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A snowHead
(Who has registered and logged into)
Location: snowHeadLand
Name : kim
Age : 39
Weight : its a secret
Height : 5'4"
Equipment : sapient saolstice 155, nitro fate 156, flow amp 9's, 32 leashed boots
Experience : learnt to snowboard in jan 2000, started skiing at age 8 hadn't done it since age 10 but found out this season i can still do it!
Competence :great off piste rider, hate busy piste riding
Resorts Visited : andora, les 2 alpes, alpe d'huez, puy st vincent, creveax, lake louise, but the best is Serre Chevalier
Favourite Run/Moment : trees with thick pow, infact anything with thick pow
This season : rocked big style Serre che was awesome for a first full season
Goals : ride till i die

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