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Les Deux Alpes - Winter 2008-2009

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Well it just shows how looks can be deceptive eh? Those last two photos make it look fab weather!

Basic question - can someone tell me the Marche U's weekend opening hours please? Just wondering if we are likely to arrive before it closes on Sat or whether someone's going to be going out early Sunday for basics. Also, anyone know if they sell porridge oats - proper oats not that Ready Brek stuff - & granulated/powder sweetener? (my staple breakfast stuff)? A friend told me the French aren't into porridge at all & thinks I won't find it there.
snow report
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
pam w,The toothbrush had gone today, obviously the owner had stopped camping at the bottom of the lift!

adamtheyido, glad you had a good time. Very Happy

I'm afraid the photo I took today hasn't come out for some reason, so sorry about that. It ws much more pleasant as the wind had dropped and thus, although cold, being sunny it felt OK. I still had 3 pairs of trousers on though! Laughing Snow was very good everywhere, Cretes was waaayyyyy better than I expected after the wind - quite soft on top, and skiing down l'Y with my final student of the day was just lovely - nearly as nice as the run I had with Lampbus a couple of years ago. Very Happy
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Butterfly, sunshine isn't the only story! Marche U does sell oats (flocons d'avoine) and are open until 21.00 on Sat evenings. Normally 08.30 - 20.00 every day. I think they sell powdered sweetner too, but wouldn't like to swear to it. True that the french aren't into porridge, but lots of tourists are! Laughing
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
easiski, thanks snowHead
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Again it was cold but sunny all day. There was some wind (very chilly) higher up but below 2,600m it was fine. I got around the mountain a fair bit today for a change and skied down from the glacier, Cretes, Top of Thuit, bottom of Valentin and Grande Pente. Everywhere had really nice snow. A few little ripples on the Pente of course, but not much yet - packed powder - yum! Very Happy
Pic is looking out of the Jandri express into the top of the off piste part of the Gours or hidden valley.
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You'll need to Register first of course.
Today was ....... cold (what's new?), but cloudier than the last couple of days. Also the wind had got up nastily this morning when I took this pic looking south from the Patache terrace at the Cretes.

I skied the combe du Thuit twice and down the Grande Pente at the end of the day - really lovely snow. Very Happy Hopefully the promised rise in temps at the end of the week will happen.
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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
We had a very nice day today, but the wind was apparently quite strong high up early. By the time we went up tot he top of the Bellecombe it was OK though. Wall to wall sunshine. Very Happy

skied Bellecombe (great snow - when not?), Cretes, and Gours. All were good, but later I was skiing down int he village and was disappointed to find a good few scraped patches of quite hard snow - must just be all the people. Sad

Pic didn't turn out all that well I'm afraid - it's looking up towards the glacier from the top of Bellecombe chair.
snow conditions
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
Went over to La Grave today, drove rather than taking the link. All you need to do is go to the pass office at the telephrique and show them your L2A pass (6 day or longer) and they'll give you a La Grave day pass. Couldn't be simpler. This is not valid weekends and public holidays.

Snow was good although tracked not too bumpy apart from the obvious places, did Chancel for the first time, the difficulties for boarders on the traverse are well over stated, in fact IMO it's easier than the one from Vallons and I'm goofy.
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
Swirly, good to hear - so as far as LG is concerned it's business as usual! Very Happy Sounds excellent. Several peeps are coming next week who want to go there.
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 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
easiski wrote:
We had a very nice day today, but the wind was apparently quite strong high up early. By the time we went up tot he top of the Bellecombe it was OK though. Wall to wall sunshine. Very Happy
Sounds good!
Pic didn't turn out all that well I'm afraid - it's looking up towards the glacier from the top of Bellecombe chair.
Sunshine, blue ski, people enjoying snow - makes a good enough pic for me!
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 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
Once again it was sunny and cold, with a fairly nasty Northerly wind anywhere above about 2,400m. Sad I was up to the glacier and it was brassic. Snow was good on Mura, Jandri, Toura, Grand Creux, and Cretes. OK on Gours and a bit hardpacked right up at the glacier - ditto low down. The bottom part of Posettes was OK, but is effectively a piste now complete with morons. Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

there have been a lot of young adults or big teenagers around this week, and the mornings have been very nice and quiet Laughing but the afternoons have been another matter - worth the helmet and armour, even though I haven't been thumped yet. rolling eyes

Pic taken from the waterfall on Gours looking across to the ADH side. The bottom of the Fee lift is in the middle of the pic.
snow report
 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
Lovely day today and deffo warmer Very Happy Very Happy Once again blue skies. It was still cold, but the wind had dropped to almost nothing so the glacier was the place to go. Very Happy Pic looking down to the resto from the top of dome.

I also skied Breche, Grand Nord, Signal, l'envers du Signal, Canyons, Jandri, Goulet du Grand Nord and Cretes + Grande Pente on the way home. Although there was some harder snow around, it was generally very good throughout. Very Happy Oh yes and a couple of saunters down the easy bit of the Echines (windblown but hard crust sustrugi). Very Happy

thank god! Finally a day that wasn't freezing.
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 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
easiski wrote:
Lovely day today and deffo warmer Very Happy Very Happy
Good to hear!!

.... windblown but hard crust sustrugi... Very Happy

New word on me, and one the online dictionary didn't know Shocked . However a bit of Googling suggests it is

- snow that looks like sanddunes with ridge patterns caused by wind
- hard to walk on as you never know whether the next step will be hard or whether you'll sink in because it's blown over a footprint or other hole underneath.

Is that about right?
snow report
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
Butterfly, The Arctic explorers have to cope with a lot of that stuff... a devil to haul a sledge over.
ski holidays
 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
easiski, Hi - excellent reports & pics, reading them is next best thing to being there.
You've mentioned a couple of piste/route names that are unfamiliar to me: the Posettes and the Grande Pente - where are they exactly? I'd hate to think I've missed a good run or two.
snow report
 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
Snow Beard, Les Posettes is the off piste run than crosses between the legs of the Chemin des Demoiselles. La Grande Pente is the very large open slope across the face with a gap in the trees. It's where the ESF do their torchlit descent. Of course being off piste conditions can vary. At the moment all off piste areas are effectively pisted.
snow report
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Thanks easiski, I recall the Grande Pente now;
I've made a couple of cheeky shortcuts across the route of the Chemin to link with the Petite Aiguille before too, so it's good to learn the name of that slope.
Btw, just noticed we haven't got you in our guide to L2A [yet] - will rectify that asap! snowHead
snow report
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Just back from a week in L2A, what strange weather!! Good snow to start, then almost non-stop sun.
Apart from early in the week when it was -18 at 3400 and blowing a bit!
Easy to get calmer in bellecomes or fee or thuit valleys.
Queues 9.25-10.0 at the main lifts Jandri XP about 1/2 hr, but ok elsewhere.
(except petitte aguille which ws often bad cos of dutch tour busses especially)

Strange on Friday my last day when I got my son up (ill most week) to 3200 and found the furnicular closed, very calm and warm so not sure why.

Bensbus was interesting- tell you later.
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
wjohnm, Yes - toomuch wind and too cold for me, but no choice. I also found the train closed - no idea why - no time to find out! It was open later though. Actually it wasn't really warm, just by comparison!!

Snow Beard, Les Posettes used to be on the piste map in days of yore as a red, but it's not even marked as an itinerary now. I suspect one too many people landed on unfortunate beginners coming onto the path ... Shocked Grande Pente ditto - it used to be marked as a black itinerary - can't imagine why it no longer is. What guide?

today was much warmer, but I'm told it was deffo breezy high up. I was only on the Cretes, so it was positively hot there. It must have nearly reached freezing. Shocked In fact it was +5 deg on my balcony when I got home. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Cretes snow top and bottom was good. Home via GP where the snow is still pretty good but the moguls are getting bigger.

Phone wouldn't play for photo earlier so I just took the pretty view from my balcony after I'd got it going again. Catkins on the willow tree already. Very Happy
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 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Thanks again easiski

Re guidebook: the press department of Les 2 Alpes tourist office have a link to the preview e-book edition on their webpage (; I've added you to the page covering the ski schools.
If you get a chance to read it after its fully published at the end of the month, do let me know if you spot any inaccuracies.

Agree re the Grande Pente, maybe it's so the resort can reintroduce it as a 'new' route (again) for marketing purposes at some point.
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
Snow Beard, What marketing?? Shocked They deffo wouldn't have such a devious idea, because the marketing here is non-existant! I'l have to remember to ask one day. Anyway, the fewer peeps who ski it the better for the rest of us (although it is in full view).
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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Got back yesterday from a week in LDA. Had a great time freezed up the top some days but as easiski says it was nice up there friday when we went up! Had some great fun on the airbag friday afternoon! Was very happy when i discovered it was possible to ski right back to the boot room door of our chalet via of piste on the "other side" of the skiing! Took part in the Skiworld "organised descent" aka race which started at the top of the T-Bar on the Glacier and down to Mont De Lans via the Blue Jandri, petit Thuit, valentin, village green run and mont de lans runs. Happy to say i won the race beating one of the chalet hosts who was expected to win by 1m43secs (he did fall on the valentin) and recorded a time of 13mins15secs! Very Happy

Was good to meet easiski who worked wonders with my 8 year old brother throughout the week!

Really enjoyed the area just missed the lack of trees!
snow report
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
For any going out to L2A, would recommend Noel Sports for skis/boots. (found and booked thro
You can leave skis overnight and only 5 min walk to Jandri lifts.
Tho you can get ski lockers nearer for 25E/wk for 3 sets we later found out.

Picture of top of signal mid week. Snow a bit hard as wind blew any loose snow off.
if I can figure out how

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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
I didn't go very far today, and it was very windy closing the glacier, and I think everything above 2,900m. It was OK although not great on the Cretes, the snow was fine and it was much warmer but very cloudy all day. I skied down by the GP (where else?) and the snow had been soft and was starting to freeze on the top flatter bit, and then quite soft and mushy (as opposed to slushy) lower down. I wuite enjoyed it, but I suspect it will be nasty tomorrow morning. Sad

My phone would not take a photo again (but neither would my student's) too cold I think. I got a moody one from the balcony on the camera when I got home. Very Happy
ski holidays
 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
We had a rather odd day today. It was clear and sunny in the morning, and very warm in the village - hat & gloves off! Shocked However a breeze at the Cretes (higher wind at altitude, but the 2nd leg of the Jandri Express was working today), made it very pleasant but still cold - I thought ..... then it clouded over about 14.30, the north wind got up and the temp dropped about 15 degs in 30 secs (well - it seemed like that)... bbbbrrrrrrraaaaasssssiiiiccc. Sad Light went, Face was frozen ruts, so idiot me decided to toddle down the Chemin des Demoiselles Shocked ... not my best idea ever. I did take les Posettes top bit to avoid what I could, but it was not nice, Valentin was packed with morons, so the rest of the Chemin was endured. rolling eyes

Having said all that, the snow on the Cretes was fine, nursery slopes were hard, Top of the Thuyt very good and the little gully on the right of the lower part of the Thuit had lovely packed powder. I rode a chairlift with Damian Albert who said the condition in Diversoir was good. Oh yes - and I finally managed to make on of my cameras take a photo Very Happy Quick one looking up the Cretes from the restaurant terrace.
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 snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
snowHeads are a friendly bunch.
easiski, Nice pics.

Just booked Tunnel for Easter hols Very Happy Very Happy
6 weeks to go Very Happy Very Happy
ski holidays
 And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
And love to help out and answer questions and of course, read each other's snow reports.
R32, How's the knee?
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 So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
So if you're just off somewhere snowy come back and post a snow report of your own and we'll all love you very much
As sunknee as your photo, hopefully! (sorry)
snow conditions
 You know it makes sense.
You know it makes sense.
It was much warmer today, and although the wind was high in the morning it did drop a lot by the afternoon. I went up to Toura and then back down. Unfortunately the whole place was overpopulated with complete morons trying to knock everyone flying out of their way. Shocked These started at about 5 years of age and went up.

the snow was fine at the 2,600 level but is really quite hard down in the village now, and getting harder on the Cretes daily. There wasn't any even vaguely slushy snow until right at the roadside.

It's really busy this week - obviously all the french were waiting until after the rest had gone home - oh boy - helmet coming back out tomorrow! Shocked

the pic is looking down at the town from the first bend of the Chemin des Demoiselles, which I always think is a very nice view. Camera again today - phone still refusing.
snow conditions
 Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
Otherwise you'll just go on seeing the one name:
David Goldsmith, Laughing rolling eyes

easiski, Knee feels okay considering how bad it was last weekend! Can walk now, just hurts when I try to twist or bend it fully Sad
Thanks for teaching me to ski on one leg....came in very handy Very Happy
snow report
 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
easiski, we went up Toura the other day but to avoid the idiots carried on to St Christophe and very good it was too. NIce view of your house heading back up the gondola. It does seem busier this week than last though.
snow conditions
 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Swirly, I've never done that route to St Christophe - Looks scary at the start! Shocked Is it true that there's a very exposed traverse at one point? I can't get any sense about it from my french pals.
ski holidays
 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
today was really fabulous, and if the snow had been softer all over the resort it would have been perfect. Very Happy It was cold, but the wind had dropped and the sun shone all day. Unfortunately there are now quite extensive hard patches all over the mountain including on the glacier (although not on Signal). I wouldn't go so far as to call it hardpack yet, but it's getting close. Certainly the novice skiers are starting to complain about 'icy'.

I was all over the mountain and it was fine, but busy. I took care to avoid going high in the afternoon so we didn't get in the sort of crush we did yesterday, and at lunchtime it was OK. there are still far too many people skiing stupidly fast though. Sad

Pic is looking up at the Diable just as I got home - neither machine playing while up there - still too cold. Sad
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
easiski, nothing seemed too exposed. We actually started from the Lac Noir lift but dropped onto the Toura route originally we thought the Lac Noir route finding looked easier but having done Toura the alternative looks pretty scary. There was one longish traverse above a cliff but the cliff stopped fairly quickly and although there were rocks below it didn't feel too dodgy. The start we did was a bit steeper but no cornice and less tracked. We're thinking of doing it again tomorrow (well we kind of have to Scottish Skier's car is back in Saint Christophe, we've been shuttling the two cars between there and the gondola all week). Did the run down the back of the Dome du Lauze to St Christophe via the Vallon de la Selle today, fantastic snow with a pretty much untracked line available for all the downhill, left the camera at home though as I knew I'd be snowshoeing out the bottom, wasn't as bad as I was expecting think it took three of us just under 2 1/2 hrs from the top to the bar (would have been much faster without me walking).

P.S. we went to Grand Serre and didn't have to pay for the lifts.
ski holidays
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Swirly, Thanks for letting me know about that (AGS) - I'll have to have words with the DAL. I've done St Christophe from the Lauze and LG - loved the Vallons. Gave Damian Albert's number to some peeps who said they were interested in off piste this week, but he says they haven't phoned! At least you're getting away from the hoards - roll on the end of the Paris hols at the weekend! Very Happy
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
Swirly, that's odd, because I rang the service commercial at Grand Serre and was told that the 2Alpes pass didn't give access to the resort this year. Clearly I will have to go and have a look.
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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
Lovely and sunny most of the day. Positively hot int he village and pleasant at Cretes level. However it was windy higher up. I believe it was all open though, and the melt allowed the face off piste runs to be skied happily again. GP was still quite firm at 13.00 but Paul McK said Posettes was lovely later inthe afternoon. Very Happy

Pretty pic of frozen waterfalls etc at the bottom of the combe du Thuit
snow conditions
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
Lizzard, they were pretty unsure at the pass office but in the end they told us to try the lift and it let us through.

Headed back to St Christophe via the Toura route (dropping off Lac Noir again though), we were probably a bit early for the start, atm it seems best to start SE aspects at 11, S at 12 and SW at 1. The proper start to this run is much more southerly facing than the way we've been doing. Still good snow all the way to St Christophe although a bit of grass riding was the order for the last 100m or so into the town. Managed to hit the back of the bar again Embarassed

Been pretty windy even low down today, was slightly worried for my board in the red eggs.
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You'll get to see more forums and be part of the best ski club on the net.
Swirly, marvellous, I will get over there next time it snows.

easiski, don't go and complain to the DAL until after I've been - don't want them reprogrammig the system before I get there!
snow report
 Ski the Net with snowHeads
Ski the Net with snowHeads
Lovely warm day today with the exception of a really high wind at altitude - ugh! Snow warm and slightly mushy low down but very pleasant. I only skied Cretes and Demoiselles so I can't postulate about the other runs. Pic is from the first bend of the Demoiselles looking up towards Cretes and Rachas behind it.
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