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A snowHead
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Location: snowHeadLand
Name:-Simon Turner (Edit Jan 2008)
Age:-32(Bugg#r,now 36)
Weight:- Was over 14 stone,but stress with Nipper & work reduced me to 13stone ish.Whatever that is in Kgs,god only knows!
Height:-5' 10"
Occupation:-BT (Sorry Openreach!)Engineer
Started Riding:-1997 ( Christchurch Dry Slope)
Time Riding:-65 Days Snow (A Few more now,er say95+as been on dry slope for over a month now twice a week (Warmwell Leisure Centre-SnowFlex Slope).
Other Sports/Interests:-Wakeboard/Jet Ski(Solo) & Pyro Technician (& Blade(Ski),but don't tell anyone!)
2004 Holiday:-La Plagne (Been) & Planning Another in March (Saalbach-With Snowhead Members)
2005 Holiday:-Alpey D(Feb) & Then Val Thorens in April.
2006 Holiday:-Schladming(With Snowheadies Again) & a late one in March to La Plagne.
2007 Holiday:-Les Arcs
2008 :-Alp D Huez-Oz de Oisans
2009 :-Year off due to kids
2010 :-Year off due to kids
2011 :-Flaine-- 2 year break/Kids/getting old takes it toll........
2012 :-Val D/Tignes on 1 trip & 3 Valleys & La Plagne/Tigne on trip 2,watched X games,bloody hell !

Boards :-K2 Electra (153 & 157-Amazing Board) & K2 Recon Riser 161.
Bindings:-Was using old Santa Cruz Bindings now on Burton Cartels-Sweet,Comfy & Supportive.Aggresive High back takes some getting used to.
Boots:-Airwalk Buttes(1998) very comfy just got a little sloppy (Heel Lift) with age.Now on Van Fargo Boa's.-The Dogs wassichops!Nice boot, though only gets comfy when warmed up).Boa system-Couldn't live without it.
Goals:-Get replacement non aching Body on NHS,& Trying to start every days riding without a hangover.........
Thats it for now.HappyXmas& New Year ,Oh & Happy Riding.
Jesus,over 4 years since last update,kids up everything!
Still same eqmt,though very worn now & i have to spend some dosh,looking at either K2 Turbo Dream (Flat rockery thing.......god things move on) or Slayblade.
New Boots required as the soles are falling off,crap bio degradeable glue to blame say Vans.Still lasted well really.

Whats Said In The Tub,Stays in the Tub.

Last edited by A snowHead on Thu 19-04-12 23:34; edited 8 times in total
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