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Camox birdie + Marker Baron
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A snowHead
A snowHead
I'm looking to buy a new pair of skis for my wife. She is an expert snowboarder and a strong intermediate skier. We mostly ski resort but I just bought a pair of qst99+shift binding and I'm planning on doing a few one day tours this winter. She is a bit lazier and will probably come with me only a few times and, considering that, I'm thinking of buying some more versatile bindings. I know she wants the Black Crows Camox Birdie ski, which I found on a sale at 370eur, and on the same website, I found a pair of 2017 Marker Baron -50% (about 180eur). So...the question is, are Marker Baron good enough for piste skiing, considering we will probably do that 90% of the time, ar do the extra hight and mobile parts get in the way?
A snowHead
isn't a real person
A snowHead
isn't a real person
Fine for piste skiing effectively they are just a Marker Griffon on a riser.Weight and ramp might be a bit of a ballache.
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
Well, the person's real but it's just a made up name, see?
They should be fine, that's about my usage profile in recent years, most all lift served on&off with very occasional skinning. I never found the little extra height underfoot very noticeable (but maybe you should not mention it in first place
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to know who's really who.
Baron is heavier than a heavy thing on a heavy day. At 1355g it's over 400g heavier than a Griffon which in turn is nearly 100g heavier than a Squire. A Camox Birdie in 165 only weighs 1650g so that's a bit of a mismatch, especially given its added lift. Barons/Griffons are also a pain to click in to especially if she's lightweight with a short bsl. If she needs a skinning mode then go F12 Tour. Don't be cheap, get her some decent kit - especially when you already have a natty set-up.
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