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4 year old ski lesson question

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
@sarah, my daughter asked to go down to improvers when we went at Easter, despite being her fourth week on ski's, 8yrs old and going regularly to the dry ski slope lessons, because the pace of the intermediates was faster than she was comfortable with. The improvers were doing black runs in St Anton for the last couple of days.
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
@NickyJ, Stu330's son is not a beginner, he can ski a blue slope in control, so why should he be held back in a 'beginner' group just because of the age profiling of Esprit's standard group set up. Not sure your daughter's experience is that relevant, all kids are different and you have previously mentioned she is cautious. Really, really depends on the child. Some kids ski multiple weeks a year as well as at home. Some kids are much better than kids many years their senior. As an instructor and parent I would not put a child who is clearly not a beginner into a beginner group just because he is a bit younger than the others.
ski holidays
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
@sarah, part of the problem is that in St Anton they don't have an advanced option and I believe that on our occasion the group was dominated by children that would have been in an advanced group of one were running.... However my point is that the improvers was also at auite a high level, but also that they can be moved between them in resort even on a school holiday week.

Agree that they should go for Beginners (not spritelets) provided he is there he shouldn't have trouble moving up IF it is really appropriate (however switching from spritelets to beginners or beginners to spritelets will be as they are on at different times due to the way they run the groups etc)
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
The first year my son went to Val d'Isere he was 6.5 years old. He'd only been skiing for a year but was in Intermediates due to spending a lot of time on the dry slope at Hillend. I was a bit nervous as to how he would fair so on the first morning I shadowed the class. I quickly saw he was in the most appropriate group and thoroughly enjoying himself so I was very comfortable. I think my presence was reassuring for him on the first day as he didn't know any of the other kids; some of who had siblings in the group. I shadowed again for a while on Day 2 but by that time he'd made friends and was busy chatting away so I disappeared off to have some fun myself.

My advice would be to shadow on at least the first day and see how it goes from there.
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