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Roof box recommendations

 Poster: A snowHead
Poster: A snowHead
The original Audi TT was a bit unstable at high speed due to lift and had to be recalled for modifications.
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 Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person
Obviously A snowHead isn't a real person

That's part of the design.

You should mention that to those you inevitably see with a homebrew top box made out of ply and quarter-angle...

or the guy in the Disco-2, with double boxes on the roof.
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 Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
I`ve seen roof boxes on back to front before now!!

Interesting to note on mine, was the build up of insects on the roof bars under the box, and nothing on the front of the box.
Looking at the roof angle and box, was curious if there was a low pressure area over the rear of the roof under the box; but not that interested that I was going to try and put pressure taps on it.
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You need to Login to know who's really who.
Here in Norway, NAF (the Norwegian AA/RAC) crush test ski/roof boxes every few year. Test are done at only 30km/h (19mph) and 40km/h (25mph) with some disappointing results. Just imagine what would happen at 80km/h or 110km/h.

Top rated 2021:

Top rated 2019:

Top rated 2016:

Bottom rated 2021:

Bottom rated 2019:

Bottom rated 2016:

Jameswp wrote:
I`ve seen roof boxes on back to front before now!!

Yes, the Calix Aero Loader
ski holidays
 Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
Anyway, snowHeads is much more fun if you do.
@Spoon, thanks - that's very informative and slightly worrying! I take some comfort from the fact that I pack lots of soft stuff into the front of mine, with the skis towards the back, so they can't punch their way out so easily.

In conjunction with your example of the Calix roofbox, the crash testing suggests that roofboxes, far from being deeply scientific and designed around precise requirements and aerodynamics of individual cars, are largely just cheap plastic boxes with bolt holes for roof bars Happy
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 You'll need to Register first of course.
You'll need to Register first of course.
If I was involved in a 12G deceleration impact, the last thing on my mind would be whether my skis managed to break out of the roof box or the roof box was destroyed. That sort of impact will write off the car, and could cause serious injuries to the passengers. Note though that their tests were using a solid block as the target of the impact, so unless you run into a wall or bridge parapet the impact forces would be lower.

Still better than having them inside the car, and more so if they're not tied down.
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Then you can post your own questions or snow reports...
The concern should be over the damage your skis might do to the occupants of the car in front, or if the skis from the car behind come through your vehicle at about head height. Shock
ski holidays
 After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
After all it is free Go on u know u want to!
@ecureuil, in order to be in any danger of being hit by flying skis from the car behind, that would have to be the car which had just hit mine with 12G of force. Again, not a particularly high candidate on my list of worries at that point, and in any case the only way they're coming through my vehicle at head height is if they've bounced off the ground and are on their way back up, since they started above the roof line and although they would be on their way down, if they were unconstrained then they're more likely to bounce along or clear the roof of my car before hitting the one in front.

Plus even though some of the tests above show the boxes failing to contain the load, that only means that the load doesn't stay wholly within the box - none of them have unrestrained skis flying out to decapitate passing victims. At most, it showed about 30 cm of ski poking out of the front, and not from smashing through the box, but from the box deforming momentarily and the skis making it partway through the gap before the rigid plastic pinned them in place again. My skis are strapped down in the base of the box behind a bulkhead and below the waistline of the box, and the box is not attached to the roof bars by bungy straps unlike what appears to be the case in those videos.
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