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Transceiver test 2009

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
snowpatrol wrote:
allanm,...i'm not wound up about the m2 at all...i got a good deal...2 x m2's = £300...2 x s1's = £ do the math....

Soz, thought you were just a tad irate.. only going on your previous posts. Yes I can do the math, £300 says one of you probably in a coffin if the worst happened, £600 says you have a much better chance, I did Maths A level too.

Take this in context of what I said earlier RE the chances of you actually having to use one though... but what does your OH think of all this? It has been stated, and I agree, that the M2 is one of the hardest units for novices to use - is she comfortable with that???
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
I`m looking to get a transciever. Been warned off the S1 and onto the DTS by guides from glenmore lodge actually, I take their word for it. Also last year I heard second hand that the s1 was sh*t and that was from a rep for ortovox. Oh well.

Suppose your always going to have to make sure the software version is upto date as the last year or so will have been final beta testing.
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
kill_reign, yup, i was told to stay clear of the s1 also, but allanm, will be asking you to supply names and addresses of those who told you that and he'll be going to their houses with a baseball bat...

allanm,she is comfortable with it because we will practise our a$$e$ of until we have it sussed...if we aren't hitting the target times i'll sell them and get something we can use....

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You need to Login to know who's really who.
kill_reign, snowpatrol, look at the other recent post quoting some Canadian research indicating 3 antenna systems (such as the S1,D3 and Pulse) are quickest to find victims in the hands of novices. S1 comes out in 1st place. Real research vs a guides opinion/2nd hand comments - I know which I would believe.
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Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
The above words about "coffins" reminded me of of this: If you have two transceivers and lend one to a friend then consider giving the "best" one to your friend, they are the person who will need to use it before digging you out. You want the one that transmits best. They should have the one that searches best.
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You'll need to Register first of course.
bobinch,yep....i'm not saying the s1 is a cr@p beacon....i'm just saying i was warned off i got a couple of m2's....please can everyone take note ******I AM NOT ANTI S1.....I WAS TOLD THEY WERE TOO ADVANCED FOR NOVICE USERS...I HAVE NOTHING PERSONAL AGAINST THEM OR THOSE THAT HAVE THEM******

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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
snowpatrol, the research seems to suggest that the people giving you advice (despite being guides) are basing it on misguided opinion rather than facts. This is not your fault but it's important to make that clear for what is a potentially critical subject on a forum that influences peoples purchase decisions.
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 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
allanm wrote:

Soz, thought you were just a tad irate.. only going on your previous posts. Yes I can do the math, £300 says one of you probably in a coffin if the worst happened, £600 says you have a much better chance, I did Maths A level too.

I'm not trying to do do down the S1 but your use of the term "much better" is misleading. If you are caught in a significant slide you face chances of severve internal injuries, heart attack and immediate asphyxiation. If everyone in your party has a transceiver and knows how to use it and is practiced, the efficiency of time to locate is only a portion of the total rescue time which will be affected by terrain, whether rescuers are up or downhill of victim, type of avalanche, depth of burial, digging method etc etc.

Its a roulette chip you've bought not a magic amulet. How big are your mates' shovels, how long are their probes?
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
fatbob, If you and I went off-piste, would you rather I had an S1 or an F1? If, I suspect you would rather I had the S1, then perhaps it would be because, that if the worst did happen, you might have a better chance?
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Ski the Net with snowHeads
allanm wrote:
fatbob, If you and I went off-piste, would you rather I had an S1 or an F1? If, I suspect you would rather I had the S1, then perhaps it would be because, that if the worst did happen, you might have a better chance?

I wouldn't know until I'd seen you perform with both but yes I suspect I'd rather you had the S1. You on the other hand would be encouraging me to swap my F1 with you so I'd have a better chance of finding you. Then we'd have to check batteries, bargain over shovels etc by which time all the pow would have gone wink

Its an interesting point re the niceties of hooking up with new ski buddies and I think on a practical level no-one really cares about what beeper everyone else is using provided they can show they know how to use it.

A worse situation which i've seen happen quite a few time is people who shove a newly rented or borrowed beacon into the hands of a mate who doesn't have one with only a rudimentary explanation oif how it works and then they take off.
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snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
allanm, I'd rather you had one you knew how to use rather the one that "performed better in tests".
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And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
snowpatrol wrote:
bobinch,yep....i'm not saying the s1 is a cr@p beacon....i'm just saying i was warned off i got a couple of m2's....please can everyone take note ******I AM NOT ANTI S1.....I WAS TOLD THEY WERE TOO ADVANCED FOR NOVICE USERS...I HAVE NOTHING PERSONAL AGAINST THEM OR THOSE THAT HAVE THEM******


Do you accept that your guide was wrong re the S1?
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So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
PJSki, Laughing Puzzled my guide was excellent and i trusted what he was telling me...when someone i trust and like advises me against someting for my own safety, i usually listen (especially when they are a professional in the field)... you want me to say he was wrong because why? because you say its good!... who the **** are you BTW and what are your credentials (at this point you could say you are franz ****ing klammer but who knows if its true)...i haven't tried the s1 so i cant say it's good or bad...i wont be practising with the m2's until next week so i cant say if they're good or bad what now?....

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 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
bobinch wrote:
kill_reign, snowpatrol, look at the other recent post quoting some Canadian research indicating 3 antenna systems (such as the S1,D3 and Pulse) are quickest to find victims in the hands of novices. S1 comes out in 1st place. Real research vs a guides opinion/2nd hand comments - I know which I would believe.

Here's hoping that this is the most telling post in this thread, because I've recently bought an S1.
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 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
pinhead wrote:
Practice, Practice, and yes more practice,

and where is my new transceiver? Still lanquishing with a pile of other avi stuff in kiwi1's office, some months after purchase this does not demonstrate strong commitment on my part to practicing Embarassed .
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 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
snowpatrol wrote:
PJSkiyou want me to say he was wrong because why? because you say its good!... who the **** are you BTW and what are your credentials (at this point you could say you are franz ****ing klammer but who knows if its true)


I think the point being made is the S1 in an independent test is easier to use than pretty much everything else. Its not PJSkis, mine or Allanm's opinion or some guide's opinion (who quite rightly should not be treated like some knows everything mountain guru).

Look at the thread title! it says TEST not OPINION.

For all the statistical problems in the test , the one thing that is conclusive is the s1 in the hands of novice users works and works quickly!

If you tried the S1 you would like it unless your stuborn, unreasonable and dogmatic. Which IM sure your not. You seem a quite resonable open minded person.

Its good to be skeptical of tests. But you need to back up the skeptisim with your own evidence of problems with the S1.

Show us some independent tests that backup the guides position and we could debate that!

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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
tuxpoo, Laughing Laughing Laughing........... holy f***ing moly....what part of "i didn't go for the s1 because i was warned off it"....."i'm not saying the s1 is crap because i am not in a position to say that" you not understand....i mean i'm not the sharpest but FFS, if i haven't been able to get through to you by now then we're done for... i'm not here to show you f***ing test results....*****I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST THE S1....MY GUIDE WARNED ME OFF IT****** that is it....

snow report
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
snowpatrol, your guide is demonstrably wrong. Everything you said about the S1 is wrong because it's based on what your guide said. Shame you are unable to take in information and update your opinion accordingly. An attitude like that could kill you, if you take it into the mountains.
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
To all the S1 fans have you not considered that snowpatrol's guide might have had some direct practical experience with the S1. Just because a consumer test didn't throw up problems doesn't mean industry pros haven't beta tested it and had bad experiences with software etc. I know some beacons in the past have had problems with v1.0 software.
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Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
fatbob wrote:
To all the S1 fans have you not considered that snowpatrol's guide might have had some direct practical experience with the S1. Just because a consumer test didn't throw up problems doesn't mean industry pros haven't beta tested it and had bad experiences with software etc. I know some beacons in the past have had problems with v1.0 software.

There were problems with the S1 1.0v. The guide could have been right if he'd given the advice during the period of 1.0v. But even then, he was talking about complexity rather than any other reason. So given that, the best you could say is that he was right but for the wrong reason. Snowpatrol made his decision not to buy based on the fact he was told by the guide that the S1 would be too complicated for him to use - that is demonstrably wrong, even if you are talking about 1.0v.

Last edited by Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do. on Fri 11-12-09 18:17; edited 1 time in total
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You'll need to Register first of course.
PJSki, ok guide was wrong.....i'm going to contact his company right this minute and tell them to sack that m****rf****r, and when they ask why, i'm going to say because PJSki, and tuxpoo, said he gave me duff information...and when they say "oh right, and who are pjski and tuxpoo?" i can say "oh they're two guys off snowheads who said he is wrong!".....ok, so now are you happy?..........p.s. here's how it went there's me and my mates and our guide on the chairlift and i happen to say i need a transceiver for next a mate pipes up and mentions the s1 and our guide says "you guys would be better off with something a little less complicated than the s1"....and because of those 15 liddle ol' words, i'm getting all this earache and a guide is going to be sacked...... happy xmas....

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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Here's the youtube demo video:

Is there anyone who, having seen that, would claim that the S1 is more complicated to use than the M2?
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 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
snowpatrol, so you admit he was wrong. Good, we got there in the end.
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PJSki, my guide...............

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Ski the Net with snowHeads
snowpatrol wrote:
PJSki, my guide...............

...was wrong.

Well done, you have taken a big step.
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snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
anyway we all know that cords are by far the best method for being discovered. Razz
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And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
PJSki, phoned that company......once i mentioned your name, he was a dead duck.....that guide will never work in the ski industry again.....**** him and his wife and kids.....

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So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
snowpatrol wrote:
PJSki, phoned that company......once i mentioned your name, he was a dead duck.....that guide will never work in the ski industry again.....**** him and his wife and kids.....


Let us know how you get on with the M2. If you and your bird are skiing off-piste on your own, it will give you almost no protection, if it's down to either of you to conduct a rescue on the other, until you have had many hours of practice.

But what do I know? I'm just some bloke in a chat forum. Toofy Grin
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 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
PJSki, well done, you have taken a big step........

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 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
snowpatrol, the M2 not only sucks - it makes you look as though you have been loaned it by the SCGB. Not sure I have seen anyone use one in any other circumstance.

Good luck with that old chap...

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 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
stoatsbrother, i'll decide on whether it sucks or not.....old chap....

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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
snowpatrol wrote:
PJSki, well done, you have taken a big step........


By the way, rosewood, pine, teak?
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
PJSki, Laughing ...what are you now, a ****ing undertaker....

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You need to Login to know who's really who.
snowpatrol, he's actually a bloke who has had to show a lot of muppets how to use M2s...

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Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
stoatsbrother, oh please ask him to forgive my sorry little a$$ you think he will?

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You'll need to Register first of course.
snowpatrol wrote:
stoatsbrother, oh please ask him to forgive my sorry little a$$ you think he will?


You're forgiven, my son. BTW, granite, marble, limestone? Laughing
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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
so how long has the s1 been operational, as last year it was sh*te by all accounts. I believe this is its second year isn`t it? It was meant to pinpoint depth too wasnt it.

Enjoy them anyone thats gottem. Hopefully none of us will actually have to use`em.
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 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
kill_reign, I haven't a clue as to when the S1 was shait, or what it was supposed to do. All I know, having tried all the triple antenna next gen transceivers, is that the S1 is by far the best in terms of ease of use, especially for novice users.
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
S1s been out for a while as I've had a V2.0 S1 for 2 years! and the V1 was out for at least 2 years before that. V2 changed the button layout, made it easier to open and decreased its susceptability to external electrical interferance

I have used, F1, M2, Patroller, Tracker, Pulse, DSP, Lots of old Pieps analogues. I have owned several Pieps analogues, F1, Tracker. Currently own S1

As far as I'm concerned there is one hands down winner for ease of use, simplicity and ability to chuck it to a friend that has never used one before and comfortably expect him to be able to find me (fingers crossed he can probe and dig) and thats the S1, I'll take the Tracker as number 2 for me. Worst I've used was the M2, I preferred my old yellow pieps analogue which was simpler, both required brain power and a lot of practice to get good
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That is the grey and blue one that flips open and looks like somehting out of star trek, I`m not mistaken am i?
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