bottom of the marmottes lift below 1950 Very Happy
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 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
Arctic Roll, The rail tunnel at Moutier has a sign by it saying that the tunnel is having a multi million re-furbishment, maybe that was the cause of the delay?
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